GyroscopeReading QML Type

The GyroscopeReading element holds the most recent Gyroscope reading. 更多...

导入语句: import QtSensors
Since: QtSensors 5.0




The GyroscopeReading element holds the most recent Gyroscope reading.

此元素包裹 QGyroscopeReading 类。请参阅文档编制 QGyroscopeReading 了解细节。

This element cannot be directly created.


x : qreal

This property holds the angular velocity around the x axis.

Please see QGyroscopeReading::x for information about this property.

y : qreal

This property holds the angular velocity around the y axis.

Please see QGyroscopeReading::y for information about this property.

z : qreal

This property holds the angular velocity around the z axis.

Please see QGyroscopeReading::z for information about this property.