PinchEvent QML Type

For specifying information about a pinch event. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick



The PinchEvent type was added in QtQuick 1.1

The center , startCenter , previousCenter properties provide the center position between the two touch points.

The scale and previousScale properties provide the scale factor.

The angle , previousAngle and rotation properties provide the angle between the two points and the amount of rotation.

The point1 , point2 , startPoint1 , startPoint2 properties provide the positions of the touch points.

The accepted property may be set to false in the onPinchStarted handler if the gesture should not be handled.

另请参阅 PinchArea .


[read-only] center : QPointF

[read-only] previousCenter : QPointF

[read-only] startCenter : QPointF

These properties hold the position of the center point between the two touch points.

  • center is the current center point
  • previousCenter is the center point of the previous event.
  • startCenter is the center point when the gesture began

[read-only] previousScale : real

[read-only] scale : real

These properties hold the scale factor determined by the change in distance between the two touch points.

When a pinch gesture is started, the scale is 1.0 .

[read-only] angle : real

[read-only] previousAngle : real

[read-only] rotation : real

These properties hold the angle between the two touch points.

When a pinch gesture is started, the rotation is 0.0 .

[read-only] point1 : QPointF

[read-only] point2 : QPointF

[read-only] startPoint1 : QPointF

[read-only] startPoint2 : QPointF

These properties provide the actual touch points generating the pinch.

accepted : bool

Setting this property to false in the PinchArea::onPinchStarted handler will result in no further pinch events being generated, and the gesture ignored.

[read-only] pointCount : int

Holds the number of points currently touched. The PinchArea will not react until two touch points have initited a gesture, but will remain active until all touch points have been released.
