QHostAddress 类

QHostAddress 类提供 IP 地址。 更多...

头: #include <QHostAddress>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Network)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Network)
qmake: QT += network


flags ConversionMode
enum ConversionModeFlag { StrictConversion, ConvertV4MappedToIPv4, ConvertV4CompatToIPv4, ConvertLocalHost, ConvertUnspecifiedAddress, TolerantConversion }
enum SpecialAddress { Null, LocalHost, LocalHostIPv6, Broadcast, AnyIPv4, …, Any }


QHostAddress ()
QHostAddress (quint32 ip4Addr )
QHostAddress (const quint8 * ip6Addr )
QHostAddress (const Q_IPV6ADDR & ip6Addr )
QHostAddress (const sockaddr * sockaddr )
QHostAddress (const QString & address )
QHostAddress (QHostAddress::SpecialAddress address )
QHostAddress (const QHostAddress & address )
~QHostAddress ()
void clear ()
bool isBroadcast () const
bool isEqual (const QHostAddress & other , QHostAddress::ConversionMode mode = TolerantConversion) const
bool isGlobal () const
bool isInSubnet (const QHostAddress & subnet , int netmask ) const
bool isInSubnet (const QPair<QHostAddress, int> & subnet ) const
bool isLinkLocal () const
bool isLoopback () const
bool isMulticast () const
bool isNull () const
bool isPrivateUse () const
bool isSiteLocal () const
bool isUniqueLocalUnicast () const
int protocol () const
QString scopeId () const
void setAddress (quint32 ip4Addr )
void setAddress (const quint8 * ip6Addr )
void setAddress (const Q_IPV6ADDR & ip6Addr )
void setAddress (const sockaddr * sockaddr )
bool setAddress (const QString & address )
void setAddress (QHostAddress::SpecialAddress address )
void setScopeId (const QString & id )
void swap (QHostAddress & other )
quint32 toIPv4Address (bool * ok = nullptr) const
Q_IPV6ADDR toIPv6Address () const
QString toString () const
bool operator!= (const QHostAddress & other ) const
bool operator!= (QHostAddress::SpecialAddress other ) const
QHostAddress & operator= (const QHostAddress & address )
QHostAddress & operator= (QHostAddress::SpecialAddress address )
bool operator== (const QHostAddress & other ) const
bool operator== (QHostAddress::SpecialAddress other ) const


QPair<QHostAddress, int> parseSubnet (const QString & subnet )
size_t qHash (const QHostAddress & key , size_t seed = 0)
bool operator!= (QHostAddress::SpecialAddress lhs , const QHostAddress & rhs )
QDataStream & operator<< (QDataStream & out , const QHostAddress & address )
bool operator== (QHostAddress::SpecialAddress lhs , const QHostAddress & rhs )
QDataStream & operator>> (QDataStream & in , QHostAddress & address )


此类以与平台和协议无关的方式保持 IPv4 或 IPv6 地址。

QHostAddress 通常被使用于 QTcpSocket , QTcpServer ,和 QUdpSocket 以连接到主机或设置服务器。

设置主机地址采用 setAddress (),和检索采有 toIPv4Address (), toIPv6Address (),或 toString ()。可以检查类型采用 protocol ().

注意: 请注意 QHostAddress 不做 DNS 查找。 QHostInfo 是需要的为此。

类还支持常见预定义地址: Null , LocalHost , LocalHostIPv6 , Broadcast ,和 Any .

另请参阅 QHostInfo , QTcpSocket , QTcpServer ,和 QUdpSocket .


enum QHostAddress:: ConversionModeFlag
flags QHostAddress:: ConversionMode

常量 描述
QHostAddress::StrictConversion 0 不转换 IPv6 地址为 IPv4,当比较 2 QHostAddress 不同协议对象,因此它们始终被认为是不同的。
QHostAddress::ConvertV4MappedToIPv4 1 转换 IPv4 映射 IPv6 地址 (RFC 4291 第 章节) 当比较时。因此 QHostAddress ("::ffff:") 比较等于 QHostAddress ("")。
QHostAddress::ConvertV4CompatToIPv4 2 转换 IPv4 兼容 IPv6 地址 (RFC 4291 第 章节) 当比较时。因此 QHostAddress ("::") 比较等于 QHostAddress ("")。
QHostAddress::ConvertLocalHost 8 转换 IPv6 回送地址为其等效 IPv4 当比较时。因此如 QHostAddress ("::1") 比较等于 QHostAddress ("")。
QHostAddress::ConvertUnspecifiedAddress 4 所有未指定地址比较相等,也就是 AnyIPv4 , AnyIPv6 和任何。
QHostAddress::TolerantConversion 0xff 设置之前的所有 3 标志。

