ModelBlendParticle3D QML Type

Blends particle effect with a 3D model. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D.Particles3D




The type provides a way to blend particle effect with a 3D model. The provided model needs to be triangle-based. Each triangle in the model is converted into a particle, which are then used by the emitter. Instead of particle shader, the model is shaded using the material specified in the model. The way the effect is blended is determined by the modelBlendMode .

The possible modes are:

  • Construct , where the model gets constructed from the particles.
  • Explode , where the model gets converted into particles.
  • Transfer , where Construct and Explode are combined to create an effect where the model is transferred from one place to another.

By default the particles are emitted in the order they are specified in the model unless emitMode 被设为 Random or emitMode 被设为 Activation and activationNode 有设置。

Some features defined in base class and emitters are not functional with this type:

注意: 默认 fadeInEffect and fadeOutEffect are Particle3D.FadeNone .


ModelBlendEmitMode : enumeration

Defines the emit mode of the particles

常量 描述
ModelBlendParticle3D.Sequential The particles are emitted in the order they are defined in the model.
ModelBlendParticle3D.Random The particles are emitted in random order.
ModelBlendParticle3D.Activation The particles are emitted when they are activated by the activationNode .

ModelBlendMode : enumeration

Defines the blending mode for the particle effect.

常量 描述
ModelBlendParticle3D.Explode The model gets exploded i.e. the particles are emitted from the position of the model.
ModelBlendParticle3D.Construct The model gets constructed i.e the particles fly from the emitter and construct the model at the end.
ModelBlendParticle3D.Transfer Combines Explode and Transfer for the same model.

activationNode : Node

This property holds a node that activates particles and overrides the reqular emit routine. The activation node can be used to control how the particles are emitted spatially when the model is exploded/constructed from the particles. The activation node emits a particle if the center of that particle is on the positive half of the z-axis of the activation node. Animating the activation node to move trough the model will cause the particles to be emitted sequentially along the path the activation node moves.

delegate : 组件

The delegate provides a template defining the model for the ModelBlendParticle3D .

For example, using the default sphere model with default material

Component {
    id: modelComponent
    Model {
        source: "#Sphere"
        scale: Qt.vector3d(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseColor: "red" }
ModelBlendParticle3D {
    id: particleRedSphere
    delegate: modelComponent

emitMode : bool

This property holds the emit mode of the particles.

endNode : Node

This property holds the node that specifies the transformation for the model at the end of particle effect. It defines the size, position and rotation where the model is constructed when using the ModelBlendParticle3D.Construct and ModelBlendParticle3D.Transfer blend modes.

endTime : int

This property holds the end time of the particle in milliseconds. The end time is used during construction and defines duration from particle lifetime at the end where the effect is blended with the model positions. Before the end time the particles positions are defined only by the particle effect, but during end time the particle position is blended linearly with the model end position.

modelBlendMode : ModelBlendMode

This property holds blending mode for the particle effect.
