QFontMetricsF 类

QFontMetricsF 类提供字体规格信息。 更多...

头: #include <QFontMetricsF>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Gui)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Gui)
qmake: QT += gui

注意: 此类的所有函数 可重入 .


QFontMetricsF (const QFont & font )
QFontMetricsF (const QFont & font , const QPaintDevice * paintdevice )
QFontMetricsF (const QFontMetrics & fontMetrics )
QFontMetricsF (const QFontMetricsF & fm )
~QFontMetricsF ()
qreal ascent () const
qreal averageCharWidth () const
QRectF boundingRect (const QString & text ) const
QRectF boundingRect (const QString & text , const QTextOption & option ) const
QRectF boundingRect (QChar ch ) const
QRectF boundingRect (const QRectF & rect , int flags , const QString & text , int tabStops = 0, int * tabArray = nullptr) const
qreal capHeight () const
qreal descent () const
QString elidedText (const QString & text , Qt::TextElideMode mode , qreal width , int flags = 0) const
qreal fontDpi () const
qreal height () const
qreal horizontalAdvance (const QString & text , int length = -1) const
qreal horizontalAdvance (QChar ch ) const
qreal horizontalAdvance (const QString & text , const QTextOption & option ) const
bool inFont (QChar ch ) const
bool inFontUcs4 (uint ch ) const
qreal leading () const
qreal leftBearing (QChar ch ) const
qreal lineSpacing () const
qreal lineWidth () const
qreal maxWidth () const
qreal minLeftBearing () const
qreal minRightBearing () const
qreal overlinePos () const
qreal rightBearing (QChar ch ) const
QSizeF size (int flags , const QString & text , int tabStops = 0, int * tabArray = nullptr) const
qreal strikeOutPos () const
void swap (QFontMetricsF & other )
QRectF tightBoundingRect (const QString & text ) const
QRectF tightBoundingRect (const QString & text , const QTextOption & option ) const
qreal underlinePos () const
qreal xHeight () const
bool operator!= (const QFontMetricsF & other ) const
QFontMetricsF & operator= (const QFontMetricsF & fm )
QFontMetricsF & operator= (const QFontMetrics & other )
QFontMetricsF & operator= (QFontMetricsF && other )
bool operator== (const QFontMetricsF & other ) const


QFontMetricsF functions calculate the size of characters and strings for a given font. You can construct a QFontMetricsF object with an existing QFont 以获得该字体的规格。若稍后更改字体,字体规对象 not 更新。


有运转于字体的几个函数: ascent (), descent (), height (), leading () 和 lineSpacing () 返回字体的基本大小特性。 underlinePos (), overlinePos (), strikeOutPos () 和 lineWidth () 函数,返回下划线、上划线或删除线字符的行属性。这些函数都很快。

还有运转于字体字形集的一些函数: minLeftBearing (), minRightBearing () 和 maxWidth ()。这些必然很慢,且推荐避免使用它们,若可能的话。

对于各字符,可以获取其 horizontalAdvance (), leftBearing (),和 rightBearing (),和找出它是否在字体中是使用 inFont ()。也可以将字符视为字符串,并对它使用字符串函数。

字符串函数包括 horizontalAdvance () 返回字符串的宽度以像素 (或点,对于描绘器) 为单位, boundingRect () 返回包含渲染字符串的足够大矩形,和 size () 返回该矩形的大小。


QFont font("times", 24);
QFontMetricsF fm(font);
qreal pixelsWide = fm.horizontalAdvance("What's the advance width of this text?");
qreal pixelsHigh = fm.height();

另请参阅 QFont , QFontInfo ,和 QFontDatabase .


[explicit] QFontMetricsF:: QFontMetricsF (const QFont & font )

构造字体规格对象为 font .

字体规格将兼容的描绘设备用于创建 font .

The font metrics object holds the information for the font that is passed in the constructor at the time it is created, and is not updated if the font's attributes are changed later.

Use QFontMetricsF(const QFont &, QPaintDevice *) to get the font metrics that are compatible with a certain paint device.

QFontMetricsF:: QFontMetricsF (const QFont & font , const QPaintDevice * paintdevice )

构造字体规格对象为 font and paintdevice .

