QQuickWebEngineProfile Class

The QQuickWebEngineProfile class provides a web engine profile shared by multiple pages. 更多...

头: #include <QQuickWebEngineProfile>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS WebEngineQuick)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::WebEngineQuick)
qmake: QT += webenginequick
实例化: WebEngineProfile
继承: QObject


enum HttpCacheType { MemoryHttpCache, DiskHttpCache, NoCache }
enum PersistentCookiesPolicy { NoPersistentCookies, AllowPersistentCookies, ForcePersistentCookies }



QQuickWebEngineProfile (QObject * parent = nullptr)
QString cachePath () const
void clearHttpCache ()
QWebEngineClientCertificateStore * clientCertificateStore ()
QWebEngineCookieStore * cookieStore () const
QString downloadPath () const
QString httpAcceptLanguage () const
int httpCacheMaximumSize () const
QQuickWebEngineProfile::HttpCacheType httpCacheType () const
QString httpUserAgent () const
void installUrlSchemeHandler (const QByteArray & scheme , QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler * handler )
bool isOffTheRecord () const
bool isPushServiceEnabled () const
bool isSpellCheckEnabled () const
QQuickWebEngineProfile::PersistentCookiesPolicy persistentCookiesPolicy () const
QString persistentStoragePath () const
void removeAllUrlSchemeHandlers ()
void removeUrlScheme (const QByteArray & scheme )
void removeUrlSchemeHandler (QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler * handler )
void setCachePath (const QString & path )
void setDownloadPath (const QString & path )
void setHttpAcceptLanguage (const QString & httpAcceptLanguage )
void setHttpCacheMaximumSize (int maxSize )
void setHttpCacheType (QQuickWebEngineProfile::HttpCacheType)
void setHttpUserAgent (const QString & userAgent )
void setOffTheRecord (bool offTheRecord )
void setPersistentCookiesPolicy (QQuickWebEngineProfile::PersistentCookiesPolicy)
void setPersistentStoragePath (const QString & path )
void setPushServiceEnabled (bool enable )
void setSpellCheckEnabled (bool enabled )
void setSpellCheckLanguages (const QStringList & languages )
void setStorageName (const QString & name )
void setUrlRequestInterceptor (QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor * interceptor )
QStringList spellCheckLanguages () const
QString storageName () const
const QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler * urlSchemeHandler (const QByteArray & scheme ) const
QQuickWebEngineScriptCollection * userScripts () const


void cachePathChanged ()
void downloadFinished (QQuickWebEngineDownloadRequest * download )
void downloadPathChanged ()
void downloadRequested (QQuickWebEngineDownloadRequest * download )
void httpAcceptLanguageChanged ()
void httpCacheMaximumSizeChanged ()
void httpCacheTypeChanged ()
void httpUserAgentChanged ()
void offTheRecordChanged ()
void persistentCookiesPolicyChanged ()
void persistentStoragePathChanged ()
void presentNotification (QWebEngineNotification * notification )
void pushServiceEnabledChanged ()
void spellCheckEnabledChanged ()
void spellCheckLanguagesChanged ()
void storageNameChanged ()


QQuickWebEngineProfile * defaultProfile ()


Web 引擎配置文件包含设置、脚本、持久性 Cookie 策略及属于配置文件由所有 Web 引擎页面共享的拜访链接列表。

Information about visited links is stored together with persistent cookies and other persistent data in a storage determined by the storageName property. Persistent data is stored in a subdirectory determined by the persistentStoragePath property and the cache in a subdirectory determined by the cachePath property. The httpCacheType property describes the type of the cache: in-memory or on-disk . If only the storageName property is set, the other values are generated automatically based on it. If you specify any of the values manually, you should do it before creating any pages that belong to the profile.

Profiles can be used to isolate pages from each other. A typical use case is a dedicated off-the-record profile 对于 隐私浏览 mode. An off-the-record profile forces cookies, the HTTP cache, and other normally persistent data to be stored only in memory. The offTheRecord property holds whether a profile is off-the-record.

The default profile can be accessed by defaultProfile (). It is a built-in profile that all web pages not specifically created with another profile belong to.

A WebEngineProfile instance can be created and accessed from C++ through the QQuickWebEngineProfile class, which exposes further functionality in C++. This allows Qt Quick applications to intercept URL requests (QQuickWebEngineProfile::setRequestInterceptor), or register custom URL schemes ( QQuickWebEngineProfile::installUrlSchemeHandler ).

