QVideoFrameFormat Class

The QVideoFrameFormat class specifies the stream format of a video presentation surface. 更多...

头: #include <QVideoFrameFormat>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Multimedia REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Multimedia)
qmake: QT += multimedia


enum Direction { TopToBottom, BottomToTop }
enum PixelFormat { Format_Invalid, Format_ARGB8888, Format_ARGB8888_Premultiplied, Format_XRGB8888, Format_BGRA8888, …, Format_SamplerRect }
enum YCbCrColorSpace { YCbCr_Undefined, YCbCr_BT601, YCbCr_BT709, YCbCr_xvYCC601, YCbCr_xvYCC709, YCbCr_JPEG }


  QVideoFrameFormat (QVideoFrameFormat && other )
  QVideoFrameFormat (const QVideoFrameFormat & other )
  QVideoFrameFormat (const QSize & size , QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat format )
  QVideoFrameFormat ()
QVideoFrameFormat & operator= (const QVideoFrameFormat & other )
QVideoFrameFormat & operator= (QVideoFrameFormat && other )
  ~QVideoFrameFormat ()
int frameHeight () const
qreal frameRate () const
QSize frameSize () const
int frameWidth () const
bool isMirrored () const
bool isValid () const
QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat pixelFormat () const
int planeCount () const
QVideoFrameFormat::Direction scanLineDirection () const
void setFrameRate (qreal rate )
void setFrameSize (const QSize & size )
void setFrameSize (int width , int height )
void setMirrored (bool mirrored )
void setScanLineDirection (QVideoFrameFormat::Direction direction )
void setViewport (const QRect & viewport )
void setYCbCrColorSpace (QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCrColorSpace space )
QRect viewport () const
QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCrColorSpace yCbCrColorSpace () const
bool operator!= (const QVideoFrameFormat & other ) const
bool operator== (const QVideoFrameFormat & other ) const


QImage::Format imageFormatFromPixelFormat (QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat format )
QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat pixelFormatFromImageFormat (QImage::Format format )
QString pixelFormatToString (QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat pixelFormat )


A video sink presents a stream of video frames. QVideoFrameFormat describes the type of the frames and determines how they should be presented.

The core properties of a video stream required to setup a video sink are the pixel format given by pixelFormat (), and the frame dimensions given by frameSize ().

The region of a frame that is actually displayed on a video surface is given by the viewport (). A stream may have a viewport less than the entire region of a frame to allow for videos smaller than the nearest optimal size of a video frame. For example the width of a frame may be extended so that the start of each scan line is eight byte aligned.

Other common properties are the scanLineDirection (), frameRate () and the yCrCbColorSpace().


enum QVideoFrameFormat:: Direction


常量 描述
QVideoFrameFormat::TopToBottom 0 Scan lines are arranged from the top of the frame to the bottom.
QVideoFrameFormat::BottomToTop 1 Scan lines are arranged from the bottom of the frame to the top.

