QAttribute Class

class Qt3DCore ::QAttribute

Defines an attribute and how data should be read from a QBuffer . 更多...

头: #include <Qt3DCore/QAttribute>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS 3DCore)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::3DCore)
qmake: QT += 3dcore
实例化: 属性
继承: Qt3DCore::QNode


enum AttributeType { VertexAttribute, IndexAttribute, DrawIndirectAttribute }
enum VertexBaseType { Byte, UnsignedByte, Short, UnsignedShort, Int, …, Double }



QAttribute (Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)
QAttribute (Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buf , Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType type , uint dataSize , uint count , uint offset = 0, uint stride = 0, Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)
QAttribute (Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buf , const QString & name , Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType type , uint dataSize , uint count , uint offset = 0, uint stride = 0, Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::AttributeType attributeType () const
Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buffer () const
uint byteOffset () const
uint byteStride () const
uint count () const
uint divisor () const
QString name () const
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType vertexBaseType () const
uint vertexSize () const


void setAttributeType (Qt3DCore::QAttribute::AttributeType attributeType )
void setBuffer (Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buffer )
void setByteOffset (uint byteOffset )
void setByteStride (uint byteStride )
void setCount (uint count )
void setDivisor (uint divisor )
void setName (const QString & name )
void setVertexBaseType (Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType type )
void setVertexSize (uint size )


void attributeTypeChanged (Qt3DCore::QAttribute::AttributeType attributeType )
void bufferChanged (Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buffer )
void byteOffsetChanged (uint byteOffset )
void byteStrideChanged (uint byteStride )
void countChanged (uint count )
void dataSizeChanged (uint vertexSize )
void dataTypeChanged (Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType vertexBaseType )
void divisorChanged (uint divisor )
void nameChanged (const QString & name )
void vertexBaseTypeChanged (Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType vertexBaseType )
void vertexSizeChanged (uint vertexSize )


QString defaultColorAttributeName ()
QString defaultJointIndicesAttributeName ()
QString defaultJointWeightsAttributeName ()
QString defaultNormalAttributeName ()
QString defaultPositionAttributeName ()
QString defaultTangentAttributeName ()
QString defaultTextureCoordinate1AttributeName ()
QString defaultTextureCoordinate2AttributeName ()
QString defaultTextureCoordinateAttributeName ()


There are 3 types of attributes.

注意: when an attribute is of type DrawIndirectAttribute , only count, stride and offset are relevant.

When providing your own attributes, it may make sense to name your attribute using helpers such as QAttribute::defaultPositionAttributeName () as that will ensure your geometry will be compatible with picking and the various materials provided in the Qt3DExtras 模块。

另请参阅 QBuffer .


enum QAttribute:: AttributeType

The type of the attribute.

Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexAttribute 0
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::IndexAttribute 1
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::DrawIndirectAttribute 2

enum QAttribute:: VertexBaseType

The type of the data.

Qt3DCore::QAttribute::Byte 0
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::UnsignedByte 1
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::Short 2
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::UnsignedShort 3
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::Int 4
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::UnsignedInt 5
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::HalfFloat 6
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::Float 7
Qt3DCore::QAttribute::Double 8


attributeType : AttributeType

Holds the attribute type.


Qt3DCore::QAttribute::AttributeType attributeType () const
void setAttributeType (Qt3DCore::QAttribute::AttributeType attributeType )


void attributeTypeChanged (Qt3DCore::QAttribute::AttributeType attributeType )

buffer : Qt3DCore::QBuffer *

Holds the buffer.


Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buffer () const
void setBuffer (Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buffer )


void bufferChanged (Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buffer )

byteOffset : uint

Holds the byte offset.


uint byteOffset () const
void setByteOffset (uint byteOffset )


void byteOffsetChanged (uint byteOffset )

byteStride : uint

Holds the byte stride.


uint byteStride () const
void setByteStride (uint byteStride )


void byteStrideChanged (uint byteStride )

count : uint

Holds the count.


uint count () const
void setCount (uint count )


void countChanged (uint count )

divisor : uint

Holds the divisor.


uint divisor () const
void setDivisor (uint divisor )


void divisorChanged (uint divisor )

name : QString

Holds the name.