字体规格将兼容传递 paintdevice。若 paintdevice is nullptr , the metrics will be screen-compatible, ie. the metrics you get if you use the font for drawing text on a widgets or pixmaps , not on a QPicture or QPrinter .

The font metrics object holds the information for the font that is passed in the constructor at the time it is created, and is not updated if the font's attributes are changed later.

QFontMetricsF:: QFontMetricsF (const QFontMetrics & fontMetrics )

Constructs a font metrics object with floating point precision from the given fontMetrics 对象。

QFontMetricsF:: QFontMetricsF (const QFontMetricsF & fm )

构造副本为 fm .

[noexcept] QFontMetricsF:: ~QFontMetricsF ()


qreal QFontMetricsF:: ascent () const


字体的上升是从基线到字符最高位置的延伸距离。在实践中,一些字体设计者打破了此规则,如:在字符顶部放置多个重音 (或为容纳某个字符),所以此值很小是可能的 (尽管罕见)。

另请参阅 descent ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: averageCharWidth () const


QRectF QFontMetricsF:: boundingRect (const QString & text ) const

返回字符串中字符的边界矩形指定通过 text 。边界矩形始终至少覆盖文本将覆盖的像素集,若在 (0,0) 处绘制。

注意,边界矩形可以延伸到 (0, 0) 左侧 (如:斜体字体),且返回的矩形宽度可能不同于 horizontalAdvance () 方法返回的。

若想要知道字符串的推进宽度 (以将一组字符串彼此相邻布置),使用 horizontalAdvance () 代替。

换行符被处理成正常字符, not 作为换行。

The height of the bounding rectangle is at least as large as the value returned height ().

另请参阅 horizontalAdvance (), height (),和 QPainter::boundingRect ().

[since 6.3] QRectF QFontMetricsF:: boundingRect (const QString & text , const QTextOption & option ) const

返回字符串中字符的边界矩形指定通过 text 布置使用 option 。边界矩形始终至少覆盖文本将覆盖的像素集,若在 (0,0) 处绘制。

注意,边界矩形可以延伸到 (0, 0) 左侧 (如:斜体字体),且返回的矩形宽度可能不同于 horizontalAdvance () 方法返回的。

若想要知道字符串的推进宽度 (以将一组字符串彼此相邻布置),使用 horizontalAdvance () 代替。

换行符被处理成正常字符, not 作为换行。

The height of the bounding rectangle is at least as large as the value returned height ().

该函数在 Qt 6.3 引入。

另请参阅 horizontalAdvance (), height (),和 QPainter::boundingRect ().

QRectF QFontMetricsF:: boundingRect ( QChar ch ) const

返回边界矩形为字符 ch 相对于基线的最左侧点。

Note that the bounding rectangle may extend to the left of (0, 0), e.g. for italicized fonts, and that the text output may cover all pixels in the bounding rectangle.


另请参阅 horizontalAdvance ().

QRectF QFontMetricsF:: boundingRect (const QRectF & rect , int flags , const QString & text , int tabStops = 0, int * tabArray = nullptr) const


Returns the bounding rectangle of the characters in the given text . This is the set of pixels the text would cover if drawn when constrained to the bounding rectangle specified by rect 。若 rect is a reference to a nullptr object, e.g. when passing a default constructed QRectF , the bounding rectangle will not constrain itself to the size.

The flags 自变量是下列标志的按位 OR:

Qt::Horizontal 对齐默认为 Qt::AlignLeft 和垂直对齐默认为 Qt::AlignTop .

若有设置几个水平对齐标志 (或几个垂直对齐标志),结果对齐未定义。

这些标志的定义在 Qt::AlignmentFlag .

Qt::TextExpandTabs 有设置在 flags , the following behavior is used to interpret tab characters in the text:

  • tabArray is non-null, it specifies a 0-terminated sequence of pixel-positions for tabs in the text.
  • tabStops is non-zero, it is used as the tab spacing (in pixels).

Note that the bounding rectangle may extend to the left of (0, 0), e.g. for italicized fonts.

Newline characters are processed as line breaks.

Despite the different actual character heights, the heights of the bounding rectangles of "Yes" and "yes" are the same.

The bounding rectangle returned by this function is somewhat larger than that calculated by the simpler boundingRect() function. This function uses the maximum left and right font bearings as is necessary for multi-line text to align correctly. Also, fontHeight() and lineSpacing () are used to calculate the height, rather than individual character heights.