enum QVideoFrameFormat:: PixelFormat


常量 描述
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid 0 帧是无效的。
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_ARGB8888 1 The frame is stored using a ARGB format with 8 bits per component.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_ARGB8888_Premultiplied 2 The frame stored using a premultiplied ARGB format with 8 bits per component.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_XRGB8888 3 The frame stored using a 32 bits per pixel RGB format (0xff, R, G, B).
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_BGRA8888 4 The frame is stored using a 32-bit BGRA format (0xBBGGRRAA).
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_BGRA8888_Premultiplied 5 The frame is stored using a premultiplied 32bit BGRA format.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_ABGR8888 7 The frame is stored using a 32-bit ABGR format (0xAABBGGRR).
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_XBGR8888 8 The frame is stored using a 32-bit BGR format (0xffBBGGRR).
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_RGBA8888 9 The frame is stored in memory as the bytes R, G, B, A/X, with R at the lowest address and A/X at the highest address.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_BGRX8888 6 The frame is stored in format 32-bit BGRx format, [31:0] B:G:R:x 8:8:8:8 little endian
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_RGBX8888 10 The frame is stored in memory as the bytes R, G, B, A/X, with R at the lowest address and A/X at the highest address.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_AYUV 11 The frame is stored using a packed 32-bit AYUV format (0xAAYYUUVV).
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_AYUV_Premultiplied 12 The frame is stored using a packed premultiplied 32-bit AYUV format (0xAAYYUUVV).
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_YUV420P 13 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component planar YUV format with the U and V planes horizontally and vertically sub-sampled, i.e. the height and width of the U and V planes are half that of the Y plane.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_YUV422P 14 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component planar YUV format with the U and V planes horizontally sub-sampled, i.e. the width of the U and V planes are half that of the Y plane, and height of U and V planes is the same as Y.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_YV12 15 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component planar YVU format with the V and U planes horizontally and vertically sub-sampled, i.e. the height and width of the V and U planes are half that of the Y plane.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_UYVY 16 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component packed YUV format with the U and V planes horizontally sub-sampled (U-Y-V-Y), i.e. two horizontally adjacent pixels are stored as a 32-bit macropixel which has a Y value for each pixel and common U and V values.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_YUYV 17 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component packed YUV format with the U and V planes horizontally sub-sampled (Y-U-Y-V), i.e. two horizontally adjacent pixels are stored as a 32-bit macropixel which has a Y value for each pixel and common U and V values.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_NV12 18 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component semi-planar YUV format with a Y plane (Y) followed by a horizontally and vertically sub-sampled, packed UV plane (U-V).
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_NV21 19 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component semi-planar YUV format with a Y plane (Y) followed by a horizontally and vertically sub-sampled, packed VU plane (V-U).
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_IMC1 20 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component planar YUV format with the U and V planes horizontally and vertically sub-sampled. This is similar to the Format_YUV420P type, except that the bytes per line of the U and V planes are padded out to the same stride as the Y plane.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_IMC2 21 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component planar YUV format with the U and V planes horizontally and vertically sub-sampled. This is similar to the Format_YUV420P type, except that the lines of the U and V planes are interleaved, i.e. each line of U data is followed by a line of V data creating a single line of the same stride as the Y data.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_IMC3 22 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component planar YVU format with the V and U planes horizontally and vertically sub-sampled. This is similar to the Format_YV12 type, except that the bytes per line of the V and U planes are padded out to the same stride as the Y plane.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_IMC4 23 The frame is stored using an 8-bit per component planar YVU format with the V and U planes horizontally and vertically sub-sampled. This is similar to the Format_YV12 type, except that the lines of the V and U planes are interleaved, i.e. each line of V data is followed by a line of U data creating a single line of the same stride as the Y data.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_P010 26 The frame is stored using a 16bit per component semi-planar YUV format with a Y plane (Y) followed by a horizontally and vertically sub-sampled, packed UV plane (U-V). Only the 10 most significant bits of each component are being used.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_P016 27 The frame is stored using a 16bit per component semi-planar YUV format with a Y plane (Y) followed by a horizontally and vertically sub-sampled, packed UV plane (U-V).
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Y8 24 The frame is stored using an 8-bit greyscale format.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Y16 25 The frame is stored using a 16-bit linear greyscale format. Little endian.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Jpeg 29 The frame is stored in compressed Jpeg format.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_SamplerExternalOES 28 The frame is stored in external OES texture format.
QVideoFrameFormat::Format_SamplerRect 30 The frame is stored in rectangle texture format.

enum QVideoFrameFormat:: YCbCrColorSpace

枚举视频帧的 Y'CbCr 色彩空间。

常量 描述
QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCr_Undefined 0 No color space is specified.
QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCr_BT601 1 A Y'CbCr color space defined by ITU-R recommendation BT.601 with Y value range from 16 to 235, and Cb/Cr range from 16 to 240. Used in standard definition video.
QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCr_BT709 2 A Y'CbCr color space defined by ITU-R BT.709 with the same values range as YCbCr_BT601. Used for HDTV.
QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCr_xvYCC601 3 The BT.601 color space with the value range extended to 0 to 255. It is backward compatible with BT.601 and uses values outside BT.601 range to represent a wider range of colors.
QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCr_xvYCC709 4 The BT.709 color space with the value range extended to 0 to 255.
QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCr_JPEG 5 The full range Y'CbCr color space used in JPEG files.


QVideoFrameFormat:: QVideoFrameFormat ( QVideoFrameFormat && other )

Constructs a QVideoFrameFormat by moving from other .

QVideoFrameFormat:: QVideoFrameFormat (const QVideoFrameFormat & other )

构造副本为 other .

QVideoFrameFormat:: QVideoFrameFormat (const QSize & size , QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat format )

Constructs a video stream with the given frame size and pixel format .

QVideoFrameFormat:: QVideoFrameFormat ()

Constructs a null video stream format.

