DynamicBurst3D QML Type

Dynamic emitter bursts. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D.Particles3D
Since: Qt 6.3
继承: EmitBurst3D



This element defines particle bursts in the ParticleEmitter3D . These bursts are dynamic, meaning that they are evaluated while the particlesystem runs. Use these instead of EmitBurst3D for example when the emitter moves, so that emitting happens at the correct position.

For example, to emit 100 particles at 1 second time and 200 particles at 2 second:

ParticleEmitter3D {
    emitBursts: [
        DynamicBurst3D {
            time: 1000
            amount: 100
        DynamicBurst3D {
            time: 2000
            amount: 200


TriggerMode : enumeration

Defines the mode of the bursting.

常量 描述
DynamicBurst3D.TriggerTime The particles are emitted when the burst time is due.
DynamicBurst3D.TriggerStart The particles are emitted when the followed particle is emitted.

注意: This property is restricted to only work with trail emitters.

注意: In this mode, time and duration properties don't have an effect.

常量 描述
DynamicBurst3D.TriggerEnd The particles are emitted when the followed particle lifeSpan ends.

注意: This property is restricted to only work with trail emitters.

注意: In this mode, time and duration properties don't have an effect.

amountVariation : int

This property defines the random variation in particle emit amount.

For example, to have a random range between 0 and 10

DynamicBurst3D {
    time: 1000
    amount: 5
    amountVariation: 5

默认值为 0 .

enabled : bool

If enabled is set to false , this burst will not emit any particles.

默认值为 true .

triggerMode : ShapeType

This property defines the emitting mode.

默认值为 TriggerMode.TriggerTime .