ConversionMode 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <ConversionModeFlag>。它存储 ConversionModeFlag 值的 OR (或) 组合。

另请参阅 isEqual ().

enum QHostAddress:: SpecialAddress

常量 描述
QHostAddress::Null 0 null 地址对象。相当于 QHostAddress ()。另请参阅 QHostAddress::isNull ().
QHostAddress::LocalHost 2 Pv4 本地主机地址。相当于 QHostAddress ("")。
QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6 3 IPv6 本地主机地址。相当于 QHostAddress ("::1").
QHostAddress::Broadcast 1 IPv4 广播地址。相当于 QHostAddress ("")。
QHostAddress::AnyIPv4 6 IPv4 任意地址。相当于 QHostAddress ("")。与此地址绑定的套接字将只监听 IPv4 接口。
QHostAddress::AnyIPv6 5 IPv6 任意地址。相当于 QHostAddress ("::"). A socket bound with this address will listen only on IPv6 interfaces.
QHostAddress::Any 4 双堆栈任意地址。与此地址绑定的套接字将监听 IPv4 和 IPv6 接口。


QHostAddress:: QHostAddress ()

构造 null 主机地址对象,即:对任何主机或接口无效的地址。

另请参阅 clear ().

[explicit] QHostAddress:: QHostAddress ( quint32 ip4Addr )

构造主机地址对象采用 IPv4 地址 ip4Addr .

[explicit] QHostAddress:: QHostAddress (const quint8 * ip6Addr )

构造主机地址对象采用 IPv6 地址 ip6Addr .

ip6Addr 必须是网络字节序 (大端在前) 的 16 字节数组。

[explicit] QHostAddress:: QHostAddress (const Q_IPV6ADDR & ip6Addr )

构造主机地址对象采用 IPv6 地址 ip6Addr .

[explicit] QHostAddress:: QHostAddress (const sockaddr * sockaddr )

构造 IPv4 或 IPv6 地址使用指定地址通过本机结构 sockaddr .

另请参阅 setAddress ().

[explicit] QHostAddress:: QHostAddress (const QString & address )

构造 IPv4 或 IPv6 地址基于字符串 address (如。

另请参阅 setAddress ().

QHostAddress:: QHostAddress ( QHostAddress::SpecialAddress address )

构造 QHostAddress 对象为 address .

QHostAddress:: QHostAddress (const QHostAddress & address )

构造副本为给定 address .

[noexcept] QHostAddress:: ~QHostAddress ()


void QHostAddress:: clear ()

把主机地址设为 null 并把协议设为 QAbstractSocket::UnknownNetworkLayerProtocol .

另请参阅 QHostAddress::Null .

bool QHostAddress:: isBroadcast () const

返回 true 若地址是 IPv4 广播地址, false 否则。IPv4 广播地址为。

注意,此函数不会返回 true 对于 IPv4 网络的本地广播地址。为此,请使用 QNetworkInterface 获取本地机器的广播地址。

另请参阅 isLoopback (), isGlobal (), isMulticast (), isLinkLocal (), isUniqueLocalUnicast (),和 isPrivateUse ().

bool QHostAddress:: isEqual (const QHostAddress & other , QHostAddress::ConversionMode mode = TolerantConversion) const

返回 true 若此主机地址如同 other 给定地址;否则返回 false .

参数 mode controls which conversions are performed between addresses of differing protocols. If no mode 有给定, TolerantConversion 默认履行。

另请参阅 ConversionMode and operator== ().

bool QHostAddress:: isGlobal () const

返回 true 若地址是 IPv4 或 IPv6 全局地址, false otherwise. A global address is an address that is not reserved for special purposes (like loopback or multicast) or future purposes.

注意,IPv6 唯一本地单播地址被视为是全局地址 (见 isUniqueLocalUnicast ()),作为用于本地网络的 IPv4 保留地址通过 RFC 1918 .

Also note that IPv6 site-local addresses are deprecated and should be considered as global in new applications. This function returns true for site-local addresses too.

另请参阅 isLoopback (), isSiteLocal (), isUniqueLocalUnicast (),和 isPrivateUse ().

bool QHostAddress:: isInSubnet (const QHostAddress & subnet , int netmask ) const

返回 true if this IP is in the subnet described by the network prefix subnet and netmask netmask .

An IP is considered to belong to a subnet if it is contained between the lowest and the highest address in that subnet. In the case of IP version 4, the lowest address is the network address, while the highest address is the broadcast address.

The subnet argument does not have to be the actual network address (the lowest address in the subnet). It can be any valid IP belonging to that subnet. In particular, if it is equal to the IP address held by this object, this function will always return true (provided the netmask is a valid value).

