Entity QML Type

Entity is a Node subclass that can aggregate several Component3D instances that will specify its behavior. 更多...

导入语句: import Qt3D.Core 2.6
实例化: QEntity



Camera , EntityLoader , FirstPersonCameraController , LevelOfDetailLoader ,和 OrbitCameraController



By itself a Entity is an empty shell. The behavior of a Entity object is defined by the Component3D objects it references. Each Qt3D backend aspect will be able to interpret and process an Entity by recognizing which components it is made up of. One aspect may decide to only process entities composed of a single Transform component whilst another may focus on MouseHandler .

另请参阅 Qt3D.Core::Component3D and Qt3D.Core::Transform .


[read-only] components : list < Component3D >

Holds the list of Component3D instances, which define the behavior of the entity.