QQuickAsyncImageProvider Class

The QQuickAsyncImageProvider class provides an interface for for asynchronous control of QML image requests. 更多...

头: #include <QQuickAsyncImageProvider>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 COMPONENTS Quick REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Quick)
qmake: QT += quick
Since: Qt 5.6
继承: QQuickImageProvider


virtual QQuickImageResponse * requestImageResponse (const QString & id , const QSize & requestedSize ) = 0


Image Response Provider Example for a complete implementation.

另请参阅 QQuickImageProvider .


[pure virtual] QQuickImageResponse *QQuickAsyncImageProvider:: requestImageResponse (const QString & id , const QSize & requestedSize )

Implement this method to return the job that will provide the texture with id .

id is the requested image source, with the "image:" scheme and provider identifier removed. For example, if the image source was "image://myprovider/icons/home", the given id would be "icons/home".

requestedSize corresponds to the Image::sourceSize requested by an Image item. If requestedSize is a valid size, the image returned should be of that size.

注意: this method may be called by multiple threads, so ensure the implementation of this method is reentrant.