QPdfDocumentRenderOptions 类

QPdfDocumentRenderOptions 类保持从 PDF 文档渲染页面的选项。 更多...

头: #include <QPdfDocumentRenderOptions>


enum class RenderFlag { None, Annotations, OptimizedForLcd, Grayscale, ForceHalftone, …, PathAliased }
flags RenderFlags
enum class Rotation { None, Clockwise90, Clockwise180, Clockwise270 }


QPdfDocumentRenderOptions ()
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlags renderFlags () const
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation rotation () const
QRect scaledClipRect () const
QSize scaledSize () const
void setRenderFlags (QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlags flags )
void setRotation (QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation rotation )
void setScaledClipRect (const QRect & r )
void setScaledSize (const QSize & s )


另请参阅 QPdfDocument .


enum class QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: RenderFlag
flags QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: RenderFlags


常量 描述
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlag::None 0x000 默认值,表示无标志。
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlag::Annotations 0x001 The page is rendered with annotations.
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlag::OptimizedForLcd 0x002 The text of the page is rendered optimized for LCD display.
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlag::Grayscale 0x004 The page is rendered grayscale.
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlag::ForceHalftone 0x008 Always use halftones for rendering if the output image is stretched.
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlag::TextAliased 0x010 Anti-aliasing is disabled for rendering text.
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlag::ImageAliased 0x020 Anti-aliasing is disabled for rendering images.
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlag::PathAliased 0x040 Anti-aliasing is disabled for rendering paths.

RenderFlags 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <RenderFlag>。它存储 RenderFlag 值的 OR 组合。

另请参阅 QPdfDocument::render ().

enum class QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: Rotation


常量 描述
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation::None 0 不旋转 (默认)
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation::Clockwise90 1 顺时针旋转 90 度
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation::Clockwise180 2 旋转 180 度
QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation::Clockwise270 3 顺时针旋转 270 度

另请参阅 QPdfDocument::render ().


[constexpr] QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: QPdfDocumentRenderOptions ()

构造 QPdfDocumentRenderOptions 对象。

[constexpr] QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlags QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: renderFlags () const

Returns the special flags used for rendering a page from a PDF document.

另请参阅 setRenderFlags ().

[constexpr] QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: rotation () const

Returns the rotation used for rendering a page from a PDF document.

另请参阅 setRotation ().

[constexpr] QRect QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: scaledClipRect () const

Returns the rectangular region to be clipped from the page after having been scaled to scaledSize ().

另请参阅 setScaledClipRect ().

[constexpr] QSize QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: scaledSize () const

Returns the size of the page to be rendered, in pixels.

另请参阅 setScaledSize ().

[constexpr] void QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: setRenderFlags ( QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::RenderFlags flags )

Sets the special flags used for rendering a page from a PDF document.

另请参阅 renderFlags ().

[constexpr] void QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: setRotation ( QPdfDocumentRenderOptions::Rotation rotation )

设置 rotation used for rendering a page from a PDF document.

另请参阅 rotation ().

[constexpr] void QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: setScaledClipRect (const QRect & r )

Sets the rectangle region ( r ) to be clipped from the page after having been scaled to scaledSize ().

另请参阅 scaledClipRect ().

[constexpr] void QPdfDocumentRenderOptions:: setScaledSize (const QSize & s )

Sets the size ( s ) of the page to be rendered, in pixels.

另请参阅 scaledSize ().