Qt Serial Bus C++ 类

提供读取和写入串行总线数据的类。 更多...


QtCanBus 用于 QtSerialPort 模块 CAN 总线处理部分的一些公共枚举

QCanBus 处理总线插件的注册和创建
QCanBusDevice 用于 CAN bus 的接口类
QCanBusDevice::Filter QCanBusDevice::Filter 结构定义用于 CAN Bus 帧的过滤器
QCanBusDeviceInfo 有关 CAN Bus 接口的信息
QCanBusFactory 用作 CAN Bus 插件的插件接口的工厂类
QCanBusFrame 表示单 CAN 帧的容器类
QCanBusFrame::TimeStamp 具有微秒精度的时间戳信息
QCanDbcFileParser 可以用于剖析 DBC 文件
QCanFrameProcessor Can be used to decode a QCanBusFrame or to convert the input data into a QCanBusFrame that is ready to be sent to the receiver
QCanFrameProcessor::ParseResult Struct is used as a return value for the QCanFrameProcessor::parseFrame() method
QCanMessageDescription Describes the rules to process a CAN message and represent it in an application-defined format
QCanSignalDescription Describes the rules to extract one value out of the CAN frame and represent it in an application-defined format
QCanSignalDescription::MultiplexValueRange Defines a range of values for a multiplexor signal
QCanUniqueIdDescription Describes the rules for accessing a unique identifier in a QCanBusFrame
QModbusClient 发送 Modbus 请求的接口
QModbusDataUnit Container class representing single bit and 16 bit word entries in the Modbus register
QModbusDevice The base class for Modbus classes, QModbusServer and QModbusClient
QModbusDeviceIdentification Container class representing the physical and functional description of a Modbus server
QModbusExceptionResponse Container class containing the function and error code inside a Modbus ADU
QModbusPdu Abstract container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU
QModbusReply Contains the data for a request sent with a QModbusClient derived class
QModbusRequest Container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU
QModbusResponse Container class containing the function code and payload that is stored inside a Modbus ADU
QModbusRtuSerialClient Represents a Modbus client that uses a serial bus for its communication with the Modbus server
QModbusRtuSerialServer Represents a Modbus server that uses a serial port for its communication with the Modbus client
QModbusServer 接收和处理 Modbus 请求的接口
QModbusTcpClient 用于 Modbus TCP 客户端设备的接口类
QModbusTcpConnectionObserver Represents the interface for objects that can be passed to QModbusTcpServer::installConnectionObserver
QModbusTcpServer Represents a Modbus server that uses a TCP server for its communication with the Modbus client



对于 include 当前使用情况适当 header 的 C++ 工程,例如,使用 CAN Bus 设备的应用程序可以使用

#include <QCanBusDevice>

要将模块用于 CMake,使用 find_package() 命令去定位所需模块组件,在 Qt6 包:

find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS SerialBus REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::SerialBus)

要采用 qmake 构建模块,将模块添加作为值对于 QT 变量在工程的 .pro 文件:

QT += serialbus

更多见于 Qt Serial Bus 概述 .