AudioInput QML 类型

在捕获会话中用于捕获音频的音频输入。 更多...

导入语句: import QtMultimedia
实例化: QAudioInput



CaptureSession {
    id: playMusic
    audioInput: AudioInput {
        volume: slider.value
    recorder: MediaRecorder { ... }
Slider {
    id: slider
    from: 0.
    to: 1.

You can use AudioInput together with a QtMultiMedia::CaptureSession to capture audio from an audio input device.

另请参阅 Camera and AudioOutput .


device : AudioDevice

This property describes the audio device connected to this input.

The device property represents the audio device this input is connected to. This property can be used to select an output device from the QtMultimedia::MediaDevices::audioInputs() list.

muted : bool

This property holds whether the audio input is muted.

默认为 false .

volume : real

The volume is scaled linearly, ranging from 0 (silence) to 1 (full volume).

注意: 值超出此范围将被钳制。

默认情况下,音量为 1 .

UI volume controls should usually be scaled non-linearly. For example, using a logarithmic scale will produce linear changes in perceived loudness, which is what a user would normally expect from a volume control.

另请参阅 QAudio::convertVolume ().