另请参阅 parseSubnet ().

bool QHostAddress:: isInSubnet (const QPair < QHostAddress , int > & subnet ) const


返回 true 若此 IP 在子网中描述由 subnet QHostAddress member of subnet contains the network prefix and the int (second) member contains the netmask (prefix length).

bool QHostAddress:: isLinkLocal () const

返回 true 若地址是 IPv4 或 IPv6 本地链接地址, false 否则。

An IPv4 link-local address is an address in the network An IPv6 link-local address is one in the network fe80::/10. See the IANA IPv6 Address Space registry for more information.

另请参阅 isLoopback (), isGlobal (), isMulticast (), isSiteLocal (), isUniqueLocalUnicast (),和 isPrivateUse ().

bool QHostAddress:: isLoopback () const

返回 true 若地址是 IPv6 回环地址或任何 IPv4 回环地址。

bool QHostAddress:: isMulticast () const

返回 true 若地址是 IPv4 或 IPv6 多播地址, false 否则。

另请参阅 isLoopback (), isGlobal (), isLinkLocal (), isSiteLocal (), isUniqueLocalUnicast (),和 isPrivateUse ().

bool QHostAddress:: isNull () const

返回 true 若此主机地址无效,对于任何主机或接口。

默认构造函数创建 null 地址。

另请参阅 QHostAddress::Null .

[since 6.6] bool QHostAddress:: isPrivateUse () const

返回 true if the address is an IPv6 unique local unicast address or IPv4 address reserved for local networks by RFC 1918 , false 否则。

该函数在 Qt 6.6 引入。

另请参阅 isLoopback (), isGlobal (), isMulticast (), isLinkLocal (), isUniqueLocalUnicast (),和 isBroadcast ().

bool QHostAddress:: isSiteLocal () const

返回 true 若地址是 IPv6 本地站点地址, false 否则。

An IPv6 site-local address is one in the network fec0::/10. See the IANA IPv6 Address Space registry for more information.

IPv6 site-local addresses are deprecated and should not be depended upon in new applications. New applications should not depend on this function and should consider site-local addresses the same as global (which is why isGlobal () also returns true). Site-local addresses were replaced by Unique Local Addresses (ULA).

另请参阅 isLoopback (), isGlobal (), isMulticast (), isLinkLocal (), isUniqueLocalUnicast (),和 isPrivateUse ().

bool QHostAddress:: isUniqueLocalUnicast () const

返回 true if the address is an IPv6 unique local unicast address, false 否则。

An IPv6 unique local unicast address is one in the network fc00::/7. See the IANA IPv6 Address Space registry for more information.

Note that Unique local unicast addresses count as global addresses too. RFC 4193 says that, in practice, "applications may treat these addresses like global scoped addresses." Only routers need care about the distinction.

另请参阅 isLoopback (), isGlobal (), isMulticast (), isLinkLocal (), isUniqueLocalUnicast(), and isPrivateUse ().

[static] QPair < QHostAddress , int > QHostAddress:: parseSubnet (const QString & subnet )

Parses the IP and subnet information contained in subnet and returns the network prefix for that network and its prefix length.

The IP address and the netmask must be separated by a slash (/).


  • where n is any value between 0 and 32
  • <ipv6-address>/n where n is any value between 0 and 128

For IP version 4, this function accepts as well missing trailing components (i.e., less than 4 octets, like "192.168.1"), followed or not by a dot. If the netmask is also missing in that case, it is set to the number of octets actually passed (in the example above, it would be 24, for 3 octets).

另请参阅 isInSubnet ().

int QHostAddress:: protocol () const


QString QHostAddress:: scopeId () const

返回 IPv6 地址的作用域 ID。对于 IPv4 地址,或者若地址不包含作用域 ID,空 QString 被返回。

The IPv6 scope ID specifies the scope of reachability for non-global IPv6 addresses, limiting the area in which the address can be used. All IPv6 addresses are associated with such a reachability scope. The scope ID is used to disambiguate addresses that are not guaranteed to be globally unique.

IPv6 specifies the following four levels of reachability:

  • Node-local: Addresses that are only used for communicating with services on the same interface (e.g., the loopback interface "::1").
  • Link-local: Addresses that are local to the network interface ( link ). There is always one link-local address for each IPv6 interface on your host. Link-local addresses ("fe80...") are generated from the MAC address of the local network adaptor, and are not guaranteed to be unique.
  • Global: For globally routable addresses, such as public servers on the Internet.

When using a link-local or site-local address for IPv6 connections, you must specify the scope ID. The scope ID for a link-local address is usually the same as the interface name (e.g., "eth0", "en1") or number (e.g., "1", "2").

