QtShell QML Type

Provides a shell extension for Qt applications running on a Qt Wayland Compositor. 更多...

导入语句: import QtWayland.Compositor.QtShell
Since: Qt 6.3



The QtShell extension provides a way to associate an QtShellSurface with a regular Wayland surface. The QtShell extension is written to support the window management features which are supported by Qt. It may be suitable on a platform where both the compositor and client applications are written with Qt, and where applications are trusted not to abuse features such as manual window positioning and "bring-to-front".

For other use cases, consider using IviApplication or XdgShell 代替。

import QtWayland.Compositor.QtShell
WaylandCompositor {
    property ListModel shellSurfaces: ListModel {}
    QtShell {
        onQtShellSurfaceCreated: {
             shellSurfaces.append({shellSurface: qtShellSurface})


void qtShellSurfaceCreated ( QtShellSurface * qtShellSurface )

此信号被发射当 QtShellSurface has been created. The supplied qtShellSurface is most commonly used to instantiate a ShellSurfaceItem .

注意: 相应处理程序是 onQtShellSurfaceCreated .

void qtShellSurfaceRequested ( WaylandSurface surface , WaylandResource resource )

This signal is emitted when the client has requested a QtShellSurface to be associated with surface . The handler for this signal is expected to create the QtShellSurface for resource and initialize it within the scope of the signal emission. If no QtShellSurface is created, a default one will be created instead.

注意: 相应处理程序是 onQtShellSurfaceRequested .