MorphTarget QML Type

Defines the properties of a morph target. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D



每个 MorphTarget is a morph target for a vertex animation . The degree of morphing is controlled by changing the weight 特性。

MorphTarget {
    id: morphtarget0
    attributes: MorphTarget.Position | MorphTarget.Normal
    weight: 0.5

The morphing example shows how to use a morph target.


attributes : enumeration

Specifies the set of attributes of the current morph target. In order to animate vertex attributes in morphing, the mesh must contain those target attributes and the morph target must have the attributes enabled.

The attributes for a morph target are specified by OR-ing together the following values:

常量 描述
MorphTarget.Position animates the vertex positions
MorphTarget.Normal animates the normal vectors
MorphTarget.Tangent animates the tangent vectors
MorphTarget.Binormal animates the binormal vectors
MorphTarget.TexCoord0 animates the texture coordinate 0 vectors
MorphTarget.TexCoord1 animates the texture coordinate 1 vectors
MorphTarget.Color animates the vertex color vectors

weight : float

Specifies the weight of the current morph target. The weight is the multiplication factor used by the linear interpolation. A weight of 1 means that this target is fully applied. A weight of 0 means that it has no influence.
