HeightFieldGeometry QML Type

A height field geometry. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick3D.Helpers
Since: Qt 6.4




This helper implements a height-field geometry. It defines a surface built from a grayscale image. The y-coordinate of the surface at a given point in the horizontal plane is determined by the pixel value at the corresponding point in the image. The image's x-axis and y-axis will go along the geometry's x-axis and z-axis respectively.


extents : vector3d

This property defines the extents of the height-field, that is the dimensions of a box large enough to always contain the geometry. The default value is (100, 100, 100) when the image is square.

smoothShading : bool

This property defines whether the height map is shown with smooth shading or with hard angles between the squares of the map.

默认值为 true , meaning smooth shading is turned on.

source : QUrl

This property defines the URL of the height map image.