CullFace QML Type

The CullFace type specifies whether front or back face culling is enabled. 更多...

导入语句: import Qt3D.Render 2.6
实例化: QCullFace




CullFace sets whether the front or back facets are culled. Facets include triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons and rectangles.

It can be added to the renderStates property of a RenderPass :

RenderPass {
    shaderProgram: ShaderProgram {
        // ...
    renderStates: [
        CullFace {
            mode: CullFace.Front

Or added to the renderStates property of a RenderStateSet :

RenderStateSet {
    renderStates: [
        CullFace {
            mode: CullFace.Front

另请参阅 FrontFace .


mode : enumeration

Holds the culling mode used by CullFace . Default is set to QCullFace.Back.

  • CullFace .NoCulling - culling is disabled
  • CullFace .Front - culling is enabled for front facing polygons
  • CullFace .Back - culling is enabled for back facing polygons
  • CullFace .FrontAndBack - culling is enabled for all polygons, but points and lines are drawn
