QDialogButtonBox 类

QDialogButtonBox 类是在适合当前小部件风格的布局中呈现按钮的 Widget。 更多...

头: #include <QDialogButtonBox>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Widgets)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Widgets)
qmake: QT += widgets
继承: QWidget


enum ButtonLayout { WinLayout, MacLayout, KdeLayout, GnomeLayout, AndroidLayout }
enum ButtonRole { InvalidRole, AcceptRole, RejectRole, DestructiveRole, ActionRole, …, ResetRole }
enum StandardButton { Ok, Open, Save, Cancel, Close, …, NoButton }
flags StandardButtons



QDialogButtonBox (QWidget * parent = nullptr)
QDialogButtonBox (Qt::Orientation orientation , QWidget * parent = nullptr)
QDialogButtonBox (QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons buttons , QWidget * parent = nullptr)
QDialogButtonBox (QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons buttons , Qt::Orientation orientation , QWidget * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QDialogButtonBox ()
void addButton (QAbstractButton * button , QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole role )
QPushButton * addButton (const QString & text , QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole role )
QPushButton * addButton (QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton button )
QPushButton * button (QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton which ) const
QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole buttonRole (QAbstractButton * button ) const
QList<QAbstractButton *> buttons () const
bool centerButtons () const
void clear ()
Qt::Orientation orientation () const
void removeButton (QAbstractButton * button )
void setCenterButtons (bool center )
void setOrientation (Qt::Orientation orientation )
void setStandardButtons (QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons buttons )
QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton standardButton (QAbstractButton * button ) const
QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons standardButtons () const


void accepted ()
void clicked (QAbstractButton * button )
void helpRequested ()
void rejected ()


virtual void changeEvent (QEvent * event ) override
virtual bool event (QEvent * event ) override


对话框和消息框通常在符合该平台界面指导方针的布局中,呈现按钮。始终不变,不同平台的对话框拥有不同布局。QDialogButtonBox 允许开发者向其添加按钮,并将自动为用户桌面环境使用适当布局。


  • 接受 (或拒绝) 对话框。
  • 寻求帮助。
  • 在对话框自身上履行动作 (譬如:重置字段或应用更改)。

There can also be alternate ways of dismissing the dialog which may cause destructive results.

Most dialogs have buttons that can almost be considered standard (e.g. OK and Cancel buttons). It is sometimes convenient to create these buttons in a standard way.

There are a couple ways of using QDialogButtonBox. One ways is to create the buttons (or button texts) yourself and add them to the button box, specifying their role.

    QDialogButtonBox *buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(Qt::Vertical);
    buttonBox->addButton(findButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);
    buttonBox->addButton(moreButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole);

Alternatively, QDialogButtonBox provides several standard buttons (e.g. OK, Cancel, Save) that you can use. They exist as flags so you can OR them together in the constructor.

    buttonBox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok
                                     | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel);
    connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::accepted, this, &QDialog::accept);
    connect(buttonBox, &QDialogButtonBox::rejected, this, &QDialog::reject);

You can mix and match normal buttons and standard buttons.

Currently the buttons are laid out in the following way if the button box is horizontal:

GnomeLayout Horizontal Button box laid out in horizontal GnomeLayout
KdeLayout Horizontal Button box laid out in horizontal KdeLayout
MacLayout Horizontal Button box laid out in horizontal MacLayout
WinLayout Horizontal Button box laid out in horizontal WinLayout

The buttons are laid out the following way if the button box is vertical:

GnomeLayout KdeLayout MacLayout WinLayout
GnomeLayout Vertical KdeLayout Vertical MacLayout Vertical WinLayout Vertical

Additionally, button boxes that contain only buttons with ActionRole or HelpRole can be considered modeless and have an alternate look on macOS:

非模态水平 MacLayout Screenshot of modeless horizontal MacLayout
非模态垂直 MacLayout Screenshot of modeless vertical MacLayout

When a button is clicked in the button box, the clicked () signal is emitted for the actual button is that is pressed. For convenience, if the button has an AcceptRole , RejectRole ,或 HelpRole accepted (), rejected (),或 helpRequested () signals are emitted respectively.

If you want a specific button to be default you need to call QPushButton::setDefault () on it yourself. However, if there is no default button set and to preserve which button is the default button across platforms when using the QPushButton::autoDefault property, the first push button with the accept role is made the default button when the QDialogButtonBox is shown,

另请参阅 QMessageBox , QPushButton ,和 QDialog .


enum QDialogButtonBox:: ButtonLayout

This enum describes the layout policy to be used when arranging the buttons contained in the button box.

