PathText QML Type

Defines a string in a specified font. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick
Since: QtQuick 2.15



This element defines the shape of a specified string in a specified font. The text's baseline will be translated to the x and y coordinates, and the outlines from the font will be added to the path accordingly.

PathText {
    x: 0
    y: font.pixelSize "Arial"
    font.pixelSize: 100
    text: "Foobar"

另请参阅 Path , QPainterPath::setFillRule , PathPolyline , PathQuad , PathCubic , PathArc , PathAngleArc , PathCurve , PathSvg ,和 PathMove .


font.bold : bool

Sets whether the font weight is bold.

font.capitalization : enumeration

Sets the capitalization for the text.

常量 描述
Font.MixedCase no capitalization change is applied
Font.AllUppercase alters the text to be rendered in all uppercase type
Font.AllLowercase alters the text to be rendered in all lowercase type
Font.SmallCaps alters the text to be rendered in small-caps type
Font.Capitalize alters the text to be rendered with the first character of each word as an uppercase character
PathText { text: "Hello"; font.capitalization: Font.AllLowercase }
 : string

Sets the family name of the font.

The family name is case insensitive and may optionally include a foundry name, e.g. "Helvetica [Cronyx]". If the family is available from more than one foundry and the foundry isn't specified, an arbitrary foundry is chosen. If the family isn't available a family will be set using the font matching algorithm.

[since 6.6] font.features : object

Applies integer values to specific OpenType features when shaping the text based on the contents in features . This provides advanced access to the font shaping process, and can be used to support font features that are otherwise not covered in the API.

The font features are represented by a map from four-letter tags to integer values. This integer value passed along with the tag in most cases represents a boolean value: A zero value means the feature is disabled, and a non-zero value means it is enabled. For certain font features, however, it may have other intepretations. For example, when applied to the salt feature, the value is an index that specifies the stylistic alternative to use.

例如, frac font feature will convert diagonal fractions separated with a slash (such as 1/2 ) with a different representation. Typically this will involve baking the full fraction into a single character width (such as ½ ).

If a font supports the frac feature, then it can be enabled in the shaper as in the following code:

Text {
    text: "One divided by two is 1/2" "MyFractionFont"
    font.features: { "frac": 1 }

Multiple features can be assigned values in the same mapping. For instance, if we would like to also disable kerning for the font, we can explicitly disable this as follows:

Text {
    text: "One divided by two is 1/2" "MyFractionFont"
    font.features: { "frac": 1, "kern": 0 }

You can also collect the font properties in an object:

Text {
    text: "One divided by two is 1/2"
    font: {
        family: "MyFractionFont"
        features: { "frac": 1, "kern": 0 }

注意: By default, Qt will enable and disable certain font features based on other font properties. In particular, the kern feature will be enabled/disabled depending on the font.kerning 特性为 QFont . In addition, all ligature features ( liga , clig , dlig , hlig ) will be disabled if a font.letterSpacing is set, but only for writing systems where the use of ligature is cosmetic. For writing systems where ligatures are required, the features will remain in their default state. The values set using font.features will override the default behavior. If, for instance, "kern" is set to 1, then kerning will always be enabled, egardless of whether the font.kerning property is set to false. Similarly, if it is set to 0, then it will always be disabled.

This property was introduced in Qt 6.6.

另请参阅 QFont::setFeature ().

font.italic : bool

Sets whether the font has an italic style.

font.kerning : bool

Enables or disables the kerning OpenType feature when shaping the text. Disabling this may improve performance when creating or changing the text, at the expense of some cosmetic features. The default value is true.

PathText { text: "OATS FLAVOUR WAY"; font.kerning: false }

font.letterSpacing : real

Sets the letter spacing for the font.

Letter spacing changes the default spacing between individual letters in the font. A positive value increases the letter spacing by the corresponding pixels; a negative value decreases the spacing.

font.pixelSize : int

Sets the font size in pixels.

使用此函数使字体设备从属。使用 pointSize to set the size of the font in a device independent manner.

font.pointSize : real

Sets the font size in points. The point size must be greater than zero.

font.preferShaping : bool

Sometimes, a font will apply complex rules to a set of characters in order to display them correctly. In some writing systems, such as Brahmic scripts, this is required in order for the text to be legible, but in e.g. Latin script, it is merely a cosmetic feature. Setting the preferShaping property to false will disable all such features when they are not required, which will improve performance in most cases.

默认值为 true。

PathText { text: "Some text"; font.preferShaping: false }

font.strikeout : bool

Sets whether the font has a strikeout style.

font.styleName : string

Sets the style name of the font.

The style name is case insensitive. If set, the font will be matched against style name instead of the font properties font.weight , font.bold and font.italic .

font.underline : bool

Sets whether the text is underlined.

font.weight : int

Sets the font's weight.

The weight can be one of:

常量 描述
Font.Thin 100
Font.ExtraLight 200
Font.Light 300
Font.Normal 400 (default)
Font.Medium 500
Font.DemiBold 600
Font.Bold 700
Font.ExtraBold 800
Font.Black 900
PathText { text: "Hello"; font.weight: Font.DemiBold }

font.wordSpacing : real

Sets the word spacing for the font.

Word spacing changes the default spacing between individual words. A positive value increases the word spacing by a corresponding amount of pixels, while a negative value decreases the inter-word spacing accordingly.

text : string

The text for which this PathText should contain the outlines.

x : real

The horizontal position of the PathText 's baseline.

y : real

The vertical position of the PathText 's baseline.

注意: This property refers to the position of the baseline of the text, not the top of its bounding box. This may cause some confusion, e.g. when using the PathText with Qt Quick Shapes. See FontMetrics for information on how to get the ascent of a font, which can be used to translate the text into the expected position.