Spellchecking HTML form fields can be enabled per profile by setting the spellCheckEnabled property and the current languages used for spellchecking can be set by using the spellCheckLanguages 特性。


enum QQuickWebEngineProfile:: HttpCacheType

此枚举描述 HTTP 缓存类型:

常量 描述
QQuickWebEngineProfile::MemoryHttpCache 0 使用内存中的缓存。这是默认设置若 off-the-record 有设置。
QQuickWebEngineProfile::DiskHttpCache 1 Use a disk cache. This is the default if off-the-record is not set. Falls back to MemoryHttpCache if off-the-record 有设置。
QQuickWebEngineProfile::NoCache 2 禁用内存和磁盘缓存。(在 Qt 5.7 添加)

enum QQuickWebEngineProfile:: PersistentCookiesPolicy

此枚举描述 Cookie 持久性策略:

常量 描述
QQuickWebEngineProfile::NoPersistentCookies 0 Both session and persistent cookies are stored in memory. This is the only setting possible if off-the-record is set or no persistent data path is available.
QQuickWebEngineProfile::AllowPersistentCookies 1 Cookies marked persistent are saved to and restored from disk, whereas session cookies are only stored to disk for crash recovery. This is the default setting.
QQuickWebEngineProfile::ForcePersistentCookies 2 会话和持久 Cookie 均保存到磁盘并从中还原。


cachePath : QString

The path to the location where the profile's caches are stored, in particular the HTTP cache.

By default, the caches are stored below QStandardPaths::writableLocation ( QStandardPaths::CacheLocation ) in a directory named using storageName .


QString cachePath () const
void setCachePath (const QString & path )


void cachePathChanged ()

[since QtWebEngine 1.9] downloadPath : QString


覆盖用于下载位置的默认路径,将其设为 path .

If set to an empty string, the default path is restored.

注意: 默认情况下,下载路径为 QStandardPaths::DownloadLocation .

This property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.9.


QString downloadPath () const
void setDownloadPath (const QString & path )


void downloadPathChanged ()

httpAcceptLanguage : QString

The value of the Accept-Language HTTP request-header field.


QString httpAcceptLanguage () const
void setHttpAcceptLanguage (const QString & httpAcceptLanguage )


void httpAcceptLanguageChanged ()

httpCacheMaximumSize : int

The maximum size of the HTTP cache. If 0 , the size will be controlled automatically by QtWebEngine 。默认值为 0 .


int httpCacheMaximumSize () const
void setHttpCacheMaximumSize (int maxSize )


void httpCacheMaximumSizeChanged ()

另请参阅 httpCacheType .

httpCacheType : HttpCacheType

This enumeration describes the type of the HTTP cache.

If the profile is off-the-record or has no storageName set, MemoryHttpCache 被返回。


QQuickWebEngineProfile::HttpCacheType httpCacheType () const
void setHttpCacheType (QQuickWebEngineProfile::HttpCacheType)


void httpCacheTypeChanged ()

httpUserAgent : QString

The user-agent string sent with HTTP to identify the browser.


QString httpUserAgent () const
void setHttpUserAgent (const QString & userAgent )


void httpUserAgentChanged ()

[since QtWebEngine 6.5] isPushServiceEnabled : bool

Whether the push messaging service is enabled.

注意: By default the push messaging service is disabled.

注意: Qt WebEngine uses the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) as a browser push service. Therefore, all push messages will go through the Google push service and its respective servers.

This property was introduced in QtWebEngine 6.5.


bool isPushServiceEnabled () const
void setPushServiceEnabled (bool enable )


void pushServiceEnabledChanged ()

offTheRecord : bool

Whether the web engine profile is off-the-record . An off-the-record profile forces cookies, the HTTP cache, and other normally persistent data to be stored only in memory. Profile is off-the-record by default.


bool isOffTheRecord () const
void setOffTheRecord (bool offTheRecord )


void offTheRecordChanged ()

persistentCookiesPolicy : PersistentCookiesPolicy

This enumeration describes the policy of cookie persistency. If the profile is off-the-record, NoPersistentCookies 被返回。


QQuickWebEngineProfile::PersistentCookiesPolicy persistentCookiesPolicy () const
void setPersistentCookiesPolicy (QQuickWebEngineProfile::PersistentCookiesPolicy)


void persistentCookiesPolicyChanged ()

persistentStoragePath : QString

The path to the location where the persistent data for the browser and web content are stored. Persistent data includes persistent cookies, HTML5 local storage, and visited links.