另请参阅 horizontalAdvance (), QPainter::boundingRect (),和 Qt::Alignment .

qreal QFontMetricsF:: capHeight () const


The cap height of a font is the height of a capital letter above the baseline. It specifically is the height of capital letters that are flat - such as H or I - as opposed to round letters such as O, or pointed letters like A, both of which may display overshoot.

另请参阅 ascent ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: descent () const


The descent is the distance from the base line to the lowest point characters extend to. (Note that this is different from X, which adds 1 pixel.) In practice, some font designers break this rule, e.g. to accommodate a certain character, so it is possible (though rare) that this value will be too small.

另请参阅 ascent ().

QString QFontMetricsF:: elidedText (const QString & text , Qt::TextElideMode mode , qreal width , int flags = 0) const

若字符串 text 宽于 width , returns an elided version of the string (i.e., a string with "..." in it). Otherwise, returns the original string.

The mode parameter specifies whether the text is elided on the left (for example, "...tech"), in the middle (for example, "Tr...ch"), or on the right (for example, "Trol...").

The width 以像素为单位指定,而不是字符。

The flags 自变量是可选的,且目前只支持 Qt::TextShowMnemonic 作为值。

省略标记遵循 layoutdirection 。例如,它在文本右侧对于从右到左布局若 mode is Qt::ElideLeft ,和在文本左侧若 mode is Qt::ElideRight .

qreal QFontMetricsF:: fontDpi () const

返回字体 DPI (每英寸点数)。

qreal QFontMetricsF:: height () const


这始终等于 ascent ()+ descent ().

另请参阅 leading () 和 lineSpacing ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: horizontalAdvance (const QString & text , int length = -1) const

返回横向推进 (以像素为单位) 为第一 length 字符的 text 。若 length is negative (the default), the entire string is used. The entire length of text is analysed even if length is substantially shorter.

推进是适合绘制后续字符的距离后于 text .

另请参阅 boundingRect ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: horizontalAdvance ( QChar ch ) const



返回横向推进为字符 ch 以像素为单位。这是适合绘制后续字符的距离后于 ch .

Some of the metrics are described in the image to the right. The central dark rectangles cover the logical horizontalAdvance() of each character. The outer pale rectangles cover the leftBearing () 和 rightBearing () of each character. Notice that the bearings of "f" in this particular font are both negative, while the bearings of "o" are both positive.

警告: This function will produce incorrect results for Arabic characters or non-spacing marks in the middle of a string, as the glyph shaping and positioning of marks that happens when processing strings cannot be taken into account. When implementing an interactive text control, use QTextLayout 代替。

另请参阅 boundingRect ().

[since 6.3] qreal QFontMetricsF:: horizontalAdvance (const QString & text , const QTextOption & option ) const

返回横向推进 (以像素为单位) 为 text 布置使用 option .

推进是适合绘制后续字符的距离后于 text .

该函数在 Qt 6.3 引入。

另请参阅 boundingRect ().

bool QFontMetricsF:: inFont ( QChar ch ) const

返回 true 若字符 ch 是字体中的有效字符;否则返回 false .

bool QFontMetricsF:: inFontUcs4 ( uint ch ) const

返回 true 若字符给出通过 ch ,按 UCS-4/UTF-32 编码,是字体中的有效字符;否则返回 false .

qreal QFontMetricsF:: leading () const



另请参阅 height () 和 lineSpacing ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: leftBearing ( QChar ch ) const

返回左倾角为字符 ch 按字体。

The left bearing is the right-ward distance of the left-most pixel of the character from the logical origin of the character. This value is negative if the pixels of the character extend to the left of the logical origin.

horizontalAdvance () 了解此指标的图形描述。

另请参阅 rightBearing (), minLeftBearing (),和 horizontalAdvance ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: lineSpacing () const


此值始终等于 leading ()+ height ().