QString 名称 () const
void setName (const QString & name )


void nameChanged (const QString & name )

vertexBaseType : VertexBaseType

Holds the data type.


Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType vertexBaseType () const
void setVertexBaseType (Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType type )


void vertexBaseTypeChanged (Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType vertexBaseType )

vertexSize : uint

Holds the data size, it can only be 1 to 4 units (scalars and vectors), 9 units (3x3 matrices) or 16 units (4x4 matrices).


uint vertexSize () const
void setVertexSize (uint size )


void vertexSizeChanged (uint vertexSize )


[explicit] QAttribute:: QAttribute ( Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QAttribute with parent .

[explicit] QAttribute:: QAttribute ( Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buf , Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType type , uint dataSize , uint count , uint offset = 0, uint stride = 0, Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QAttribute from buf of type , dataSize , count , offset ,和 stride with parent .

[explicit] QAttribute:: QAttribute ( Qt3DCore::QBuffer * buf , const QString & name , Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType type , uint dataSize , uint count , uint offset = 0, uint stride = 0, Qt3DCore::QNode * parent = nullptr)

Constructs a new QAttribute named name from buf of type , dataSize , count , offset ,和 stride with parent .

[signal] void QAttribute:: dataSizeChanged ( uint vertexSize )

The signal is emitted with vertexSize when the dataSize changes.

[signal] void QAttribute:: dataTypeChanged ( Qt3DCore::QAttribute::VertexBaseType vertexBaseType )

The signal is emitted with vertexBaseType when the dataType changed.

[static invokable] QString QAttribute:: defaultColorAttributeName ()

QAttribute::defaultColorAttributeName Returns the name of the default color attribute

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

注意: Getter function for property defaultColorAttributeName.

[static] QString QAttribute:: defaultJointIndicesAttributeName ()

QAttribute::defaultJointIndicesAttributeName Returns the name of the default joint indices attribute

注意: Getter function for property defaultJointIndicesAttributeName.

[static] QString QAttribute:: defaultJointWeightsAttributeName ()

QAttribute::defaultJointIndicesAttributeName Returns the name of the default joint weights attribute

注意: Getter function for property defaultJointWeightsAttributeName.

[static invokable] QString QAttribute:: defaultNormalAttributeName ()

QAttribute::defaultNormalAttributeName Returns the name of the default normal attribute

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

注意: Getter function for property defaultNormalAttributeName.

[static invokable] QString QAttribute:: defaultPositionAttributeName ()

QAttribute::defaultPositionAttributeName Returns the name of the default position attribute

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

注意: Getter function for property defaultPositionAttributeName.

[static invokable] QString QAttribute:: defaultTangentAttributeName ()

QAttribute::defaultTangentAttributeName Returns the name of the default tangent attribute

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

注意: Getter function for property defaultTangentAttributeName.

[static] QString QAttribute:: defaultTextureCoordinate1AttributeName ()

QAttribute::defaultTextureCoordinate1AttributeName Returns the name of the default attribute for the second layer of texture coordinates

注意: Getter function for property defaultTextureCoordinate1AttributeName.

[static] QString QAttribute:: defaultTextureCoordinate2AttributeName ()

QAttribute::defaultTextureCoordinate2AttributeName Returns the name of the default attribute for the third layer of texture coordinates

注意: Getter function for property defaultTextureCoordinate2AttributeName.

[static invokable] QString QAttribute:: defaultTextureCoordinateAttributeName ()

QAttribute::defaultTextureCoordinateAttributeName Returns the name of the default texture coordinate attribute

注意: 此函数可以被援引,通过元对象系统和从 QML。见 Q_INVOKABLE .

注意: Getter function for property defaultTextureCoordinateAttributeName.

