Qt 5 Compatibility APIs: Qt Graphical Effects

The Qt Graphical Effects module is provided for compatibility with applications written for Qt 5. As far as practically feasible, effects have been ported, but some dynamically generated effects are incompatible with the approach to shader effects in Qt 6 and have thus been left out:

  • Blend
  • InnerShadow
  • All blur effects besides FastBlur : GaussianBlur, MaskedBlur, RecursiveBlur, DirectionalBlur, RadialBlur, ZoomBlur.

Dependencies on any of these types have to be replaced by a custom shader effect in the application code.

Effects are visual items that can be added to Qt Quick user interface as UI components. To import the Qt Graphical Effects types, include the Qt Graphical Effects module by adding the following statement to the QML file:

import Qt5Compat.GraphicalEffects

To use the effects, simply add a specific effect declaration to the QML scene and configure the effects properties. The source item type can be any QML type, even video or another effect. Pipelining multiple effects together is a simple way to create even more impressive output.

The following list presents the functional division of types that are part of Qt Graphical Effects:


BrightnessContrast Adjusts brightness and contrast
ColorOverlay Alters the colors of the source item by applying an overlay color
Colorize Sets the color in the HSL color space
Desaturate Reduces the saturation of the colors
GammaAdjust Alters the luminance of the source item
HueSaturation Alters the source item colors in the HSL color space
LevelAdjust Adjusts color levels in the RGBA color space


ConicalGradient 绘制锥形渐变
LinearGradient 绘制线性渐变
RadialGradient 绘制径向渐变


Displace Moves the pixels of the source item according to the given displacement map

Drop Shadow

DropShadow Generates a colorized and blurred shadow image of the source and places it behind the original, giving the impression that source item is raised from the background


FastBlur Applies a fast blur effect to one or more source items


Glow Generates a blurred and colorized image of the source and places it behind the original, giving impression that the source is glowing
RectangularGlow Generates a blurred and colorized rectangle, which gives the impression that the source is glowing


OpacityMask Masks the source item with another item
ThresholdMask Masks the source item with another item and applies a threshold value