Obsolete Members for const_iterator

以下成员源于类 const_iterator 被弃用。 提供它们是为使旧源代码能继续工作。强烈建议不要在新代码中使用它们。


(deprecated (6.2)) const_iterator & operator+= (const_iterator::difference_type n )
(deprecated (6.2)) const_iterator & operator-= (const_iterator::difference_type n )


(deprecated (6.2)) const_iterator operator+ (const_iterator it , const_iterator::difference_type j )
(deprecated (6.2)) const_iterator operator+ (const_iterator::difference_type j , const_iterator it )
(deprecated (6.2)) const_iterator operator- (const_iterator it , const_iterator::difference_type j )
(deprecated (6.2)) const_iterator operator- (const_iterator::difference_type j , const_iterator it )


const_iterator &const_iterator:: operator+= ( const_iterator::difference_type n )

const_iterator &const_iterator:: operator-= ( const_iterator::difference_type n )

const_iterator operator+ ( const_iterator it , const_iterator::difference_type j )

const_iterator operator+ ( const_iterator::difference_type j , const_iterator it )

const_iterator operator- ( const_iterator it , const_iterator::difference_type j )

const_iterator operator- ( const_iterator::difference_type j , const_iterator it )

This function is deprecated since 6.2. We strongly advise against using it in new code.

使用 std::next , std::prev or std::advance 代替。

Move an iterator by n positions. These operations can be expensive for large values of n . QMultiMap iterators are not random access.