QFileDialog 类

QFileDialog 类提供允许用户选择文件 (或目录) 的对话框。 更多...

头: #include <QFileDialog>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Widgets)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Widgets)
qmake: QT += widgets
继承: QDialog


enum AcceptMode { AcceptOpen, AcceptSave }
enum DialogLabel { LookIn, FileName, FileType, Accept, Reject }
enum FileMode { AnyFile, ExistingFile, Directory, ExistingFiles }
enum Option { ShowDirsOnly, DontResolveSymlinks, DontConfirmOverwrite, DontUseNativeDialog, ReadOnly, …, DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons }
flags Options
enum ViewMode { Detail, List }



QFileDialog (QWidget * parent , Qt::WindowFlags flags )
QFileDialog (QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & directory = QString(), const QString & filter = QString())
virtual ~QFileDialog ()
QFileDialog::AcceptMode acceptMode () const
QString defaultSuffix () const
QDir directory () const
QUrl directoryUrl () const
QFileDialog::FileMode fileMode () const
QDir::Filters filter () const
QStringList history () const
QAbstractFileIconProvider * iconProvider () const
QAbstractItemDelegate * itemDelegate () const
QString labelText (QFileDialog::DialogLabel label ) const
QStringList mimeTypeFilters () const
QStringList nameFilters () const
void open (QObject * receiver , const char * member )
QFileDialog::Options options () const
QAbstractProxyModel * proxyModel () const
bool restoreState (const QByteArray & state )
QByteArray saveState () const
void selectFile (const QString & filename )
void selectMimeTypeFilter (const QString & filter )
void selectNameFilter (const QString & filter )
void selectUrl (const QUrl & url )
QStringList selectedFiles () const
QString selectedMimeTypeFilter () const
QString selectedNameFilter () const
QList<QUrl> selectedUrls () const
void setAcceptMode (QFileDialog::AcceptMode mode )
void setDefaultSuffix (const QString & suffix )
void setDirectory (const QString & directory )
void setDirectory (const QDir & directory )
void setDirectoryUrl (const QUrl & directory )
void setFileMode (QFileDialog::FileMode mode )
void setFilter (QDir::Filters filters )
void setHistory (const QStringList & paths )
void setIconProvider (QAbstractFileIconProvider * provider )
void setItemDelegate (QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate )
void setLabelText (QFileDialog::DialogLabel label , const QString & text )
void setMimeTypeFilters (const QStringList & filters )
void setNameFilter (const QString & filter )
void setNameFilters (const QStringList & filters )
void setOption (QFileDialog::Option option , bool on = true)
void setOptions (QFileDialog::Options options )
void setProxyModel (QAbstractProxyModel * proxyModel )
void setSidebarUrls (const QList<QUrl> & urls )
void setSupportedSchemes (const QStringList & schemes )
void setViewMode (QFileDialog::ViewMode mode )
QList<QUrl> sidebarUrls () const
QStringList supportedSchemes () const
bool testOption (QFileDialog::Option option ) const
QFileDialog::ViewMode viewMode () const


virtual void setVisible (bool visible ) override


void currentChanged (const QString & path )
void currentUrlChanged (const QUrl & url )
void directoryEntered (const QString & directory )
void directoryUrlEntered (const QUrl & directory )
void fileSelected (const QString & file )
void filesSelected (const QStringList & selected )
void filterSelected (const QString & filter )
void urlSelected (const QUrl & url )
void urlsSelected (const QList<QUrl> & urls )


QString getExistingDirectory (QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & dir = QString(), QFileDialog::Options options = ShowDirsOnly)
QUrl getExistingDirectoryUrl (QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QUrl & dir = QUrl(), QFileDialog::Options options = ShowDirsOnly, const QStringList & supportedSchemes = QStringList())
void getOpenFileContent (const QString & nameFilter , const std::function<void (const QString &, const QByteArray &)> & fileOpenCompleted )
QString getOpenFileName (QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & dir = QString(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options())
QStringList getOpenFileNames (QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & dir = QString(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options())
QUrl getOpenFileUrl (QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QUrl & dir = QUrl(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options(), const QStringList & supportedSchemes = QStringList())
QList<QUrl> getOpenFileUrls (QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QUrl & dir = QUrl(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options(), const QStringList & supportedSchemes = QStringList())
QString getSaveFileName (QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & dir = QString(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options())
QUrl getSaveFileUrl (QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QUrl & dir = QUrl(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options(), const QStringList & supportedSchemes = QStringList())
void saveFileContent (const QByteArray & fileContent , const QString & fileNameHint = QString())


virtual void accept () override
virtual void changeEvent (QEvent * e ) override
virtual void done (int result ) override


QFileDialog 类使用户能够遍历文件系统,以选择一个或多个文件或目录。

创建 QFileDialog 的最轻松方式是使用静态函数。

fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
    tr("Open Image"), "/home/jana", tr("Image Files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp)"));

在以上范例中,使用静态函数创建模态 QFileDialog。对话框初始显示 /home/jana 目录的内容,并显示与字符串 Image files (*.png *.jpg *.bmp) 中给定模式匹配的文件。文件对话框父级被设为 this ,且窗口标题被设为 Open Image。

若想要使用多个过滤器,分隔每过滤器采用 two 分号。例如:

"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)"

可以创建自己的 QFileDialog 无需使用静态函数。通过调用 setFileMode (),可以指定用户必须在对话框中选择什么:

QFileDialog dialog(this);

