使用 Qt Quick 录制音频和视频。
QML Recorder demonstrates a simple application that can record audio and video separate or together, using a microphone, a camera, or with screen capturing.
要运行范例从 Qt Creator ,打开 欢迎 模式,然后选择范例从 范例 。更多信息,拜访 构建和运行范例 .
At its core, this is a QML application, see 采用 Qt Quick 快速入门编程 . This documentation is focused on how this example uses the Qt Multimedia QML 类型 .
The example uses the QML Camera and AudioInput types connected to a CaptureSession 。 MediaRecorder object is then used to record the captured audio and video.
除了 QtMultimedia , features of Qt Quick Windows, Controls, and Layouts are used to implement the graphic user interface and functionality. Playback won't be covered here, for that see the QML 媒体播放器范例 .
The example demonstrates the following:
The application implements recording.
is declared like so:
CaptureSession { id: captureSession recorder: recorder audioInput: controls.audioInput camera: controls.camera screenCapture: controls.screenCapture windowCapture: controls.windowCapture videoOutput: videoOutput }
handles recording media as well as capturing a thumbnail for the file and appending it to a ListModel,
MediaRecorder { id: recorder onRecorderStateChanged: (state) => { if (state === MediaRecorder.StoppedState) { root.contentOrientation = Qt.PrimaryOrientation mediaList.append() } else if (state === MediaRecorder.RecordingState && captureSession.camera) { // lock orientation while recording and create a preview image root.contentOrientation = root.screen.orientation; videoOutput.grabToImage(function(res) { mediaList.mediaThumbnail = res.url }) } } onActualLocationChanged: (url) => { mediaList.mediaUrl = url } onErrorOccurred: { recorderErrorText.text = recorder.errorString; recorderError.open(); } }
is declared in the
Frame { id: mediaListFrame height: 150 width: parent.width anchors.bottom: controlsFrame.top x: controls.capturesVisible ? 0 : parent.width background: Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent color: palette.base opacity: 0.8 } Behavior on x { NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } } MediaList { id: mediaList anchors.fill: parent playback: playback
These are defined in
and declared in main.qml.
Its root is a
, each defined in their own .qml files.
Defined in
is comprised of a
and enables the user to select from available cameras.
Row { id: root height: Style.height property Camera selectedCamera: cameraAvailable ? camera : null property ScreenCapture selectedScreenCapture: screenAvailable ? screenCapture : null property WindowCapture selectedWindowCapture: windowAvailable ? windowCapture : null property bool sourceAvailable: typeof comboBox.currentValue !== 'undefined' && comboBox.currentValue.type !== 'toggler' && videoSourceSwitch.checked property bool cameraAvailable: sourceAvailable && comboBox.currentValue.type === 'camera' property bool screenAvailable: sourceAvailable && comboBox.currentValue.type === 'screen' property bool windowAvailable: sourceAvailable && comboBox.currentValue.type === 'window' Component.onCompleted: { videoSourceModel.populate() for (var i = 0; i < videoSourceModel.count; i++) { if (videoSourceModel.get(i).value.type !== 'toggler') { comboBox.currentIndex = i break } } } Camera { id: camera active: cameraAvailable } ScreenCapture { id: screenCapture active: screenAvailable } WindowCapture { id: windowCapture active: windowAvailable } MediaDevices { id: mediaDevices onVideoInputsChanged: { videoSourceModel.populate() for (var i = 0; i < videoSourceModel.count; i++) { if (videoSourceModel.get(i).value.type !== 'toggler') { comboBox.currentIndex = i break } } } } Switch { id: videoSourceSwitch anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter checked: true } ListModel { id: videoSourceModel property var enabledSources: { 'camera': true, 'screen': true, 'window': false } function toggleEnabledSource(type) { enabledSources[type] = !enabledSources[type] populate() } function appendItem(text, value) { append({ text: text, value: value}) } function appendToggler(name, sourceType) { appendItem((enabledSources[sourceType] ? "- Hide " : "+ Show ") + name, { type: 'toggler', 'sourceType': sourceType }) } function populate() { clear() appendToggler('Cameras', 'camera') if (enabledSources['camera']) for (var camera of mediaDevices.videoInputs) appendItem(camera.description, { type: 'camera', camera: camera }) appendToggler('Screens', 'screen') if (enabledSources['screen']) for (var screen of Application.screens) appendItem(screen.name, { type: 'screen', screen: screen }) appendToggler('Windows', 'window') if (enabledSources['window']) for (var window of windowCapture.capturableWindows()) appendItem(window.description, { type: 'window', window: window }) } }
, declared in the above snippet, assigns the current video source.
ComboBox { id: comboBox width: Style.widthLong height: Style.height background: StyleRectangle { anchors.fill: parent } model: videoSourceModel displayText: typeof currentValue === 'undefined' || currentValue.type === 'toggler' ? "Unavailable" : currentText font.pointSize: Style.fontSize textRole: "text" valueRole: "value" onCurrentValueChanged: { if (typeof currentValue === 'undefined') return if (currentValue.type === 'screen') screenCapture.screen = currentValue.screen else if (currentValue.type === 'camera') camera.cameraDevice = currentValue.camera
Implemented in the same way as
Selecting a video source
and defined in
Row { id: root height: Style.height property AudioInput selected: available ? audioInput : null property bool available: (typeof comboBox.currentValue !== 'undefined') && audioSwitch.checked Component.onCompleted: { audioInputModel.populate() comboBox.currentIndex = 0 } MediaDevices { id: mediaDevices } AudioInput { id: audioInput; muted: !audioSwitch.checked } Switch { id: audioSwitch; height: Style.height; checked: true } ListModel { id: audioInputModel property var audioInputs: mediaDevices.audioInputs function populate() { audioInputModel.clear() for (var audioDevice of audioInputs) audioInputModel.append({ text: audioDevice.description, value: { type: 'audioDevice', audioDevice: audioDevice } }) } } ComboBox { id: comboBox width: Style.widthLong height: Style.height background: StyleRectangle { anchors.fill: parent } model: audioInputModel textRole: "text" font.pointSize: Style.fontSize displayText: typeof currentValue === 'undefined' ? "unavailable" : currentText valueRole: "value"