QBarSet 类

QBarSet 类表示条形图表中的一组条形。 更多...

头: #include <QBarSet>
实例化: BarSet
继承: QObject



QBarSet (const QString label , QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QBarSet ()
void append (const qreal value )
void append (const QList<qreal> & values )
qreal at (const int index ) const
QColor borderColor ()
QBrush brush () const
QColor color ()
int count () const
void deselectAllBars ()
void deselectBar (int index )
void deselectBars (const QList<int> & indexes )
void insert (const int index , const qreal value )
bool isBarSelected (int index ) const
QString label () const
QBrush labelBrush () const
QColor labelColor ()
QFont labelFont () const
QPen pen () const
void remove (const int index , const int count = 1)
void replace (const int index , const qreal value )
void selectAllBars ()
void selectBar (int index )
void selectBars (const QList<int> & indexes )
QList<int> selectedBars () const
QColor selectedColor () const
void setBarSelected (int index , bool selected )
void setBorderColor (QColor color )
void setBrush (const QBrush & brush )
void setColor (QColor color )
void setLabel (const QString label )
void setLabelBrush (const QBrush & brush )
void setLabelColor (QColor color )
void setLabelFont (const QFont & font )
void setPen (const QPen & pen )
void setSelectedColor (const QColor & color )
qreal sum () const
void toggleSelection (const QList<int> & indexes )
QBarSet & operator<< (const qreal & value )
qreal operator[] (const int index ) const


void borderColorChanged (QColor color )
void brushChanged ()
void clicked (int index )
void colorChanged (QColor color )
void doubleClicked (int index )
void hovered (bool status , int index )
void labelBrushChanged ()
void labelChanged ()
void labelColorChanged (QColor color )
void labelFontChanged ()
void penChanged ()
void pressed (int index )
void released (int index )
void valueChanged (int index )
void valuesAdded (int index , int count )
void valuesRemoved (int index , int count )


条形集包含每个类别的一个数据值。假定集的第一个值属于第一个类别,第二个值属于第二个类别,依此类推。若集拥有的值少于类别,假定缺少值位于集末尾。对于集中间的缺少值,使用数值 0。0 值集标签不展示。

另请参阅 QAbstractBarSeries , QBarSeries , QStackedBarSeries , QPercentBarSeries , QHorizontalBarSeries , QHorizontalStackedBarSeries ,和 QHorizontalPercentBarSeries .


borderColor : QColor

此特性保持条形集的线条 (钢笔) 颜色。


QColor borderColor ()
void setBorderColor (QColor color )


void borderColorChanged (QColor color )

brush : QBrush



QBrush brush () const
void setBrush (const QBrush & brush )


void brushChanged ()

color : QColor

此特性保持条形集的填充 (笔刷) 颜色。


QColor color ()
void setColor (QColor color )


void colorChanged (QColor color )

label : QString



QString label () const
void setLabel (const QString label )


void labelChanged ()

labelBrush : QBrush

This property holds the brush used to draw the bar set's label.


QBrush labelBrush () const
void setLabelBrush (const QBrush & brush )


void labelBrushChanged ()

labelColor : QColor

This property holds the text (label) color of the bar set.


QColor labelColor ()
void setLabelColor (QColor color )


void labelColorChanged (QColor color )

labelFont : QFont

This property holds the font used to draw the bar set's label.


QFont labelFont () const
void setLabelFont (const QFont & font )


void labelFontChanged ()

pen : QPen

This property holds the pen used to draw the lines of bars in the bar set.


QPen pen () const
void setPen (const QPen & pen )


void penChanged ()


[explicit] QBarSet:: QBarSet (const QString label , QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造条形集采用标签 label and the parent parent .

[virtual] QBarSet:: ~QBarSet ()

Removes the bar set.

void QBarSet:: append (const qreal value )

Appends the new value specified by value to the end of the bar set.

void QBarSet:: append (const QList < qreal > & values )

Appends the list of real values specified by values to the end of the bar set.

