CalendarModel QML Type

A calendar model. 更多...

导入语句: import QtQuick.Controls




CalendarModel provides a way of creating a range of MonthGrid instances. It is typically used as a model for a ListView that uses MonthGrid as a delegate.

ListView {
    id: listview
    width: 200; height: 200
    snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
    orientation: ListView.Horizontal
    highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
    model: CalendarModel {
        from: new Date(2015, 0, 1)
        to: new Date(2015, 11, 31)
    delegate: MonthGrid {
        width: listview.width
        height: listview.height
        month: model.month
        year: model.year
        locale: Qt.locale("en_US")
    ScrollIndicator.horizontal: ScrollIndicator { }

除了 index property, a list of model data roles are available in the context of each delegate:

model.month : int The number of the month
model.year : int The number of the year

The Qt Quick Calendar module uses 0-based month numbers to be consistent with the JavaScript Date type, that is used by the QML language. This means that Date::getMonth() can be passed to the methods as is. When dealing with month numbers directly, it is highly recommended to use the following enumeration values to avoid confusion.

常量 描述
Calendar.January January (0)
Calendar.February February (1)
Calendar.March March (2)
Calendar.April April (3)
Calendar.May May (4)
Calendar.June June (5)
Calendar.July July (6)
Calendar.August August (7)
Calendar.September September (8)
Calendar.October October (9)
Calendar.November November (10)
Calendar.December December (11)

另请参阅 MonthGrid and Calendar .


from : date

This property holds the start date.

to : date

This property holds the end date.


int indexOf ( Date date )

Returns the model index of the specified date .

int indexOf ( int year , int month )

Returns the model index of the specified year and month .

int monthAt ( int index )

Returns the month number at the specified model index .

int yearAt ( int index )

Returns the year number at the specified model index .