另请参阅 setScopeId (), QNetworkInterface ,和 QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName .

void QHostAddress:: setAddress ( quint32 ip4Addr )

设置 IPv4 地址指定通过 ip4Addr .

void QHostAddress:: setAddress (const quint8 * ip6Addr )


设置 IPv6 地址指定通过 ip6Addr .

ip6Addr must be an array of 16 bytes in network byte order (high-order byte first).

void QHostAddress:: setAddress (const Q_IPV6ADDR & ip6Addr )


设置 IPv6 地址指定通过 ip6Addr .

void QHostAddress:: setAddress (const sockaddr * sockaddr )


Sets the IPv4 or IPv6 address specified by the native structure sockaddr 。返回 true and sets the address if the address was successfully parsed; otherwise returns false .

bool QHostAddress:: setAddress (const QString & address )


Sets the IPv4 or IPv6 address specified by the string representation specified by address (e.g. ""). Returns true and sets the address if the address was successfully parsed; otherwise returns false .

void QHostAddress:: setAddress ( QHostAddress::SpecialAddress address )


Sets the special address specified by address .

void QHostAddress:: setScopeId (const QString & id )

Sets the IPv6 scope ID of the address to id . If the address protocol is not IPv6, this function does nothing. The scope ID may be set as an interface name (such as "eth0" or "en1") or as an integer representing the interface index. If id is an interface name, QtNetwork will convert to an interface index using QNetworkInterface::interfaceIndexFromName () before calling the operating system networking functions.

另请参阅 scopeId (), QNetworkInterface ,和 QNetworkInterface::interfaceFromName .

[noexcept] void QHostAddress:: swap ( QHostAddress & other )

交换此主机地址采用 other 。此操作非常快且从不失败。

quint32 QHostAddress:: toIPv4Address ( bool * ok = nullptr) const

以数字形式返回 IPv4 地址。

例如:若地址为,返回值为 2130706433 (即 0x7f000001)。

此值有效若 protocol () 是 IPv4Protocol ,或者若协议是 IPv6Protocol , and the IPv6 address is an IPv4 mapped address (RFC4291). In those cases, ok 会被设为 true。否则,会被设为 false。

另请参阅 toString ().

Q_IPV6ADDR QHostAddress:: toIPv6Address () const

以 Q_IPV6ADDR 结构形式返回 IPv6 地址。结构由 16 个无符号字符组成。

Q_IPV6ADDR addr = hostAddr.toIPv6Address();
// addr contains 16 unsigned characters
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
    // process addr[i]

此值有效若 protocol () 是 IPv6Protocol 。若协议是 IPv4Protocol , then the address is returned as an IPv4 mapped IPv6 address. (RFC4291)

另请参阅 toString ().

QString QHostAddress:: toString () const


例如,若地址是 IPv4 地址,返回字符串。对于 IPv6,字符串格式将遵循 RFC5952 推荐。对于 QHostAddress::Any ,其 IPv4 地址将返回

另请参阅 toIPv4Address ().

bool QHostAddress:: operator!= (const QHostAddress & other ) const

返回 true 若此主机地址不同于 other 给定地址;否则返回 false .

bool QHostAddress:: operator!= ( QHostAddress::SpecialAddress other ) const

返回 true 若此主机地址不同于 other 给定地址;否则返回 false .

QHostAddress &QHostAddress:: operator= (const QHostAddress & address )

赋值另一主机 address 到此对象,并返回此对象的引用。

QHostAddress &QHostAddress:: operator= ( QHostAddress::SpecialAddress address )

赋值特殊地址 address 到此对象,并返回此对象的引用。

另请参阅 setAddress ().

bool QHostAddress:: operator== (const QHostAddress & other ) const

返回 true 若此主机地址如同 other 给定地址;否则返回 false . This operator just calls isEqual (other, StrictConversion ).

另请参阅 isEqual ().

bool QHostAddress:: operator== ( QHostAddress::SpecialAddress other ) const

返回 true 若此主机地址如同 other 给定地址;否则返回 false .


[noexcept] size_t qHash (const QHostAddress & key , size_t seed = 0)

返回哈希主机地址 key ,使用 seed 做计算种子。

bool operator!= ( QHostAddress::SpecialAddress lhs , const QHostAddress & rhs )

返回 false 若特殊地址 lhs 如同主机地址 rhs ;否则返回 true .

另请参阅 isEqual ().

QDataStream & operator<< ( QDataStream & out , const QHostAddress & address )

写入主机地址 address 到流 out 并返回流引用。

另请参阅 序列化 Qt 数据类型 .

bool operator== ( QHostAddress::SpecialAddress lhs , const QHostAddress & rhs )

返回 true 若特殊地址 lhs 如同主机地址 rhs ;否则返回 false .

另请参阅 isEqual ().

QDataStream & operator>> ( QDataStream & in , QHostAddress & address )

把主机地址读入 address 从流 in 并返回流引用。

另请参阅 序列化 Qt 数据类型 .