Technique QML Type

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导入语句: import Qt3D.Render 2.6
实例化: QTechnique



A Technique specifies a set of RenderPass 对象, FilterKey objects, Parameter objects and a GraphicsApiFilter , which together define a rendering technique the given graphics API can render. The filter keys are used by TechniqueFilter to select specific techniques at specific parts of the FrameGraph. A Parameter defined on a Technique overrides parameter (of the same name) defined in RenderPass , but are overridden by parameter in RenderPassFilter , TechniqueFilter , Material and Effect.

When creating an Effect that targets several versions of a graphics API, it is useful to create several Technique nodes each with a graphicsApiFilter set to match one of the targeted versions. At runtime, the Qt3D renderer will select the most appropriate Technique based on which graphics API versions are supported and (if specified) the FilterKey nodes that satisfy a given TechniqueFilter in the FrameGraph.

注意: When using OpenGL as the graphics API for rendering, Qt3D relies on the QSurfaceFormat 返回通过 QSurfaceFormat::defaultFormat () at runtime to decide what is the most appropriate GL version available. If you need to customize the QSurfaceFormat , do not forget to apply it with QSurfaceFormat::setDefaultFormat (). Setting the QSurfaceFormat on the view will likely have no effect on Qt3D related rendering.

注意: Technique node can not be disabled.

Technique {
    id: gl3Technique
    parameters: [
        Parameter { name: "color"; value: "orange" }
    filterKeys: [
        FilterKey { name: "renderingStyle"; value: "forward" }
    graphicsApiFilter: {
        api: GraphicsApiFilter.OpenGL
        profile: GraphicsApiFilter.CoreProfile
        majorVersion: 3
        minorVersion: 1
    renderPasses: [
        RenderPass {
            id: firstPass
            shaderProgram: ShaderProgram {
                // ...
        RenderPass {
            id: secondPass
            shaderProgram: ShaderProgram {
                // ...

另请参阅 Effect , RenderPass ,和 TechniqueFilter .


filterKeys : list < FilterKey >

Specifies the list of filter keys enabling this technique

[read-only] graphicsApiFilter : GraphicsApiFilter

Specifies the graphics API filter being used

参数 : list < 参数 >

Specifies the parameters used by the technique

renderPasses : list < RenderPass >

Specifies the render passes used by the tehcnique
