QRhiMetalInitParams Struct

Metal specific initialization parameters. 更多...

头: #include <QRhiMetalInitParams>
Since: Qt 6.6
继承: QRhiInitParams


注意: This is a RHI API with limited compatibility guarantees, see QRhi 了解细节。

A Metal-based QRhi needs no special parameters for initialization.

QRhiMetalInitParams params;
rhi = QRhi::create(QRhi::Metal, ¶ms);

注意: Metal API validation cannot be enabled programmatically by the QRhi . Instead, either run the debug build of the application in XCode, by generating a .xcodeproj file via cmake -G Xcode , or set the environment variable METAL_DEVICE_WRAPPER_TYPE=1 . The variable needs to be set early on in the environment, perferably before starting the process; attempting to set it at QRhi creation time is not functional in practice. (too late probably)

注意: QRhiSwapChain can only target QWindow instances that have their surface type set to QSurface::MetalSurface .

Working with existing Metal devices

When interoperating with another graphics engine, it may be necessary to get a QRhi instance that uses the same Metal device. This can be achieved by passing a pointer to a QRhiMetalNativeHandles to QRhi::create (). The device must be set to a non-null value then. Optionally, a command queue object can be specified as well.

The QRhi does not take ownership of any of the external objects.