Qt Quick 3D Physics QML Types

Qt Quick 3D Physics provides the following QML types:

QtQuick3D Physics QML Types

Import the QtQuick3D .Physics module with the following statement:

import QtQuick3D.Physics
BoxShape Defines a box collision shape
CapsuleShape Defines a pill-like shape
CharacterController Controls the motion of a character
CollisionShape Base type for collision shapes
ConvexMeshShape A convex collision shape based on a 3D mesh
DynamicRigidBody A physical body that can move or be moved
HeightFieldShape A collision shape where the elevation is defined by a height map
PhysicsBody Base type for all concrete physical bodies
PhysicsMaterial Defines the physics material of a body
PhysicsNode Base type for all objects in the physics scene
PhysicsWorld Controls the physics simulation
PlaneShape A collision shape that defines an infinite plane
SphereShape Defines a spherical collision shape
StaticRigidBody A physical body that does not move
TriangleMeshShape A collision shape based on a 3D mesh
TriggerBody Reports when objects enter a given volume