另请参阅 append ().

qreal QBarSet:: at (const int index ) const

Returns the value specified by index from the bar set. If the index is out of bounds, 0.0 is returned.

QColor QBarSet:: borderColor ()

Returns the line color for the bar set.

注意: Getter 函数对于特性 borderColor。

另请参阅 setBorderColor ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: borderColorChanged ( QColor color )

This signal is emitted when the line (pen) color of the bar set changes to color .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 borderColor .

QBrush QBarSet:: brush () const

Returns the brush used to fill the bars in the bar set.

注意: Getter 函数对于特性 brush。

另请参阅 setBrush ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: brushChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the bar set changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 brush .

另请参阅 brush .

[signal] void QBarSet:: clicked ( int index )

This signal is emitted when the user clicks the bar specified by index in a bar set.

QColor QBarSet:: color ()

Returns the fill color for the bar set.

注意: Getter 函数对于特性 color。

另请参阅 setColor ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: colorChanged ( QColor color )

This signal is emitted when the fill (brush) color of the bar set changes to color .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 color .

int QBarSet:: count () const

Returns the number of values in a bar set.

[since 6.2] void QBarSet:: deselectAllBars ()

Deselects all bars in the series.

注意: Emits QBarSet::selectedBarsChanged.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 setBarSelected ().

[since 6.2] void QBarSet:: deselectBar ( int index )

Deselects the bar at index .

注意: Emits QBarSet::selectedBarsChanged.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 setBarSelected ().

[since 6.2] void QBarSet:: deselectBars (const QList < int > & indexes )

Marks multiple bars passed in an indexes list as deselected.

注意: Emits QBarSet::selectedBarsChanged.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 setBarSelected ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: doubleClicked ( int index )

This signal is emitted when the user double-clicks the bar specified by index in a bar set.

[signal] void QBarSet:: hovered ( bool status , int index )

This signal is emitted when a mouse is hovered over the bar specified by index in a bar set. When the mouse moves over the bar, status turns true , and when the mouse moves away again, it turns false .

void QBarSet:: insert (const int index , const qreal value )

插入 value in the position specified by index . The values following the inserted value are moved up one position.

另请参阅 remove ().

[since 6.2] bool QBarSet:: isBarSelected ( int index ) const

返回 true if the bar at the given index is among selected bars and false 否则。

注意: Selected bars are drawn using the selected color if it was specified using QBarSet::setSelectedColor .

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 selectedBars (), setBarSelected (),和 setSelectedColor ().

QString QBarSet:: label () const

Returns the label of the bar set.

注意: Getter function for property label.

另请参阅 setLabel ().

QBrush QBarSet:: labelBrush () const

Returns the brush used to draw values on top of this bar set.

注意: Getter function for property labelBrush.

另请参阅 setLabelBrush ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: labelBrushChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the brush used to draw the bar set's label changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 labelBrush .

另请参阅 labelBrush .

[signal] void QBarSet:: labelChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the label of the bar set changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 label .

另请参阅 label .

QColor QBarSet:: labelColor ()

Returns the text color for the bar set.

注意: Getter function for property labelColor.

另请参阅 setLabelColor ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: labelColorChanged ( QColor color )

This signal is emitted when the text (label) color of the bar set changes to color .

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 labelColor .

QFont QBarSet:: labelFont () const

Returns the pen used to draw values on top of this bar set.

注意: Getter function for property labelFont.

另请参阅 setLabelFont ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: labelFontChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the font of the bar set's label changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 labelFont .

另请参阅 labelBrush .

QPen QBarSet:: pen () const

Returns the pen used to draw the lines in the bar set.

注意: Getter function for property pen.

另请参阅 setPen ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: penChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the pen used to draw the bar set changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 pen .

另请参阅 pen .

[signal] void QBarSet:: pressed ( int index )

This signal is emitted when the user clicks the bar specified by index in a bar set and holds down the mouse button.

