TiltShift QML Type

A tilt shift blur effect. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D.Effects 6.5



使用 ExtendedSceneEnvironment , MultiEffect , or user-defined effects via the Effect type instead.

警告: All pre-made standalone effects in QtQuick3D .Effects are considered deprecated starting with Qt 6.5. Applications are advised to use ExtendedSceneEnvironment or MultiEffect instead, when applicable, or alternatively provide their own custom post-processing effect via the Effect 类型。

The TiltShift effect simulates depth of field in a simple and performant manner. Instead of blurring based on the depth buffer, it blurs everything outside a horizontal or vertical strip of the scene.

另请参阅 DepthOfFieldHQBlur .


blurAmount : real

Specifies the strength of the blur effect. Values above 4 may cause artifacts. The range is [0...10] 。默认值为 4 .

focusPosition : real

The placement of the focus bar in normalized coordinates. The range is [0...1] 。默认值为 0.5 , corresponding to the middle of the scene.

focusWidth : real

Specifies the width of the in-focus area in normalized coordinates. Objects within this range of focusPosition will be in focus. The range is [0...1] 。默认值为 0.2 .

isInverted : bool

Inverts the blur area, so the center is blurred instead. The default value is false .

isVertical : bool

Makes the effect work vertically instead of horizontally. The default value is false .