QJoint Class

class Qt3DCore ::QJoint

Used to transforms parts of skinned meshes. 更多...

头: #include <QJoint>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS 3DCore)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3DCore)
qmake: QT += 3dcore
实例化: Joint
继承: Qt3DCore::QNode



QJoint (Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)
void addChildJoint (Qt3DCore::QJoint * joint )
QList<Qt3DCore::QJoint *> childJoints () const
QMatrix4x4 inverseBindMatrix () const
QString name () const
void removeChildJoint (Qt3DCore::QJoint * joint )
QQuaternion rotation () const
float rotationX () const
float rotationY () const
float rotationZ () const
QVector3D scale () const
QVector3D translation () const


void setInverseBindMatrix (const QMatrix4x4 & inverseBindMatrix )
void setName (const QString & name )
void setRotation (const QQuaternion & rotation )
void setRotationX (float rotationX )
void setRotationY (float rotationY )
void setRotationZ (float rotationZ )
void setScale (const QVector3D & scale )
void setToIdentity ()
void setTranslation (const QVector3D & translation )


void inverseBindMatrixChanged (const QMatrix4x4 & inverseBindMatrix )
void nameChanged (const QString & name )
void rotationChanged (const QQuaternion & rotation )
void rotationXChanged (float rotationX )
void rotationYChanged (float rotationY )
void rotationZChanged (float rotationZ )
void scaleChanged (const QVector3D & scale )
void translationChanged (const QVector3D & translation )


The QJoint node is used to build skeletons as part of the skinned mesh support in Qt 3D. A joint can be transformed by way of its scale, rotation and translation properties. Any mesh vertices that are bound to the joint will have their transformations updated accordingly.


inverseBindMatrix : QMatrix4x4

Holds the inverse bind matrix of the joint. This is used to transform vertices from model space into the space of this joint so they can subsequently be multiplied by the joint's global transform to perform the skinning operation.


QMatrix4x4 inverseBindMatrix () const
void setInverseBindMatrix (const QMatrix4x4 & inverseBindMatrix )


void inverseBindMatrixChanged (const QMatrix4x4 & inverseBindMatrix )

rotation : QQuaternion

Holds the rotation of the joint as QQuaternion .


QQuaternion rotation () const
void setRotation (const QQuaternion & rotation )


void rotationChanged (const QQuaternion & rotation )

rotationX : float

Holds the x rotation of the joint as an Euler angle.


float rotationX () const
void setRotationX (float rotationX )


void rotationXChanged (float rotationX )

rotationY : float

Holds the y rotation of the joint as an Euler angle.


float rotationY () const
void setRotationY (float rotationY )


void rotationYChanged (float rotationY )

rotationZ : float

Holds the z rotation of the joint as an Euler angle.


float rotationZ () const
void setRotationZ (float rotationZ )


void rotationZChanged (float rotationZ )

scale : QVector3D

Holds the scale of the joint.


QVector3D scale () const
void setScale (const QVector3D & scale )


void scaleChanged (const QVector3D & scale )

translation : QVector3D

Holds the translation of the joint as QVector3D .


QVector3D translation () const
void setTranslation (const QVector3D & translation )


void translationChanged (const QVector3D & translation )


[explicit] QJoint:: QJoint ( Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QJoint with parent .

void QJoint:: addChildJoint ( Qt3DCore::QJoint * joint )

添加 joint as a child of this joint. If joint has no parent, then this joint takes ownership of it. Child joints are in the coordinate system of their parent joint.

QList < Qt3DCore::QJoint *> QJoint:: childJoints () const

The vector of joints this joint has as children.

QString QJoint:: name () const

Returns the name of the joint.

注意: Getter function for property name.

另请参阅 setName ().

void QJoint:: removeChildJoint ( Qt3DCore::QJoint * joint )

移除 joint from this joint's list of children. The child joint is not destroyed.

[slot] void QJoint:: setToIdentity ()

Sets the transform matrix for this joint to the identity matrix.