另请参阅 height () 和 leading ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: lineWidth () const


另请参阅 underlinePos (), overlinePos (),和 strikeOutPos ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: maxWidth () const


qreal QFontMetricsF:: minLeftBearing () const


这是最小 leftBearing (字符) 对于字体中的所有字符。


另请参阅 minRightBearing () 和 leftBearing ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: minRightBearing () const


这是最小 rightBearing (字符) 对于字体中的所有字符。


另请参阅 minLeftBearing () 和 rightBearing ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: overlinePos () const


另请参阅 underlinePos (), strikeOutPos (),和 lineWidth ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: rightBearing ( QChar ch ) const

返回右倾角为字符 ch 按字体。

The right bearing is the left-ward distance of the right-most pixel of the character from the logical origin of a subsequent character. This value is negative if the pixels of the character extend to the right of the horizontalAdvance () of the character.

horizontalAdvance () 了解此指标的图形描述。

另请参阅 leftBearing (), minRightBearing (),和 horizontalAdvance ().

QSizeF QFontMetricsF:: size ( int flags , const QString & text , int tabStops = 0, int * tabArray = nullptr) const

返回字符大小 (以像素为单位) 按给定 text .

The flags 自变量是下列标志的按位 OR:

这些标志的定义在 Qt::TextFlag 枚举。

Qt::TextExpandTabs 有设置在 flags , the following behavior is used to interpret tab characters in the text:

  • tabArray is non-null, it specifies a 0-terminated sequence of pixel-positions for tabs in the text.
  • tabStops is non-zero, it is used as the tab spacing (in pixels).

Newline characters are processed as line breaks.

Note: Despite the different actual character heights, the heights of the bounding rectangles of "Yes" and "yes" are the same.

另请参阅 boundingRect ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: strikeOutPos () const


另请参阅 underlinePos (), overlinePos (),和 lineWidth ().

[noexcept] void QFontMetricsF:: swap ( QFontMetricsF & other )

交换此字体规格实例同 other 。此函数非常快且从不失败。

QRectF QFontMetricsF:: tightBoundingRect (const QString & text ) const

返回围绕字符串中字符的紧密边界矩形指定通过 text 。边界矩形始终至少覆盖文本将覆盖的像素集,若在 (0,0) 处绘制。

注意,边界矩形可以延伸到 (0, 0) 左侧 (如:斜体字体),且返回的矩形宽度可能不同于 horizontalAdvance () 方法返回的。

若想要知道字符串的推进宽度 (以将一组字符串彼此相邻布置),使用 horizontalAdvance () 代替。

换行符被处理成正常字符, not 作为换行。

另请参阅 horizontalAdvance (), height (),和 boundingRect ().

[since 6.3] QRectF QFontMetricsF:: tightBoundingRect (const QString & text , const QTextOption & option ) const

返回围绕字符串中字符的紧密边界矩形指定通过 text 布置使用 option . The bounding rectangle always covers at least the set of pixels the text would cover if drawn at (0,0).

注意,边界矩形可以延伸到 (0, 0) 左侧 (如:斜体字体),且返回的矩形宽度可能不同于 horizontalAdvance () 方法返回的。

若想要知道字符串的推进宽度 (以将一组字符串彼此相邻布置),使用 horizontalAdvance () 代替。

换行符被处理成正常字符, not 作为换行。

该函数在 Qt 6.3 引入。

另请参阅 horizontalAdvance (), height (),和 boundingRect ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: underlinePos () const


另请参阅 overlinePos (), strikeOutPos (),和 lineWidth ().

qreal QFontMetricsF:: xHeight () const

返回字体的 x 高度。这经常但并不总是与字符 x 的高度相同。

bool QFontMetricsF:: operator!= (const QFontMetricsF & other ) const


返回 true 若字体规格不等于 other 字体规格;否则返回 false .

另请参阅 operator== ().

QFontMetricsF &QFontMetricsF:: operator= (const QFontMetricsF & fm )

赋值字体规格 fm 给此字体规格对象。

QFontMetricsF &QFontMetricsF:: operator= (const QFontMetrics & other )

赋值 other 到此对象。

[noexcept] QFontMetricsF &QFontMetricsF:: operator= ( QFontMetricsF && other )

移动赋值 other 到此 QFontMetricsF 实例。

bool QFontMetricsF:: operator== (const QFontMetricsF & other ) const

返回 true 若字体规格等于 other 字体规格;否则返回 false .

认为 2 种字体规格相等,若它们构造自同一 QFont 且认为用于构造它们的描绘设备是兼容的。