[signal] void QBarSet:: released ( int index )

This signal is emitted when the user releases the mouse press on the bar specified by index in a bar set.

void QBarSet:: remove (const int index , const int count = 1)

Removes the number of values specified by count from the bar set starting with the value specified by index .

另请参阅 insert ().

void QBarSet:: replace (const int index , const qreal value )

Adds the value specified by value to the bar set at the position specified by index .

[since 6.2] void QBarSet:: selectAllBars ()

Marks all bars in the series as selected.

注意: Emits QBarSet::selectedBarsChanged.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 setBarSelected ().

[since 6.2] void QBarSet:: selectBar ( int index )

Marks the bar at index as selected.

注意: Emits QBarSet::selectedBarsChanged.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 setBarSelected ().

[since 6.2] void QBarSet:: selectBars (const QList < int > & indexes )

Marks multiple bars passed in an indexes list as selected.

注意: Emits QBarSet::selectedBarsChanged.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 setBarSelected ().

[since 6.2] QList < int > QBarSet:: selectedBars () const

Returns a list of bars marked as selected.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 setBarSelected ().

[since 6.2] QColor QBarSet:: selectedColor () const

Returns the color of the selected bars.

This is the fill (brush) color of bars marked as selected. If not specified, value of QBarSet::color is used as default.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 setSelectedColor () 和 color .

[since 6.2] void QBarSet:: setBarSelected ( int index , bool selected )

Marks the bar at index as either selected or deselected as specified by selected .

注意: Selected bars are drawn using the selected color if it was specified. Emits QBarSet::selectedBarsChanged.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 isBarSelected () 和 setSelectedColor ().

void QBarSet:: setBorderColor ( QColor color )

将条形集的线颜色设为 color .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 borderColor .

另请参阅 borderColor ().

void QBarSet:: setBrush (const QBrush & brush )

Sets the brush used to fill the bars in the bar set to brush .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 brush .

另请参阅 brush ().

void QBarSet:: setColor ( QColor color )

将条形集的填充颜色设为 color .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 color .

另请参阅 color ().

void QBarSet:: setLabel (const QString label )

设置 label as the new label for the bar set.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 label .

另请参阅 label ().

void QBarSet:: setLabelBrush (const QBrush & brush )

Sets the brush used to draw values on top of this bar set to brush .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 labelBrush .

另请参阅 labelBrush ().

void QBarSet:: setLabelColor ( QColor color )

Sets the text color for the bar set to color .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 labelColor .

另请参阅 labelColor ().

void QBarSet:: setLabelFont (const QFont & font )

Sets the font used to draw values on top of this bar set to font .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 labelFont .

另请参阅 labelFont ().

void QBarSet:: setPen (const QPen & pen )

Sets the pen used to draw the lines in the bar set to pen .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 pen .

另请参阅 pen ().

[since 6.2] void QBarSet:: setSelectedColor (const QColor & color )

设置 color of the selected bars.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 selectedColor .

qreal QBarSet:: sum () const

Returns the sum of all values in the bar set.

[since 6.2] void QBarSet:: toggleSelection (const QList < int > & indexes )

Changes the selection state of bars at the given indexes to the opposite one.

注意: Emits QBarSet::selectedBarsChanged.

该函数在 Qt 6.2 引入。

另请参阅 setBarSelected ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: valueChanged ( int index )

This signal is emitted when the value at the position specified by index 被修改。

另请参阅 at ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: valuesAdded ( int index , int count )

This signal is emitted when new values are added to the bar set. index indicates the position of the first inserted value, and count is the number of inserted values.

另请参阅 append () 和 insert ().

[signal] void QBarSet:: valuesRemoved ( int index , int count )

This signal is emitted when values are removed from the bar set. index indicates the position of the first removed value, and count is the number of removed values.

另请参阅 remove ().

QBarSet &QBarSet:: operator<< (const qreal & value )

A convenience operator for appending the real value specified by value to the end of the bar set.

另请参阅 append ().

qreal QBarSet:: operator[] (const int index ) const

Returns the value of the bar set specified by index . If the index is out of bounds, 0.0 is returned.