Id128Bytes Union

union QUuid ::Id128Bytes

This union was introduced in Qt 6.6.

QUuid::Id128Bytes qFromBigEndian (QUuid::Id128Bytes src )
QUuid::Id128Bytes qFromLittleEndian (QUuid::Id128Bytes src )
QUuid::Id128Bytes qToBigEndian (QUuid::Id128Bytes src )
QUuid::Id128Bytes qToLittleEndian (QUuid::Id128Bytes src )


This trivial structure is 128 bits (16 bytes) in size and holds the binary representation of a UUID. Applications can memcpy() its contents to and from many other libraries' UUID or GUID structures that take 128-bit values.


[since 6.6] QUuid::Id128Bytes qFromBigEndian ( QUuid::Id128Bytes src )


转换 src from big-endian byte order and returns the struct holding the binary representation of UUID in host byte order.

该函数在 Qt 6.6 引入。

另请参阅 <QtEndian> .

[since 6.6] QUuid::Id128Bytes qFromLittleEndian ( QUuid::Id128Bytes src )


转换 src from little-endian byte order and returns the struct holding the binary representation of UUID in host byte order.

该函数在 Qt 6.6 引入。

另请参阅 <QtEndian> .

[since 6.6] QUuid::Id128Bytes qToBigEndian ( QUuid::Id128Bytes src )


转换 src from host byte order and returns the struct holding the binary representation of UUID in big-endian byte order.

该函数在 Qt 6.6 引入。

另请参阅 <QtEndian> .

[since 6.6] QUuid::Id128Bytes qToLittleEndian ( QUuid::Id128Bytes src )


转换 src from host byte order and returns the struct holding the binary representation of UUID in little-endian byte order.

该函数在 Qt 6.6 引入。

另请参阅 <QtEndian> .