常量 描述
QDialogButtonBox::WinLayout 0 Use a policy appropriate for applications on Windows.
QDialogButtonBox::MacLayout 1 Use a policy appropriate for applications on macOS.
QDialogButtonBox::KdeLayout 2 Use a policy appropriate for applications on KDE.
QDialogButtonBox::GnomeLayout 3 Use a policy appropriate for applications on GNOME.
QDialogButtonBox::AndroidLayout 4 Use a policy appropriate for applications on Android. This enum value was added in Qt 5.10.

The button layout is specified by the current style . However, on the X11 platform, it may be influenced by the desktop environment.

enum QDialogButtonBox:: ButtonRole

This enum describes the roles that can be used to describe buttons in the button box. Combinations of these roles are as flags used to describe different aspects of their behavior.

常量 描述
QDialogButtonBox::InvalidRole -1 按钮无效。
QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole 0 Clicking the button causes the dialog to be accepted (e.g. OK).
QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole 1 Clicking the button causes the dialog to be rejected (e.g. Cancel).
QDialogButtonBox::DestructiveRole 2 Clicking the button causes a destructive change (e.g. for Discarding Changes) and closes the dialog.
QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole 3 点击按钮导致对话框中元素改变。
QDialogButtonBox::HelpRole 4 可以点击按钮以请求帮助。
QDialogButtonBox::YesRole 5 The button is a "Yes"-like button.
QDialogButtonBox::NoRole 6 The button is a "No"-like button.
QDialogButtonBox::ApplyRole 8 The button applies current changes.
QDialogButtonBox::ResetRole 7 The button resets the dialog's fields to default values.

另请参阅 StandardButton .

enum QDialogButtonBox:: StandardButton
flags QDialogButtonBox:: StandardButtons

These enums describe flags for standard buttons. Each button has a defined ButtonRole .

常量 描述
QDialogButtonBox::Ok 0x00000400 An "OK" button defined with the AcceptRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Open 0x00002000 An "Open" button defined with the AcceptRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Save 0x00000800 A "Save" button defined with the AcceptRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Cancel 0x00400000 A "Cancel" button defined with the RejectRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Close 0x00200000 A "Close" button defined with the RejectRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Discard 0x00800000 A "Discard" or "Don't Save" button, depending on the platform, defined with the DestructiveRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Apply 0x02000000 An "Apply" button defined with the ApplyRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Reset 0x04000000 A "Reset" button defined with the ResetRole .
QDialogButtonBox::RestoreDefaults 0x08000000 A "Restore Defaults" button defined with the ResetRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Help 0x01000000 A "Help" button defined with the HelpRole .
QDialogButtonBox::SaveAll 0x00001000 A "Save All" button defined with the AcceptRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Yes 0x00004000 A "Yes" button defined with the YesRole .
QDialogButtonBox::YesToAll 0x00008000 A "Yes to All" button defined with the YesRole .
QDialogButtonBox::No 0x00010000 A "No" button defined with the NoRole .
QDialogButtonBox::NoToAll 0x00020000 A "No to All" button defined with the NoRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Abort 0x00040000 An "Abort" button defined with the RejectRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Retry 0x00080000 A "Retry" button defined with the AcceptRole .
QDialogButtonBox::Ignore 0x00100000 An "Ignore" button defined with the AcceptRole .
QDialogButtonBox::NoButton 0x00000000 无效按钮。

StandardButtons 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <StandardButton>. It stores an OR combination of StandardButton values.

另请参阅 ButtonRole and standardButtons .


centerButtons : bool

This property holds whether the buttons in the button box are centered

默认情况下,此特性为 false . This behavior is appropriate for most types of dialogs. A notable exception is message boxes on most platforms (e.g. Windows), where the button box is centered horizontally.


bool centerButtons () const
void setCenterButtons (bool center )

另请参阅 QMessageBox .

orientation : Qt::Orientation

This property holds the orientation of the button box

By default, the orientation is horizontal (i.e. the buttons are laid out side by side). The possible orientations are Qt::Horizontal and Qt::Vertical .


Qt::Orientation orientation () const
void setOrientation (Qt::Orientation orientation )

standardButtons : StandardButtons

collection of standard buttons in the button box

This property controls which standard buttons are used by the button box.


QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons standardButtons () const
void setStandardButtons (QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons buttons )

另请参阅 addButton ().


QDialogButtonBox:: QDialogButtonBox ( QWidget * parent = nullptr)

构造空的水平按钮框采用给定 parent .

另请参阅 orientation and addButton ().

QDialogButtonBox:: QDialogButtonBox ( Qt::Orientation orientation , QWidget * parent = nullptr)

构造空按钮框采用给定 orientation and parent .

另请参阅 orientation and addButton ().

[explicit] QDialogButtonBox:: QDialogButtonBox ( QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons buttons , QWidget * parent = nullptr)

构造水平按钮框采用给定 parent ,包含的标准按钮指定通过 buttons .

另请参阅 orientation and addButton ().

QDialogButtonBox:: QDialogButtonBox ( QDialogButtonBox::StandardButtons buttons , Qt::Orientation orientation , QWidget * parent = nullptr)

构造按钮框采用给定 orientation and parent ,包含的标准按钮指定通过 buttons .

另请参阅 orientation and addButton ().

[virtual] QDialogButtonBox:: ~QDialogButtonBox ()


[signal] void QDialogButtonBox:: accepted ()

此信号被发射当点击按钮框内按钮时,只要它的定义是采用 AcceptRole or YesRole .

另请参阅 rejected (), clicked (),和 helpRequested ().

void QDialogButtonBox:: addButton ( QAbstractButton * button , QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole role )

添加给定 button to the button box with the specified role . If the role is invalid, the button is not added.

If the button has already been added, it is removed and added again with the new role.

注意: The button box takes ownership of the button.

另请参阅 removeButton () 和 clear ().

QPushButton *QDialogButtonBox:: addButton (const QString & text , QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole role )

Creates a push button with the given text , adds it to the button box for the specified role , and returns the corresponding push button. If role is invalid, no button is created, and zero is returned.

另请参阅 removeButton () 和 clear ().

QPushButton *QDialogButtonBox:: addButton ( QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton button )

添加标准 button to the button box if it is valid to do so, and returns a push button. If button is invalid, it is not added to the button box, and zero is returned.

另请参阅 removeButton () 和 clear ().

QPushButton *QDialogButtonBox:: button ( QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton which ) const

返回 QPushButton 对应标准按钮 which ,或 nullptr 若此按钮框中不存在标准按钮。

另请参阅 standardButton (), standardButtons (),和 buttons ().

QDialogButtonBox::ButtonRole QDialogButtonBox:: buttonRole ( QAbstractButton * button ) const

Returns the button role for the specified button 。此函数返回 InvalidRole if button is nullptr or has not been added to the button box.

另请参阅 buttons () 和 addButton ().

QList < QAbstractButton *> QDialogButtonBox:: buttons () const

Returns a list of all the buttons that have been added to the button box.

另请参阅 buttonRole (), addButton (),和 removeButton ().

[override virtual protected] void QDialogButtonBox:: changeEvent ( QEvent * event )

重实现: QWidget::changeEvent (QEvent *event).

void QDialogButtonBox:: clear ()

Clears the button box, deleting all buttons within it.

另请参阅 removeButton () 和 addButton ().

[signal] void QDialogButtonBox:: clicked ( QAbstractButton * button )

This signal is emitted when a button inside the button box is clicked. The specific button that was pressed is specified by button .

另请参阅 accepted (), rejected (),和 helpRequested ().

[override virtual protected] bool QDialogButtonBox:: event ( QEvent * event )

重实现: QWidget::event (QEvent *event).

[signal] void QDialogButtonBox:: helpRequested ()

此信号被发射当点击按钮框内按钮时,只要它的定义是采用 HelpRole .

另请参阅 accepted (), rejected (),和 clicked ().

[signal] void QDialogButtonBox:: rejected ()

此信号被发射当点击按钮框内按钮时,只要它的定义是采用 RejectRole or NoRole .

另请参阅 accepted (), helpRequested (),和 clicked ().

void QDialogButtonBox:: removeButton ( QAbstractButton * button )

移除 button from the button box without deleting it and sets its parent to zero.

另请参阅 clear (), buttons (),和 addButton ().

QDialogButtonBox::StandardButton QDialogButtonBox:: standardButton ( QAbstractButton * button ) const

返回的标准按钮枚举值对应给定 button ,或 NoButton 若给定 button 不是标准按钮。

另请参阅 button (), buttons (),和 standardButtons ().