By default, the storage is located below QStandardPaths::writableLocation ( QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation ) in a directory named using storageName .


QString persistentStoragePath () const
void setPersistentStoragePath (const QString & path )


void persistentStoragePathChanged ()

[since QtWebEngine 1.4] spellCheckEnabled : bool

This property holds whether the web engine spell checker is enabled.

This property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.


bool isSpellCheckEnabled () const
void setSpellCheckEnabled (bool enabled )


void spellCheckEnabledChanged ()

[since QtWebEngine 1.4] spellCheckLanguages : QStringList

This property holds the languages used by the spell checker.

This property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.


QStringList spellCheckLanguages () const
void setSpellCheckLanguages (const QStringList & languages )


void spellCheckLanguagesChanged ()

storageName : QString

The storage name that is used to create separate subdirectories for each profile that uses the disk for storing persistent data and cache.


QString storageName () const
void setStorageName (const QString & name )


void storageNameChanged ()

另请参阅 persistentStoragePath and cachePath .


QQuickWebEngineProfile:: QQuickWebEngineProfile ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new profile with the parent parent .

[invokable] void QQuickWebEngineProfile:: clearHttpCache ()

移除 Profile 的缓存条目。

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

另请参阅 WebEngineProfile::clearHttpCache .

QWebEngineClientCertificateStore *QQuickWebEngineProfile:: clientCertificateStore ()

返回 Profile (配置文件) 的客户端证书存储。

QWebEngineCookieStore *QQuickWebEngineProfile:: cookieStore () const

返回此配置文件的 Cookie 存储。

[static] QQuickWebEngineProfile *QQuickWebEngineProfile:: defaultProfile ()


The default profile is off-the-record.

另请参阅 storageName ().

[signal] void QQuickWebEngineProfile:: downloadFinished ( QQuickWebEngineDownloadRequest * download )

This signal is emitted whenever downloading stops, because it finished successfully, was cancelled, or was interrupted (for example, because connectivity was lost). The download argument holds the state of the finished download instance.

[signal] void QQuickWebEngineProfile:: downloadRequested ( QQuickWebEngineDownloadRequest * download )

此信号被发射每当下载已被触发。 download 自变量保持下载的状态。下载必须被明确接受采用 QWebEngineDownloadRequest::accept() or it will be cancelled by default. The download item is parented by the profile. If it is not accepted, it will be deleted immediately after the signal emission. This signal cannot be used with a queued connection.

void QQuickWebEngineProfile:: installUrlSchemeHandler (const QByteArray & scheme , QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler * handler )

注册处理程序 handler 为自定义 URL 方案 scheme 在配置文件中。

它是必要的,首先注册方案采用 QWebEngineUrlScheme::registerScheme 在应用程序启动时。

[signal] void QQuickWebEngineProfile:: presentNotification ( QWebEngineNotification * notification )

This signal is emitted whenever there is a newly created user notification. The notification argument holds the QWebEngineNotification instance to query data and interact with.

另请参阅 WebEngineProfile::presentNotification .

void QQuickWebEngineProfile:: removeAllUrlSchemeHandlers ()

移除配置文件中安装的所有自定义 URL 方案处理程序。

void QQuickWebEngineProfile:: removeUrlScheme (const QByteArray & scheme )

称除自定义 URL 方案 scheme 从配置文件。

另请参阅 removeUrlSchemeHandler ().

void QQuickWebEngineProfile:: removeUrlSchemeHandler ( QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler * handler )

移除自定义 URL 方案处理程序 handler 从配置文件。

另请参阅 removeUrlScheme ().

void QQuickWebEngineProfile:: setUrlRequestInterceptor ( QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor * interceptor )

注册请求拦截器单例 interceptor 到拦截 URL 请求。


另请参阅 QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo and QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor .

QStringList QQuickWebEngineProfile:: spellCheckLanguages () const


注意: Getter function for property spellCheckLanguages.

另请参阅 setSpellCheckLanguages ().

const QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler *QQuickWebEngineProfile:: urlSchemeHandler (const QByteArray & scheme ) const

返回自定义 URL 方案的处理程序寄存器,对于 URL 方案 scheme .