此文档包含我们在文档编制和范例中遵循的 QML 编码约定,并推荐其它人遵循。
纵观文档编制和范例, QML 对象属性 始终按以下次序被构造化:
例如,假设 photo QML 对象看起来像这样:
Rectangle { id: photo // id on the first line makes it easy to find an object property bool thumbnail: false // property declarations property alias image: photoImage.source signal clicked // signal declarations function doSomething(x) // javascript functions { return x + photoImage.width } color: "gray" // object properties x: 20 // try to group related properties together y: 20 height: 150 width: { // large bindings if (photoImage.width > 200) { photoImage.width; } else { 200; } } states: [ State { name: "selected" PropertyChanges { target: border; color: "red" } } ] transitions: [ Transition { from: "" to: "selected" ColorAnimation { target: border; duration: 200 } } ] Rectangle { // child objects id: border anchors.centerIn: parent; color: "white" Image { id: photoImage anchors.centerIn: parent } } }
若使用来自一组特性中的多个特性,考虑使用 组表示法 而不是 点表示法 若它能改进可读性。
Rectangle { anchors.left: parent.left; anchors.top: parent.top; anchors.right: parent.right; anchors.leftMargin: 20 } Text { text: "hello" font.bold: true; font.italic: true; font.pixelSize: 20; font.capitalization: Font.AllUppercase }
Rectangle { anchors { left: parent.left; top: parent.top; right: parent.right; leftMargin: 20 } } Text { text: "hello" font { bold: true; italic: true; pixelSize: 20; capitalization: Font.AllUppercase } }
In order to improve readability and performance always reference properties of parent components by their id explicitly:
Item { id: root property int rectangleWidth: 50 Rectangle { width: root.rectangleWidth } }
When requiring data defined outside the component, make this explicit by using Required Properties . Required properties must be set or else the creation of the component will fail. These are preferable to unqualified lookups because they are more performant and allow for both users and tooling to reason about an external property's type. Additionally they remove assumptions that a component otherwise has to make about the environment in which it is created.
When handling parameters in signal handlers use functions which name them explicitly:
MouseArea { onClicked: (event) => { console.log(`${event.x},${event.y}`); } }
Rectangle { color: "blue"; width: parent.width / 3 }
Rectangle { color: "blue" width: { var w = parent.width / 3 console.debug(w) return w } }
function calculateWidth(object : Item) : double { var w = object.width / 3 // ... // more javascript code // ... console.debug(w) return w } Rectangle { color: "blue"; width: calculateWidth(parent) }
Also note that is recommended to add type annotations to your function in order to more easily reason about and refactor your application since both parameter and return types are immediately visible from the function signature.
对于长脚本,将函数放入 JavaScript 文件并像这样 import 它:
import "myscript.js" as Script Rectangle { color: "blue"; width: Script.calculateWidth(parent) }
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { var scenePos = mapToItem(null, mouseX, mouseY); console.log("MouseArea was clicked at scene pos " + scenePos); } }