Contains color groups for each QML item state. 更多...
import 语句: | import QtQuick |
调色板由 3 个颜色组组成:
color group is the default group: its colors are used for other groups if colors of these groups aren't explicitly specified.
In the following example, color is applied for all color groups:
ApplicationWindow { palette.buttonText: "salmon" ColumnLayout { Button { text: qsTr("Disabled button") enabled: false } Button { text: qsTr("Enabled button") } } }
It means that text color will be the same for both buttons.
In the following example, colors will be different for enabled and disabled states:
ApplicationWindow { palette.buttonText: "salmon" palette.disabled.buttonText: "lavender" ColumnLayout { Button { text: qsTr("Disabled button") enabled: false } Button { text: qsTr("Enabled button") } } }
It is also possible to specify colors like this:
palette { buttonText: "red" button: "khaki" disabled { buttonText: "lavender" button: "coral" } }
This approach is especially convenient when you need to specify a whole palette with all color groups; but as with the other cases above, the colors that are not specified are initialized from SystemPalette , or potentially the Qt Quick Controls style , if one is in use.
注意: Some Controls styles use some palette colors, but many styles use independent colors.
另请参阅 Window::palette , Item::palette , Popup::palette ,和 SystemPalette .
active : ColorGroup |
The Active group is used for windows that are in focus.
另请参阅 QPalette::Active .
被禁用 : ColorGroup |
The Disabled group is used for elements that are disabled for some reason.
另请参阅 QPalette::Disabled .
inactive : ColorGroup |
The Inactive group is used for windows that have no keyboard focus.
另请参阅 QPalette::Inactive .