Qt Quick 3D - HelloCube 范例

演示如何在 Qt Quick 3D 中一起渲染 2D 和 3D 对象。

HelloCube demonstrates how to render a 3D cube with 2D items in Qt Quick 3D.

绘制 2D 项

我们设置整个场景在 main.qml 文件。

为能够使用类型在 QtQuick3D 模块,必须 import 它:

import QtQuick3D

定义简单 QtQuick Items with an Image and a Text on a Rectangle.

Image {
    anchors.fill: parent
    source: "qt_logo.png"
Text {
    anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
    anchors.left: parent.left
    color: "white"
    font.pixelSize: 17
    text: qsTr("The Future is Written with Qt")

This simple rectangle has two animations for flipping vertically.

transform: Rotation {
    id: rotation
    origin.x: qt_logo.width / 2
    origin.y: qt_logo.height / 2
    axis { x: 1; y: 0; z: 0 }
PropertyAnimation {
    id: flip1
    target: rotation
    property: "angle"
    duration: 600
    to: 180
    from: 0
PropertyAnimation {
    id: flip2
    target: rotation
    property: "angle"
    duration: 600
    to: 360
    from: 180

绘制 3D 立方体

Drawing a cube is very simple. After defining a Camera ,和 Light , we make a cube with a built-in Model . In this example, we render the previous 2D Rectangle on this cube surface as a diffuse Texture . In our Rectangle, we set layer.enabled to true .

layer.enabled: true

When enabled, this property makes the 2D item render into a offscreen surface, which we then use as a texture for our cube.

id: cube
source: "#Cube"
materials: DefaultMaterial {
    diffuseMap: Texture {
        sourceItem: qt_logo
eulerRotation.y: 90

