QPdfView 类

A PDF viewer widget. 更多...

头: #include <QPdfView>
继承: QAbstractScrollArea


enum class PageMode { SinglePage, MultiPage }
enum class ZoomMode { Custom, FitToWidth, FitInView }



QPdfView (QWidget * parent )
virtual ~QPdfView ()
int currentSearchResultIndex () const
QPdfDocument * document () const
QMargins documentMargins () const
QPdfView::PageMode pageMode () const
QPdfPageNavigator * pageNavigator () const
int pageSpacing () const
QPdfSearchModel * searchModel () const
void setDocument (QPdfDocument * document )
void setDocumentMargins (QMargins margins )
void setPageSpacing (int spacing )
void setSearchModel (QPdfSearchModel * searchModel )
qreal zoomFactor () const
QPdfView::ZoomMode zoomMode () const


void setCurrentSearchResultIndex (int currentResult )
void setPageMode (QPdfView::PageMode mode )
void setZoomFactor (qreal factor )
void setZoomMode (QPdfView::ZoomMode mode )


void currentSearchResultIndexChanged (int currentResult )
void documentChanged (QPdfDocument * document )
void documentMarginsChanged (QMargins documentMargins )
void pageModeChanged (QPdfView::PageMode pageMode )
void pageSpacingChanged (int pageSpacing )
void searchModelChanged (QPdfSearchModel * searchModel )
void zoomFactorChanged (qreal zoomFactor )
void zoomModeChanged (QPdfView::ZoomMode zoomMode )


QPdfView is a PDF viewer widget that offers a user experience similar to many common PDF viewer applications, with two modes . In the MultiPage mode, it supports flicking through the pages in the entire document, with narrow gaps between the page images. In the SinglePage mode, it shows one page at a time.


enum class QPdfView:: PageMode

This enum describes the overall behavior of the PDF viewer:

常量 描述
QPdfView::PageMode::SinglePage 0 Show one page at a time.
QPdfView::PageMode::MultiPage 1 Allow scrolling through all pages in the document.

enum class QPdfView:: ZoomMode

This enum describes the magnification behavior of the PDF viewer:

常量 描述
QPdfView::ZoomMode::Custom 0 使用 zoomFactor only.
QPdfView::ZoomMode::FitToWidth 1 Automatically choose a zoom factor so that the width of the page fits in the view.
QPdfView::ZoomMode::FitInView 2 Automatically choose a zoom factor so that the entire page fits in the view.


[since 6.6] currentSearchResultIndex : int

If this property is set to a positive number, and searchModel 有设置, QPdfView draws a frame around the search result provided by QPdfSearchModel at the given index. For example, if QPdfSearchModel is used as the model for a QListView , you can keep this property updated by connecting QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged () 从 QListView::selectionModel () to a function that will in turn call this function.

By default it is -1 , so that no search results are framed.

This property was introduced in Qt 6.6.


int currentSearchResultIndex () const
void setCurrentSearchResultIndex (int currentResult )


void currentSearchResultIndexChanged (int currentResult )

document : QPdfDocument *

This property holds the document to be viewed.


QPdfDocument * document () const
void setDocument (QPdfDocument * document )


void documentChanged (QPdfDocument * document )

documentMargins : QMargins

This property holds the margins around the page view.


QMargins documentMargins () const
void setDocumentMargins (QMargins margins )


void documentMarginsChanged (QMargins documentMargins )

pageMode : PageMode

This property holds whether to show one page at a time, or all pages in the document. The default is SinglePage .


QPdfView::PageMode pageMode () const
void setPageMode (QPdfView::PageMode mode )


void pageModeChanged (QPdfView::PageMode pageMode )

pageSpacing : int

This property holds the size of the padding between pages in the MultiPage mode .


int pageSpacing () const
void setPageSpacing (int spacing )


void pageSpacingChanged (int pageSpacing )

[since 6.6] searchModel : QPdfSearchModel *

If this property is set, QPdfView draws highlight rectangles over the search results provided by QPdfSearchModel::resultsOnPage (). By default it is nullptr .

This property was introduced in Qt 6.6.


QPdfSearchModel * searchModel () const
void setSearchModel (QPdfSearchModel * searchModel )


void searchModelChanged (QPdfSearchModel * searchModel )

zoomFactor : qreal

This property holds the ratio of pixels to points. The default is 1 , meaning one point (1/72 of an inch) equals 1 logical pixel.


qreal zoomFactor () const
void setZoomFactor (qreal factor )


void zoomFactorChanged (qreal zoomFactor )

zoomMode : ZoomMode

This property indicates whether to use a custom size for the page(s), or zoom them to fit to the view. The default is CustomZoom .


QPdfView::ZoomMode zoomMode () const
void setZoomMode (QPdfView::ZoomMode mode )


void zoomModeChanged (QPdfView::ZoomMode zoomMode )


[explicit] QPdfView:: QPdfView ( QWidget * parent )

构造 PDF 查看器采用父级小部件 parent .

[virtual noexcept] QPdfView:: ~QPdfView ()

销毁 PDF 查看器。

This accessor returns the navigation stack that will handle back/forward navigation.