QHttpServerRouter Class

Provides functions to bind a URL to a ViewHandler . 更多...

头: #include <QHttpServerRouter>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS HttpServer)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::HttpServer)
qmake: QT += httpserver
Since: Qt 6.4
Status: Technical Preview


QHttpServerRouter ()
~QHttpServerRouter ()
bool addConverter (QAnyStringView regexp )
void addConverter (QMetaType metaType , QAnyStringView regexp )
bool addRule (std::unique_ptr<QHttpServerRouterRule> rule )
typename ViewTraits::BindableType bindCaptured (ViewHandler && handler , const QRegularExpressionMatch & match ) const
void clearConverters ()
const QHash<QMetaType, QString> & converters () const
bool handleRequest (const QHttpServerRequest & request , QHttpServerResponder & responder ) const
void removeConverter (QMetaType metaType )


You can register ViewHandler as a callback for requests to a specific URL. Variable parts in the route can be specified by the arguments in ViewHandler.

注意: This is a low-level routing API for an HTTP server.


auto pageView = [] (const quint64 page) {
    qDebug() << "page" << page;
using ViewHandler = decltype(pageView);
QHttpServerRouter router;
// register callback pageView on request "/page/<number>"
// for example: "/page/10", "/page/15"
    new QHttpServerRouterRule("/page/", [=] (QRegularExpressionMatch &match,
                                             const QHttpServerRequest &,
                                             QHttpServerResponder &&) {
    auto boundView = router.bindCaptured(pageView, match);
    // it calls pageView


QHttpServerRouter:: QHttpServerRouter ()

Creates a QHttpServerRouter object with default converters.

另请参阅 converters ().

[noexcept] QHttpServerRouter:: ~QHttpServerRouter ()

销毁 QHttpServerRouter .

template <typename Type> bool QHttpServerRouter:: addConverter ( QAnyStringView regexp )

Adds a new converter for type Type matching regular expression regexp ,并返回 true if this was successful, otherwise returns false .

Automatically try to register an implicit converter from QString to Type . If there is already a converter of type Type , that converter's regexp is replaced with regexp .

struct CustomArg {
    int data = 10;
    CustomArg() {} ;
    CustomArg(const QString &urlArg) : data(urlArg.toInt()) {}
QHttpServerRouter router;
auto pageView = [] (const CustomArg &customArg) {
    qDebug("data: %d", customArg.data);
using ViewHandler = decltype(pageView);
auto rule = std::make_unique<QHttpServerRouterRule>(
    [&router, &pageView] (QRegularExpressionMatch &match,
                          const QHttpServerRequest &request,
                          QHttpServerResponder &&responder) {
    // Bind and call viewHandler with match's captured string and quint32:
    router.bindCaptured(pageView, match)();

void QHttpServerRouter:: addConverter ( QMetaType metaType , QAnyStringView regexp )

Adds a new converter for type metaType matching regular expression regexp .

If there is already a converter of type metaType , that converter's regexp is replaced with regexp .

template <typename ViewHandler, typename ViewTraits> bool QHttpServerRouter:: addRule ( std::unique_ptr < QHttpServerRouterRule > rule )

Adds a new rule 并返回 true if this was successful.

Inside addRule, we determine ViewHandler arguments and generate a list of their QMetaType::Type ids. Then we parse the URL and replace each <arg> with a regexp for its type from the list.

QHttpServerRouter router;
using ViewHandler = decltype([] (const QString &page, const quint32 num) { });
auto rule = std::make_unique<QHttpServerRouterRule>(
    [] (QRegularExpressionMatch &match,
        const QHttpServerRequest &request,
        QHttpServerResponder &&responder) {

template <typename ViewHandler, typename ViewTraits> typename ViewTraits::BindableType QHttpServerRouter:: bindCaptured ( ViewHandler && handler , const QRegularExpressionMatch & match ) const

Supplies the handler with arguments derived from a URL. Returns the bound function that accepts whatever remaining arguments the handler may take, supplying them to the handler after the URL-derived values. Each match of the regex applied to the URL (as a string) is converted to the type of the handler's parameter at its position, so that it can be passed as match .

QHttpServerRouter router;
auto pageView = [] (const QString &page, const quint32 num) {
    qDebug("page: %s, num: %d", qPrintable(page), num);
using ViewHandler = decltype(pageView);
auto rule = std::make_unique<QHttpServerRouterRule>(
    [&router, &pageView] (QRegularExpressionMatch &match,
                          const QHttpServerRequest &request,
                          QHttpServerResponder &&responder) {
    // Bind and call viewHandler with match's captured string and quint32:
    router.bindCaptured(pageView, match)();

void QHttpServerRouter:: clearConverters ()

Removes all converters.

注意: clearConverters() does not set up default converters.

另请参阅 converters ().

const QHash < QMetaType , QString > &QHttpServerRouter:: converters () const

Returns a map of converter type and regexp.

The following converters are available by default:

常量 描述
QMetaType::Void An empty converter.

bool QHttpServerRouter:: handleRequest (const QHttpServerRequest & request , QHttpServerResponder & responder ) const

Handles each new request for the HTTP server using responder .

Iterates through the list of rules to find the first that matches, then executes this rule, returning true 。返回 false if no rule matches the request.

void QHttpServerRouter:: removeConverter ( QMetaType metaType )

Removes the converter for type metaType .