QRubberBand 类

QRubberBand 类提供可以指示选定 (或边界) 的矩形或直线。 更多...

头: #include <QRubberBand>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Widgets)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Widgets)
qmake: QT += widgets
继承: QWidget


enum 形状 { Line, Rectangle }


QRubberBand (QRubberBand::Shape s , QWidget * p = nullptr)
virtual ~QRubberBand ()
void move (int x , int y )
void move (const QPoint & p )
void resize (int width , int height )
void resize (const QSize & size )
void setGeometry (const QRect & rect )
void setGeometry (int x , int y , int width , int height )
QRubberBand::Shape shape () const


virtual void initStyleOption (QStyleOptionRubberBand * option ) const


virtual void changeEvent (QEvent * e ) override
virtual bool event (QEvent * e ) override
virtual void moveEvent (QMoveEvent *) override
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *) override
virtual void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *) override
virtual void showEvent (QShowEvent * e ) override


橡皮筋经常用于展示新的边界区域 (如在 QSplitter QDockWidget that is undocking). Historically this has been implemented using a QPainter and XOR, but this approach doesn't always work properly since rendering can happen in the window below the rubber band, but before the rubber band has been "erased".

You can create a QRubberBand whenever you need to render a rubber band around a given area (or to represent a single line), then call setGeometry (), move () 或 resize () to position and size it. A common pattern is to do this in conjunction with mouse events. For example:

void Widget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    origin = event->pos();
    if (!rubberBand)
        rubberBand = new QRubberBand(QRubberBand::Rectangle, this);
    rubberBand->setGeometry(QRect(origin, QSize()));
void Widget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    rubberBand->setGeometry(QRect(origin, event->pos()).normalized());
void Widget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    // determine selection, for example using QRect::intersects()
    // and QRect::contains().

If you pass a parent to QRubberBand's constructor, the rubber band will display only inside its parent, but stays on top of other child widgets. If no parent is passed, QRubberBand will act as a top-level widget.

调用 show () to make the rubber band visible; also when the rubber band is not a top-level. Hiding or destroying the widget will make the rubber band disappear. The rubber band can be a Rectangle Line (vertical or horizontal), depending on the shape () it was given when constructed.


enum QRubberBand:: 形状

This enum specifies what shape a QRubberBand should have. This is a drawing hint that is passed down to the style system, and can be interpreted by each QStyle .

常量 描述
QRubberBand::Line 0 A QRubberBand can represent a vertical or horizontal line. Geometry is still given in rect () and the line will fill the given geometry on most styles.
QRubberBand::Rectangle 1 A QRubberBand can represent a rectangle. Some styles will interpret this as a filled (often semi-transparent) rectangle, or a rectangular outline.


[explicit] QRubberBand:: QRubberBand ( QRubberBand::Shape s , QWidget * p = nullptr)

Constructs a rubber band of shape s ,采用父级 p .

By default a rectangular rubber band ( s is Rectangle ) will use a mask, so that a small border of the rectangle is all that is visible. Some styles (e.g., native macOS) will change this and call QWidget::setWindowOpacity () to make a semi-transparent filled selection rectangle.

[virtual noexcept] QRubberBand:: ~QRubberBand ()


[override virtual protected] void QRubberBand:: changeEvent ( QEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::changeEvent (QEvent *event).

[override virtual protected] bool QRubberBand:: event ( QEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::event (QEvent *event).

[virtual protected] void QRubberBand:: initStyleOption ( QStyleOptionRubberBand * option ) const

初始化 option 采用值来自此 QRubberBand 。此方法对子类是有用的,当需要 QStyleOptionRubberBand ,但不希望自己填充所有信息。

另请参阅 QStyleOption::initFrom ().

void QRubberBand:: move ( int x , int y )

将橡皮筋移到点 ( x , y ).

另请参阅 resize ().

void QRubberBand:: move (const QPoint & p )


将橡皮筋移到点 p .

另请参阅 resize ().

[override virtual protected] void QRubberBand:: moveEvent ( QMoveEvent *)

重实现: QWidget::moveEvent (QMoveEvent *event).

[override virtual protected] void QRubberBand:: paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *)

重实现: QWidget::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *event).

void QRubberBand:: resize ( int width , int height )

Resizes the rubberband so that its width is width , and its height is height .

另请参阅 move ().

void QRubberBand:: resize (const QSize & size )


Resizes the rubberband so that its new size is size .

另请参阅 move ().

[override virtual protected] void QRubberBand:: resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *)

重实现: QWidget::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *event).

void QRubberBand:: setGeometry (const QRect & rect )

Sets the geometry of the rubber band to rect , specified in the coordinate system of its parent widget.

另请参阅 QWidget::geometry .

void QRubberBand:: setGeometry ( int x , int y , int width , int height )


Sets the geometry of the rubberband to the rectangle whose top-left corner lies at the point ( x , y ), and with dimensions specified by width and height . The geometry is specified in the parent widget's coordinate system.

QRubberBand::Shape QRubberBand:: shape () const

Returns the shape of this rubber band. The shape can only be set upon construction.

[override virtual protected] void QRubberBand:: showEvent ( QShowEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::showEvent (QShowEvent *event).