QGrpcChannelOptions Class

The QGrpcChannelOptions is an storage class used to set additional channel options. 更多...

头: #include <QGrpcChannelOptions>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Grpc)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Grpc)
Since: Qt 6.5
Status: Technical Preview


QGrpcChannelOptions (const QUrl & host )
QGrpcChannelOptions (const QGrpcChannelOptions & other )
~QGrpcChannelOptions ()
std::optional<std::chrono::milliseconds> deadline () const
QUrl host () const
QGrpcMetadata metadata () const
std::optional<QSslConfiguration> sslConfiguration () const
QGrpcChannelOptions & withDeadline (std::chrono::milliseconds deadline )
QGrpcChannelOptions & withHost (const QUrl & host )
QGrpcChannelOptions & withMetadata (const QGrpcMetadata & metadata )
QGrpcChannelOptions & withSslConfiguration (const QSslConfiguration & sslConfiguration )
QGrpcChannelOptions & operator= (const QGrpcChannelOptions & other )


QGrpcChannelOptions provides a set of functions to set and access the channel and default call options that are used by gRPC channels to communicate with the services.


[explicit] QGrpcChannelOptions:: QGrpcChannelOptions (const QUrl & host )

Constructs an QGrpcChannelOptions object with host 值。

QGrpcChannelOptions:: QGrpcChannelOptions (const QGrpcChannelOptions & other )

Construct a copy of QGrpcChannelOptions with other 对象。

[noexcept] QGrpcChannelOptions:: ~QGrpcChannelOptions ()

销毁 QGrpcChannelOptions 对象。

std::optional < std::chrono::milliseconds > QGrpcChannelOptions:: deadline () const

Returns deadline value for every call on the channel.

Deadline value controls the maximum execution time of any call or stream executed on the channel.

If value was not set returns empty std::optional.

QUrl QGrpcChannelOptions:: host () const

Returns host value for every call on the channel.

QGrpcMetadata QGrpcChannelOptions:: metadata () const

Returns metadata used for a call.

If value was not set returns empty QGrpcMetadata.

std::optional < QSslConfiguration > QGrpcChannelOptions:: sslConfiguration () const

Returns SSL configuration for the channel.

If value was not set returns empty std::optional.

QGrpcChannelOptions &QGrpcChannelOptions:: withDeadline ( std::chrono::milliseconds deadline )

Sets deadline value with deadline and returns updated QGrpcChannelOptions 对象。

QGrpcChannelOptions &QGrpcChannelOptions:: withHost (const QUrl & host )

Sets host value with host and returns updated QGrpcChannelOptions 对象。

QGrpcChannelOptions &QGrpcChannelOptions:: withMetadata (const QGrpcMetadata & metadata )

设置 metadata for a call and returns updated QGrpcCallOptions 对象。

For HTTP2-based channels, metadata is converted into HTTP/2 headers, that added to each HTTP/2 request.

QGrpcChannelOptions &QGrpcChannelOptions:: withSslConfiguration (const QSslConfiguration & sslConfiguration )

Sets SSL configuration with sslConfiguration and returns updated QGrpcChannelOptions 对象。

QGrpcChannelOptions &QGrpcChannelOptions:: operator= (const QGrpcChannelOptions & other )

赋值 other 到此 QGrpcChannelOptions and returns a reference to this QGrpcChannelOptions .