QModbusDeviceIdentification Class

The QModbusDeviceIdentification is a container class representing the physical and functional description of a Modbus server. 更多...

头: #include <QModbusDeviceIdentification>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS SerialBus)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::SerialBus)
qmake: QT += serialbus


enum ConformityLevel { BasicConformityLevel, RegularConformityLevel, ExtendedConformityLevel, BasicIndividualConformityLevel, RegularIndividualConformityLevel, ExtendedIndividualConformityLevel }
enum ObjectId { VendorNameObjectId, ProductCodeObjectId, MajorMinorRevisionObjectId, VendorUrlObjectId, ProductNameObjectId, …, UndefinedObjectId }
enum ReadDeviceIdCode { BasicReadDeviceIdCode, RegularReadDeviceIdCode, ExtendedReadDeviceIdCode, IndividualReadDeviceIdCode }


QModbusDeviceIdentification ()
QModbusDeviceIdentification::ConformityLevel conformityLevel () const
bool contains (uint objectId ) const
bool insert (uint objectId , const QByteArray & value )
bool isValid () const
QList<int> objectIds () const
void remove (uint objectId )
void setConformityLevel (QModbusDeviceIdentification::ConformityLevel level )
QByteArray value (uint objectId ) const


QModbusDeviceIdentification fromByteArray (const QByteArray & ba )


The Device Identification interface is modeled as an address space composed of a set of addressable data elements. The data elements are called objects and an ObjectId identifies them.


enum QModbusDeviceIdentification:: ConformityLevel

Defines the identification conformity level of the device and type of supported access.

常量 描述
QModbusDeviceIdentification::BasicConformityLevel 0x01 Basic identification (stream access).
QModbusDeviceIdentification::RegularConformityLevel 0x02 Regular identification (stream access).
QModbusDeviceIdentification::ExtendedConformityLevel 0x03 Extended identification (stream access).
QModbusDeviceIdentification::BasicIndividualConformityLevel 0x81 Basic identification (stream access and individual access).
QModbusDeviceIdentification::RegularIndividualConformityLevel 0x82 Regular identification (stream access and individual access).
QModbusDeviceIdentification::ExtendedIndividualConformityLevel 0x83 Extended identification (stream access and individual access).

另请参阅 ReadDeviceIdCode .

enum QModbusDeviceIdentification:: ObjectId

This enum describes the possible server objects. The interface consists of three categories of objects:

Basic Device Identification. All objects of this category are mandatory.

常量 描述
QModbusDeviceIdentification::VendorNameObjectId 0x00 The vendor name of the device.
QModbusDeviceIdentification::ProductCodeObjectId 0x01 The product code of the device.
QModbusDeviceIdentification::MajorMinorRevisionObjectId 0x02 The product version numbering.

Regular Device Identification. All objects of this category are standard defined and optional.

常量 描述
QModbusDeviceIdentification::VendorUrlObjectId 0x03 The vendor URL of the device.
QModbusDeviceIdentification::ProductNameObjectId 0x04 The product name of the device.
QModbusDeviceIdentification::ModelNameObjectId 0x05 The model name of the device.
QModbusDeviceIdentification::UserApplicationNameObjectId 0x06 The user application name of the device.

Reserved range (i.e., ReservedObjectId >= ObjectId < ProductDependentObjectId). Do not use.

常量 描述
QModbusDeviceIdentification::ReservedObjectId 0x07 First value of reserved object Ids.

Extended Device Identification. All of these data are device dependent and optional.

常量 描述
QModbusDeviceIdentification::ProductDependentObjectId 0x80 First possible value of product dependent identifiers.
QModbusDeviceIdentification::UndefinedObjectId 0x100 Do not use.

enum QModbusDeviceIdentification:: ReadDeviceIdCode

Defines the access type of the read identification request.

Stream access:

常量 描述
QModbusDeviceIdentification::BasicReadDeviceIdCode 0x01 Request to get the basic device identification.
QModbusDeviceIdentification::RegularReadDeviceIdCode 0x02 Request to get the regular device identification.
QModbusDeviceIdentification::ExtendedReadDeviceIdCode 0x03 Request to get the extended device identification.

Individual access:

常量 描述
QModbusDeviceIdentification::IndividualReadDeviceIdCode 0x04 Request to get one specific identification object.


QModbusDeviceIdentification:: QModbusDeviceIdentification ()

Constructs an invalid QModbusDeviceIdentification object.

QModbusDeviceIdentification::ConformityLevel QModbusDeviceIdentification:: conformityLevel () const

Returns the identification conformity level of the device and type of supported access.

另请参阅 setConformityLevel ().

bool QModbusDeviceIdentification:: contains ( uint objectId ) const

返回 true if there is an item for the given objectId ;否则 false .

另请参阅 ObjectId .

[static] QModbusDeviceIdentification QModbusDeviceIdentification:: fromByteArray (const QByteArray & ba )

Converts the byte array ba QModbusDeviceIdentification 对象。

注意: : The returned object might be empty or even invalid if some error occurs while processing the byte array.

另请参阅 isValid ().

bool QModbusDeviceIdentification:: insert ( uint objectId , const QByteArray & value )

Inserts a new item with the objectId and a value of value . If there is already an item with the objectId , that item's value is replaced with value .

返回 true if the size of value is less than 245 bytes and the objectId is less then QModbusDeviceIdentification::UndefinedObjectId .

另请参阅 ObjectId .

bool QModbusDeviceIdentification:: isValid () const

返回 true if the device identification object is valid; otherwise false .

A device identification object is considered valid if ProductNameObjectId , ProductCodeObjectId and MajorMinorRevisionObjectId are set to a non-empty value. Still the object can contain valid object id's and associated data.

注意: A default constructed device identification object is invalid.

QList < int > QModbusDeviceIdentification:: objectIds () const

Returns a list containing all the object id's in the QModbusDeviceIdentification object in ascending order.

另请参阅 ObjectId .

void QModbusDeviceIdentification:: remove ( uint objectId )

Removes the item for the given objectId .

另请参阅 ObjectId .

void QModbusDeviceIdentification:: setConformityLevel ( QModbusDeviceIdentification::ConformityLevel level )

Sets the identification conformity level of the device and type of supported access to level .

另请参阅 conformityLevel ().

QByteArray QModbusDeviceIdentification:: value ( uint objectId ) const

Returns the value associated with the objectId . If there is no item with the objectId , the function returns a 默认构造值 .

另请参阅 ObjectId .