QVideoFrameFormat &QVideoFrameFormat:: operator= (const QVideoFrameFormat & other )

Assigns the values of other 到此对象。

QVideoFrameFormat &QVideoFrameFormat:: operator= ( QVideoFrameFormat && other )

移动 other 到此 QVideoFrameFormat .

QVideoFrameFormat:: ~QVideoFrameFormat ()

Destroys a video stream description.

int QVideoFrameFormat:: frameHeight () const

Returns the height of frame in a video stream.

qreal QVideoFrameFormat:: frameRate () const

Returns the frame rate of a video stream in frames per second.

另请参阅 setFrameRate ().

QSize QVideoFrameFormat:: frameSize () const


另请参阅 setFrameSize (), frameWidth (),和 frameHeight ().

int QVideoFrameFormat:: frameWidth () const


另请参阅 frameSize () 和 frameHeight ().

[static] QImage::Format QVideoFrameFormat:: imageFormatFromPixelFormat ( QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat format )

返回图像格式等效视频帧像素 format 。若没有等效格式 QImage::Format_Invalid 被返回取而代之。

注意: 一般而言 QImage 没有 YUV 格式。

bool QVideoFrameFormat:: isMirrored () const

返回 true if the surface is mirrored around its vertical axis. This is typically needed for video frames coming from a front camera of a mobile device.

注意: The mirroring here differs from QImage::mirrored , as a vertically mirrored QImage will be mirrored around its x-axis.

bool QVideoFrameFormat:: isValid () const

Identifies if a video surface format has a valid pixel format and frame size.

Returns true if the format is valid, and false otherwise.

QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat QVideoFrameFormat:: pixelFormat () const


[static] QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat QVideoFrameFormat:: pixelFormatFromImageFormat ( QImage::Format format )

Returns a video pixel format equivalent to an image format 。若没有等效格式 QVideoFrameFormat::Format_Invalid 被返回取而代之。

注意: 一般而言 QImage 没有 YUV 格式。

[static] QString QVideoFrameFormat:: pixelFormatToString ( QVideoFrameFormat::PixelFormat pixelFormat )

Returns a string representation of the given pixelFormat .

int QVideoFrameFormat:: planeCount () const

Returns the number of planes used. This number is depending on the pixel format and is 1 for RGB based formats, and a number between 1 and 3 for YUV based formats.

QVideoFrameFormat::Direction QVideoFrameFormat:: scanLineDirection () const

Returns the direction of scan lines.

另请参阅 setScanLineDirection ().

void QVideoFrameFormat:: setFrameRate ( qreal rate )

Sets the frame rate of a video stream in frames per second.

另请参阅 frameRate ().

void QVideoFrameFormat:: setFrameSize (const QSize & size )

Sets the size of frames in a video stream to size .

This will reset the viewport () to fill the entire frame.

另请参阅 frameSize ().

void QVideoFrameFormat:: setFrameSize ( int width , int height )


设置 width and height of frames in a video stream.

This will reset the viewport () to fill the entire frame.

void QVideoFrameFormat:: setMirrored ( bool mirrored )

Sets if the surface is mirrored around its vertical axis. This is typically needed for video frames coming from a front camera of a mobile device. Default value is false.

注意: The mirroring here differs from QImage::mirrored , as a vertically mirrored QImage will be mirrored around its x-axis.

另请参阅 isMirrored ().

void QVideoFrameFormat:: setScanLineDirection ( QVideoFrameFormat::Direction direction )

设置 direction of scan lines.

另请参阅 scanLineDirection ().

void QVideoFrameFormat:: setViewport (const QRect & viewport )

Sets the viewport of a video stream to viewport .

另请参阅 viewport ().

void QVideoFrameFormat:: setYCbCrColorSpace ( QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCrColorSpace space )

Sets the Y'CbCr color space of a video stream. It is only used with raw YUV frame types.

另请参阅 yCbCrColorSpace ().

QRect QVideoFrameFormat:: viewport () const

Returns the viewport of a video stream.

The viewport is the region of a video frame that is actually displayed.

By default the viewport covers an entire frame.

另请参阅 setViewport ().

QVideoFrameFormat::YCbCrColorSpace QVideoFrameFormat:: yCbCrColorSpace () const

Returns the Y'CbCr color space of a video stream.

另请参阅 setYCbCrColorSpace ().

bool QVideoFrameFormat:: operator!= (const QVideoFrameFormat & other ) const

返回 true 若 other is different to this video format, and false if they are the same.

bool QVideoFrameFormat:: operator== (const QVideoFrameFormat & other ) const

返回 true 若 other is the same as this video format, and false if they are different.