QPlaceContent Class

The QPlaceContent class holds content about places. 更多...

头: #include <QPlaceContent>
qmake: QT += location


enum DataTag { ContentSupplier, ContentUser, ContentAttribution, ImageId, ImageUrl, …, CustomDataTag }
enum Type { NoType, ImageType, ReviewType, EditorialType, CustomType }


QPlaceContent (QPlaceContent::Type type = NoType)
QPlaceContent (const QPlaceContent & other )
~QPlaceContent ()
QList<QPlaceContent::DataTag> dataTags () const
void setValue (QPlaceContent::DataTag tag , const QVariant & value )
QPlaceContent::Type type () const
QVariant value (QPlaceContent::DataTag tag ) const
bool operator!= (const QPlaceContent & other ) const
QPlaceContent & operator= (const QPlaceContent & other )
bool operator== (const QPlaceContent & other ) const


A QPlaceContent holds rich content such as images, reviews, or editorials, as well as attributes about the content such as the user or supplier of the content. Content objects might hold multiple data, e.g. an item holding a review typically includes the user that wrote the review. Use type () to inspect the type of content a QPlaceContent object represents, and dataTags () to see which data is held. Use value () to get the individual data as a QVariant .

注意: Some providers may require that the attribution string be displayed to the user whenever a piece of content is viewed.

The rich content of a place is typically made available as paginated items.

At present the QPlaceContent class is not extensible by 3rd parties.

Note: The Places API considers content objects to be 'retrieve-only' objects. Submission of content to a provider is not a supported use case.


QPlaceContent:: Collection

同义词 QMap <int, QPlaceContent >. The key of the map is an int representing the index of the content. The value is the content object itself.

The Collection is intended to be a container where content items, that have been retrieved as pages, can be stored. This enables a developer to skip pages, for example indexes 0-9 may be stored in the collection, if the user skips to indexes 80-99, these can be stored in the collection as well.

enum QPlaceContent:: DataTag

Defines the value entry of the content object

常量 描述
QPlaceContent::ContentSupplier 0 The supplier who contributed this content
QPlaceContent::ContentUser 1 The user who contributed this content
QPlaceContent::ContentAttribution 2 Returns a rich text attribution string

注意: Some providers may require that the attribution of a particular content item always be displayed when the content item is shown.

常量 描述
QPlaceContent::ImageId 3 The image's identifier
QPlaceContent::ImageUrl 4 The image's url
QPlaceContent::ImageMimeType 5 The image's MIME type
QPlaceContent::EditorialTitle 6 The title of the editorial
QPlaceContent::EditorialText 7 A textual description of the place. Depending upon the provider, the text could be either rich (HTML based) text or plain text.
QPlaceContent::EditorialLanguage 8 The language of the editorial. Typically this would be a language code in the 2 letter ISO 639-1 format.
QPlaceContent::ReviewId 9 The identifier of the review
QPlaceContent::ReviewDateTime 10 The date and time that the review was submitted
QPlaceContent::ReviewTitle 11 The title of the review
QPlaceContent::ReviewText 12 The text of the review. Depending on the provider, the text could be rich (HTML based) or plain text.
QPlaceContent::ReviewLanguage 13 The language of the review. Typically this would be a language code in the 2 letter ISO 639-1 format.
QPlaceContent::ReviewRating 14 This review's rating of the place
QPlaceContent::CustomDataTag 1000

enum QPlaceContent:: Type

Defines the type of content.

常量 描述
QPlaceContent::NoType 0 The content object is default constructed, any other content type may be assigned to this content object
QPlaceContent::ImageType 1 The content object is an image
QPlaceContent::ReviewType 2 The content object is a review
QPlaceContent::EditorialType 3 The content object is an editorial
QPlaceContent::CustomType 0x0100 The content object is of a custom type


QPlaceContent:: QPlaceContent ( QPlaceContent::Type type = NoType)

Constructs an content object for type .

[noexcept] QPlaceContent:: QPlaceContent (const QPlaceContent & other )

Constructs a new copy of other .

[noexcept] QPlaceContent:: ~QPlaceContent ()

Destroys the content object.

QList < QPlaceContent::DataTag > QPlaceContent:: dataTags () const

Returns the list of data tags for which values are stored in this content objects.

void QPlaceContent:: setValue ( QPlaceContent::DataTag tag , const QVariant & value )

Sets the value stored for the data tag to value .

另请参阅 value ().

QPlaceContent::Type QPlaceContent:: type () const

Returns the content type.

QVariant QPlaceContent:: value ( QPlaceContent::DataTag tag ) const

Returns the value stored for the data tag ,或无效 QVariant if there is no data for that tag.

另请参阅 setValue ().

bool QPlaceContent:: operator!= (const QPlaceContent & other ) const

Returns true if this content object is not equivalent to other ,否则返回 false。

[noexcept] QPlaceContent &QPlaceContent:: operator= (const QPlaceContent & other )

赋值 other content object to this and returns a reference to this content object.

bool QPlaceContent:: operator== (const QPlaceContent & other ) const

Returns true if this content object is equivalent to other ,否则返回 false。