QRegularExpressionMatchIterator 类

QRegularExpressionMatchIterator 类提供全局匹配结果迭代器,针对 QRegularExpression 对象与字符串。 更多...

头: #include <QRegularExpressionMatchIterator>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Core)
qmake: QT += core

注意: 此类的所有函数 可重入 .


QRegularExpressionMatchIterator ()
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator (const QRegularExpressionMatchIterator & iterator )
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator (QRegularExpressionMatchIterator && iterator )
~QRegularExpressionMatchIterator ()
bool hasNext () const
bool isValid () const
QRegularExpression::MatchOptions matchOptions () const
QRegularExpression::MatchType matchType () const
QRegularExpressionMatch next ()
QRegularExpressionMatch peekNext () const
QRegularExpression regularExpression () const
void swap (QRegularExpressionMatchIterator & other )
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator & operator= (const QRegularExpressionMatchIterator & iterator )
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator & operator= (QRegularExpressionMatchIterator && iterator )


A QRegularExpressionMatchIterator object is a forward only Java-like iterator; it can be obtained by calling the QRegularExpression::globalMatch () function. A new QRegularExpressionMatchIterator will be positioned before the first result. You can then call the hasNext () function to check if there are more results available; if so, the next () function will return the next result and advance the iterator.

每个结果是 QRegularExpressionMatch 对象,保持结果的所有信息 (包括捕获子字符串)。


// extracts the words
QRegularExpression re("(\\w+)");
QString subject("the quick fox");
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator i = re.globalMatch(subject);
while (i.hasNext()) {
    QRegularExpressionMatch match = i.next();
    // ...

Moreover, QRegularExpressionMatchIterator offers a peekNext () function to get the next result without advancing the iterator.

Starting with Qt 6.0, it is also possible to simply use the result of QRegularExpression::globalMatch in a range-based for loop, for instance like this:

// using a raw string literal, R"(raw_characters)", to be able to use "\w"
// without having to escape the backslash as "\\w"
QRegularExpression re(R"(\w+)");
QString subject("the quick fox");
for (const QRegularExpressionMatch &match : re.globalMatch(subject)) {
    // ...

可以检索 QRegularExpression object the subject string was matched against by calling the regularExpression () function; the match type and the match options are available as well by calling the matchType () 和 matchOptions () 分别。

请参考 QRegularExpression 文档编制,了解有关 Qt 正则表达式类的更多信息。

另请参阅 QRegularExpression and QRegularExpressionMatch .


QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: QRegularExpressionMatchIterator ()

Constructs an empty, valid QRegularExpressionMatchIterator object. The regular expression is set to a default-constructed one; the match type to QRegularExpression::NoMatch and the match options to QRegularExpression::NoMatchOption .

援引 hasNext () member function on the constructed object will return false, as the iterator is not iterating on a valid sequence of matches.

QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: QRegularExpressionMatchIterator (const QRegularExpressionMatchIterator & iterator )

构造 QRegularExpressionMatchIterator 对象作为副本为 iterator .

另请参阅 operator= ().

[noexcept, since 6.1] QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: QRegularExpressionMatchIterator ( QRegularExpressionMatchIterator && iterator )

Constructs a QRegularExpressionMatchIterator object by moving from iterator .

Note that a moved-from QRegularExpressionMatchIterator can only be destroyed or assigned to. The effect of calling other functions than the destructor or one of the assignment operators is undefined.

该函数在 Qt 6.1 引入。

另请参阅 operator= ().

[noexcept] QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: ~QRegularExpressionMatchIterator ()

销毁 QRegularExpressionMatchIterator 对象。

bool QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: hasNext () const

返回 true if there is at least one match result ahead of the iterator; otherwise it returns false .

另请参阅 next ().

bool QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: isValid () const

返回 true if the iterator object was obtained as a result from the QRegularExpression::globalMatch () function invoked on a valid QRegularExpression 对象;返回 false QRegularExpression was invalid.

另请参阅 QRegularExpression::globalMatch () 和 QRegularExpression::isValid ().

QRegularExpression::MatchOptions QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: matchOptions () const

Returns the match options that were used to get this QRegularExpressionMatchIterator object, that is, the match options that were passed to QRegularExpression::globalMatch ().

另请参阅 QRegularExpression::globalMatch (), regularExpression (),和 matchType ().

QRegularExpression::MatchType QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: matchType () const

Returns the match type that was used to get this QRegularExpressionMatchIterator object, that is, the match type that was passed to QRegularExpression::globalMatch ().

另请参阅 QRegularExpression::globalMatch (), regularExpression (),和 matchOptions ().

QRegularExpressionMatch QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: next ()

Returns the next match result and advances the iterator by one position.

注意: Calling this function when the iterator is at the end of the result set leads to undefined results.

QRegularExpressionMatch QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: peekNext () const

Returns the next match result without moving the iterator.

注意: Calling this function when the iterator is at the end of the result set leads to undefined results.

QRegularExpression QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: regularExpression () const

返回 QRegularExpression 对象,globalMatch() 函数会返回此对象。

另请参阅 QRegularExpression::globalMatch (), matchType (),和 matchOptions ().

[noexcept] void QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: swap ( QRegularExpressionMatchIterator & other )

交换迭代器 other with this iterator object. This operation is very fast and never fails.

QRegularExpressionMatchIterator &QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: operator= (const QRegularExpressionMatchIterator & iterator )

赋值迭代器 iterator to this object, and returns a reference to the copy.

[noexcept] QRegularExpressionMatchIterator &QRegularExpressionMatchIterator:: operator= ( QRegularExpressionMatchIterator && iterator )

Move-assigns the iterator to this object, and returns a reference to the result.

Note that a moved-from QRegularExpressionMatchIterator can only be destroyed or assigned to. The effect of calling other functions than the destructor or one of the assignment operators is undefined.