QVideoSink 类

QVideoSink 类表示视频数据的一般汇点。 更多...

头: #include <QVideoSink>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Multimedia REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Multimedia)
qmake: QT += multimedia
继承: QObject


  QVideoSink (QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QVideoSink ()
void setSubtitleText (const QString & subtitle )
void setVideoFrame (const QVideoFrame & frame )
QString subtitleText () const
QVideoFrame videoFrame () const
QSize videoSize () const


The QVideoSink class can be used to retrieve video data on a frame by frame basis from Qt Multimedia.

QVideoSink can operate in two modes. In the first mode, it can render the video stream to a native window of the underlying windowing system. In the other mode, it will provide individual video frames to the application developer through the videoFrameChanged() signal.

The video frame can then be used to read out the data of those frames and handle them further. When using QPainter QVideoFrame can be drawing using the paint() method in QVideoSink.

QVideoFrame objects can consume a significant amount of memory or system resources and should thus not be held for longer than required by the application.

另请参阅 QMediaPlayer and QMediaCaptureSession .


QVideoSink:: QVideoSink ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造新的 QVideoSink 对象采用 parent .

[virtual] QVideoSink:: ~QVideoSink ()


void QVideoSink:: setSubtitleText (const QString & subtitle )

设置当前 subtitle text.

另请参阅 subtitleText ().

void QVideoSink:: setVideoFrame (const QVideoFrame & frame )

设置当前视频 frame .

另请参阅 videoFrame ().

QString QVideoSink:: subtitleText () const

Returns the current subtitle text.

另请参阅 setSubtitleText ().

QVideoFrame QVideoSink:: videoFrame () const

Returns the current video frame.

另请参阅 setVideoFrame ().

QSize QVideoSink:: videoSize () const

Returns the size of the video currently being played back. If no video is being played, this method returns an invalid size.