QQmlListReference Class

The QQmlListReference class allows the manipulation of QQmlListProperty 特性。 更多...

头: #include <QQmlListReference>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Qml)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Qml)
qmake: QT += qml


QQmlListReference ()
QQmlListReference (const QVariant & variant )
QQmlListReference (QObject * object , const char * property )
bool append (QObject * object ) const
QObject * at (qsizetype index ) const
bool canAppend () const
bool canAt () const
bool canClear () const
bool canCount () const
bool canRemoveLast () const
bool canReplace () const
bool clear () const
qsizetype count () const
bool isManipulable () const
bool isReadable () const
bool isValid () const
const QMetaObject * listElementType () const
QObject * object () const
bool removeLast () const
bool replace (qsizetype index , QObject * object ) const
qsizetype size () const
bool operator== (const QQmlListReference & other ) const


QQmlListReference allows C++ programs to read from, and assign values to a QML list property in a simple and type-safe way. A QQmlListReference can be created by passing an object and property name or through a QQmlProperty instance. These two are equivalent:

QQmlListReference ref1(object, "children");
QQmlProperty ref2(object, "children");
QQmlListReference ref2 = qvariant_cast<QQmlListReference>(ref2.read());

Not all QML list properties support all operations. A set of methods, canAppend (), canAt (), canClear () 和 canCount () allow programs to query whether an operation is supported on a given property.

QML list properties are type-safe. Only QObject 's that derive from the correct base class can be assigned to the list. The listElementType () method can be used to query the QMetaObject QObject type supported. Attempting to add objects of the incorrect type to a list property will fail.

Like with normal lists, when accessing a list element by index, it is the callers responsibility to ensure that it does not request an out of range element using the count () method before calling at ().


QQmlListReference:: QQmlListReference ()

Constructs an invalid instance.

[explicit, since 6.1] QQmlListReference:: QQmlListReference (const QVariant & variant )

Constructs a QQmlListReference from a QVariant variant 包含 QQmlListProperty 。若 variant does not contain a list property, an invalid QQmlListReference is created. If the object owning the list property is destroyed after the reference is constructed, it will automatically become invalid. That is, it is safe to hold QQmlListReference instances even after the object is deleted.

该函数在 Qt 6.1 引入。

QQmlListReference:: QQmlListReference ( QObject * object , const char * property )

Constructs a QQmlListReference for object 's property 。若 property is not a list property, an invalid QQmlListReference is created. If object is destroyed after the reference is constructed, it will automatically become invalid. That is, it is safe to hold QQmlListReference instances even after object 被删除。

bool QQmlListReference:: append ( QObject * object ) const

追加 object to the list. Returns true if the operation succeeded, otherwise false.

另请参阅 canAppend ().

QObject *QQmlListReference:: at ( qsizetype index ) const

Returns the list element at index , or 0 if the operation failed.

另请参阅 canAt ().

bool QQmlListReference:: canAppend () const

Returns true if the list property can be appended to, otherwise false. Returns false if the reference is invalid.

另请参阅 append ().

bool QQmlListReference:: canAt () const

Returns true if the list property can queried by index, otherwise false. Returns false if the reference is invalid.

另请参阅 at ().

bool QQmlListReference:: canClear () const

Returns true if the list property can be cleared, otherwise false. Returns false if the reference is invalid.

另请参阅 clear ().

bool QQmlListReference:: canCount () const

Returns true if the list property can be queried for its element count, otherwise false. Returns false if the reference is invalid.

另请参阅 count ().

bool QQmlListReference:: canRemoveLast () const

Returns true if the last item can be removed from the list property, otherwise false. Returns false if the reference is invalid.

另请参阅 removeLast ().

bool QQmlListReference:: canReplace () const

Returns true if items in the list property can be replaced, otherwise false. Returns false if the reference is invalid.

另请参阅 replace ().

bool QQmlListReference:: clear () const

Clears the list. Returns true if the operation succeeded, otherwise false.

另请参阅 canClear ().

qsizetype QQmlListReference:: count () const

Returns the number of objects in the list, or 0 if the operation failed.

bool QQmlListReference:: isManipulable () const

返回 True 若 at (), count (), append (), and either clear () 或 removeLast () are implemented, so you can manipulate the list.

Mind that replace () 和 removeLast () can be emulated by stashing all items and rebuilding the list using clear () 和 append (). Therefore, they are not required for the list to be manipulable. Furthermore, clear () can be emulated using removeLast ().

另请参阅 isReadable (), at (), count (), append (), clear (), replace (),和 removeLast ().

bool QQmlListReference:: isReadable () const

返回 True 若 at () 和 count () are implemented, so you can access the elements.

另请参阅 isManipulable (), at (),和 count ().

bool QQmlListReference:: isValid () const

Returns true if the instance refers to a valid list property, otherwise false.

const QMetaObject *QQmlListReference:: listElementType () const

返回 QMetaObject for the elements stored in the list property, or nullptr if the reference is invalid.

The QMetaObject can be used ahead of time to determine whether a given instance can be added to a list. If you didn't pass an engine on construction this may return nullptr.

QObject *QQmlListReference:: object () const

Returns the list property's object. Returns nullptr if the reference is invalid.

bool QQmlListReference:: removeLast () const

Removes the last item in the list. Returns true if the operation succeeded, otherwise false.

另请参阅 canRemoveLast ().

bool QQmlListReference:: replace ( qsizetype index , QObject * object ) const

Replaces the item at index in the list with object . Returns true if the operation succeeded, otherwise false.

另请参阅 canReplace ().

[since 6.2] qsizetype QQmlListReference:: size () const

Returns the number of objects in the list, or 0 if the operation failed.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

bool QQmlListReference:: operator== (const QQmlListReference & other ) const

Compares this QQmlListReference to other ,并返回 true if they are equal. The two are only considered equal if one was created from the other via copy assignment or copy construction.

注意: Independently created references to the same object are not considered to be equal.