QDnsLookup 类

QDnsLookup 类表示 DNS (域名系统) 查找。 更多...

头: #include <QDnsLookup>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Network)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Network)
qmake: QT += network
继承: QObject


enum Error { NoError, ResolverError, OperationCancelledError, InvalidRequestError, InvalidReplyError, …, NotFoundError }
enum Type { A, AAAA, ANY, CNAME, MX, …, TXT }



QDnsLookup (QObject * parent = nullptr)
QDnsLookup (QDnsLookup::Type type , const QString & name , QObject * parent = nullptr)
QDnsLookup (QDnsLookup::Type type , const QString & name , const QHostAddress & nameserver , QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QDnsLookup ()
QBindable<QString> bindableName ()
QBindable<QHostAddress> bindableNameserver ()
QBindable<QDnsLookup::Type> bindableType ()
QList<QDnsDomainNameRecord> canonicalNameRecords () const
QDnsLookup::Error error () const
QString errorString () const
QList<QDnsHostAddressRecord> hostAddressRecords () const
bool isFinished () const
QList<QDnsMailExchangeRecord> mailExchangeRecords () const
QString name () const
QList<QDnsDomainNameRecord> nameServerRecords () const
QHostAddress nameserver () const
QList<QDnsDomainNameRecord> pointerRecords () const
QList<QDnsServiceRecord> serviceRecords () const
void setName (const QString & name )
void setNameserver (const QHostAddress & nameserver )
void setType (QDnsLookup::Type)
QList<QDnsTextRecord> textRecords () const
QDnsLookup::Type type () const


void abort ()
void lookup ()


void finished ()
void nameChanged (const QString & name )
void nameserverChanged (const QHostAddress & nameserver )
void typeChanged (QDnsLookup::Type type )


QDnsLookup 使用由操作系统提供的机制来履行 DNS 查找。要履行查找需要指定 name and type 然后援引 lookup () slot. The finished () signal will be emitted upon completion.

例如,可以确定给定域的 XMPP 聊天客户端应该连接到哪些服务器采用:

void MyObject::lookupServers()
    // Create a DNS lookup.
    dns = new QDnsLookup(this);
    connect(dns, &QDnsLookup::finished, this, &MyObject::handleServers);
    // Find the XMPP servers for gmail.com


void MyObject::handleServers()
    // Check the lookup succeeded.
    if (dns->error() != QDnsLookup::NoError) {
        qWarning("DNS lookup failed");
    // Handle the results.
    const auto records = dns->serviceRecords();
    for (const QDnsServiceRecord &record : records) {

注意: 若仅仅希望查找与主机名关联的 IP 地址 (或与 IP 地址关联的主机名),应该使用 QHostInfo 代替。


enum QDnsLookup:: Error

指示在 DNS 查找处理过程中发现的所有可能的错误条件。

常量 描述
QDnsLookup::NoError 0 没有错误条件。
QDnsLookup::ResolverError 1 初始化系统的 DNS 解析器时出错。
QDnsLookup::OperationCancelledError 2 查找被中止使用 abort () 方法。
QDnsLookup::InvalidRequestError 3 请求的 DNS 查找无效。
QDnsLookup::InvalidReplyError 4 由服务器返回的回复无效。
QDnsLookup::ServerFailureError 5 服务器遭遇内部故障当处理请求时 (SERVFAIL)。
QDnsLookup::ServerRefusedError 6 服务器出于安全或策略原因拒绝处理请求 (REFUSED)。
QDnsLookup::NotFoundError 7 请求的域名不存在 (NXDOMAIN)。

enum QDnsLookup:: Type

指示所履行的 DNS 查找类型。

常量 描述
QDnsLookup::A 1 IPv4 地址记录。
QDnsLookup::AAAA 28 IPv6 地址记录。
QDnsLookup::ANY 255 任何记录。
QDnsLookup::CNAME 5 典型名称记录。
QDnsLookup::MX 15 邮件交换记录。
QDnsLookup::NS 2 名称服务器记录。
QDnsLookup::PTR 12 指针记录。
QDnsLookup::SRV 33 服务记录。
QDnsLookup::TXT 16 文本记录。


[read-only] error : const Error

This property holds the type of error that occurred if the DNS lookup failed, or NoError .


QDnsLookup::Error error () const


void finished ()

[read-only] errorString : const QString

This property holds a human-readable description of the error if the DNS lookup failed.


QString errorString () const


void finished ()

[bindable] name : QString

注意: 此特性支持 QProperty 绑定。


注意: The name will be encoded using IDNA, which means it's unsuitable for querying SRV records compatible with the DNS-SD specification.

[bindable] nameserver : QHostAddress

注意: 此特性支持 QProperty 绑定。

此特性保持用于 DNS 查找的名称服务器。

[bindable] type : Type

注意: 此特性支持 QProperty 绑定。

This property holds the type of DNS lookup.


[explicit] QDnsLookup:: QDnsLookup ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造 QDnsLookup 对象并设置 parent 作为父级对象。

The type property will default to QDnsLookup::A .

QDnsLookup:: QDnsLookup ( QDnsLookup::Type type , const QString & name , QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造 QDnsLookup 对象为给定 type and name and sets parent 作为父级对象。

QDnsLookup:: QDnsLookup ( QDnsLookup::Type type , const QString & name , const QHostAddress & nameserver , QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造 QDnsLookup 对象为给定 type , name and nameserver and sets parent 作为父级对象。

[virtual] QDnsLookup:: ~QDnsLookup ()

销毁 QDnsLookup 对象。

It is safe to delete a QDnsLookup object even if it is not finished, you will simply never receive its results.

[slot] void QDnsLookup:: abort ()

中止 DNS 查找操作。


QList < QDnsDomainNameRecord > QDnsLookup:: canonicalNameRecords () const

Returns the list of canonical name records associated with this lookup.

[signal] void QDnsLookup:: finished ()


注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 error 。通知程序信号对于特性 errorString .

QList < QDnsHostAddressRecord > QDnsLookup:: hostAddressRecords () const

Returns the list of host address records associated with this lookup.

bool QDnsLookup:: isFinished () const


[slot] void QDnsLookup:: lookup ()

履行 DNS 查找。

The finished () signal is emitted upon completion.

QList < QDnsMailExchangeRecord > QDnsLookup:: mailExchangeRecords () const

Returns the list of mail exchange records associated with this lookup.

The records are sorted according to RFC 5321 , so if you use them to connect to servers, you should try them in the order they are listed.

[signal] void QDnsLookup:: nameChanged (const QString & name )

此信号被发射当查找 name 改变。 name is the new lookup name.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 name .

QList < QDnsDomainNameRecord > QDnsLookup:: nameServerRecords () const

Returns the list of name server records associated with this lookup.

QList < QDnsDomainNameRecord > QDnsLookup:: pointerRecords () const

Returns the list of pointer records associated with this lookup.

QList < QDnsServiceRecord > QDnsLookup:: serviceRecords () const

Returns the list of service records associated with this lookup.

The records are sorted according to RFC 2782 , so if you use them to connect to servers, you should try them in the order they are listed.

QList < QDnsTextRecord > QDnsLookup:: textRecords () const

Returns the list of text records associated with this lookup.

[signal] void QDnsLookup:: typeChanged ( QDnsLookup::Type type )

此信号被发射当查找 type 改变。 type 是新的查找类型。

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 type .