InstanceRepeater QML Type

Instantiates components based on an instance table. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D.Helpers
Since: Qt 6.4
继承: Repeater3D



The InstanceRepeater type is used to create a number of objects based on an Instancing table. It is a Repeater3D subtype that takes an Instancing table instead of a data model, and automatically applies 位置 , scale ,和 rotation .

One use case is to implement picking by creating invisible dummy objects that match the rendered instances. To improve performance, the dummy objects can be created with a simpler geometry than the instanced models.


InstanceRepeater {
    instancingTable: myInstanceTable
    Model {
        source: "#Cube"
        pickable: true
        property int instanceIndex: index // expose the index, so we can identify the instance
        opacity: 0

另请参阅 InstanceModel .


instancingTable : Instancing

This property specifies the instance table used by the repeater.