在以上范例中,文件对话框的模式被设为 AnyFile ,意味着用户可以选择任何文件,甚至指定不存在的文件。此模式对于创建 Save As (另存为) 文件对话框很有用。使用 ExistingFile 若用户必须选择现有文件,或 Directory 若只有目录可以被选择。见 QFileDialog::FileMode 枚举了解模式的完整列表。

The fileMode 特性包含对话框的操作模式;这指示用户期望选择什么类型的对象。使用 setNameFilter () 以设置对话框的文件过滤器。例如:

dialog.setNameFilter(tr("Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"));

在以上范例中,过滤器被设为 "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)" ,这意味着文件具有扩展名 png , xpm ,或 jpg 才将展示在 QFileDialog 中。可以应用多个过滤器通过使用 setNameFilters ()。使用 selectNameFilter () 以选择给出的某一过滤器作为文件对话框默认过滤器。

文件对话框有 2 种查看模式: List and Detail . List 将当前目录内容呈现为文件和目录名称列表。 Detail 显示文件和目录名称列表,但每个名称旁边还提供额外信息 (譬如:文件大小和修改日期)。设置模式采用 setViewMode ():


当创建自己的文件对话框时需要使用的最后一个重要函数是 selectedFiles ().

QStringList fileNames;
if (dialog.exec())
    fileNames = dialog.selectedFiles();

在以上范例中,创建并展示模态文件对话框。若用户点击 OK,选中文件被放入 fileName .

可以设置对话框的工作目录采用 setDirectory ()。可以选择当前目录中的每个文件使用 selectFile () 函数。

The 标准对话框 范例展示如何使用 QFileDialog 及其它内置 Qt 对话框。

默认情况下,若平台有一个本机平台文件对话框,将使用它。在此情况下,否则就不会实例化用于构造对话框的 Widget,所以相关访问程序,譬如 layout () 和 itemDelegate () will return null. Also, not all platforms show file dialogs with a title bar, so be aware that the caption text might not be visible to the user. You can set the DontUseNativeDialog 选项以确保将使用基于 Widget 的实现而不是本机对话框。

另请参阅 QDir , QFileInfo , QFile , QColorDialog , QFontDialog ,和 标准对话框范例 .


enum QFileDialog:: AcceptMode

QFileDialog::AcceptOpen 0
QFileDialog::AcceptSave 1

enum QFileDialog:: DialogLabel

QFileDialog::LookIn 0
QFileDialog::FileName 1
QFileDialog::FileType 2
QFileDialog::Accept 3
QFileDialog::Reject 4

enum QFileDialog:: FileMode

此枚举被用于指示用户可以在文件对话框中选择什么。即:对话框将返回什么,若用户点击 OK。

常量 描述
QFileDialog::AnyFile 0 文件的名称,无论它是否存在。
QFileDialog::ExistingFile 1 单个现有文件的名称。
QFileDialog::Directory 2 目录的名称。显示文件和目录两者。然而,本机 Windows 文件对话框不支持在目录选取器中显示文件。
QFileDialog::ExistingFiles 3 零个或多个现有文件的名称。

另请参阅 setFileMode ().

enum QFileDialog:: Option
flags QFileDialog:: Options

常量 描述
QFileDialog::ShowDirsOnly 0x00000001 Only show directories in the file dialog. By default both files and directories are shown. (Valid only in the Directory file mode.)
QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks 0x00000002 不解析文件对话框中的符号链接。默认情况下,解析符号链接。
QFileDialog::DontConfirmOverwrite 0x00000004 不要求确认,若选中现有文件。默认情况下,请求确认。

Note: This option is not supported on macOS when using the native file dialog.

常量 描述
QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog 0x00000008 Don't use the native file dialog. By default, the native file dialog is used unless you use a subclass of QFileDialog 包含 Q_OBJECT macro, or the platform does not have a native dialog of the type that you require.

注意: This option must be set before changing dialog properties or showing the dialog.

常量 描述
QFileDialog::ReadOnly 0x00000010 指示模型为只读。
QFileDialog::HideNameFilterDetails 0x00000020 指示是否隐藏文件名过滤器细节。
QFileDialog::DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons 0x00000040 Always use the default directory icon. Some platforms allow the user to set a different icon. Custom icon lookup cause a big performance impact over network or removable drives. Setting this will enable the QFileIconProvider::DontUseCustomDirectoryIcons option in the icon provider. This enum value was added in Qt 5.2.

Options 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <Option>。它存储 Option 值的 OR 组合。

enum QFileDialog:: ViewMode

This enum describes the view mode of the file dialog; i.e. what information about each file will be displayed.

常量 描述
QFileDialog::Detail 0 Displays an icon, a name, and details for each item in the directory.
QFileDialog::List 1 Displays only an icon and a name for each item in the directory.

另请参阅 setViewMode ().


acceptMode : AcceptMode



默认情况下,此特性被设为 AcceptOpen .


QFileDialog::AcceptMode acceptMode () const
void setAcceptMode (QFileDialog::AcceptMode mode )

另请参阅 AcceptMode .

defaultSuffix : QString

suffix added to the filename if no other suffix was specified

This property specifies a string that will be added to the filename if it has no suffix already. The suffix is typically used to indicate the file type (e.g. "txt" indicates a text file).

If the first character is a dot ('.'), it is removed.


QString defaultSuffix () const
void setDefaultSuffix (const QString & suffix )

fileMode : FileMode

This property holds the file mode of the dialog

The file mode defines the number and type of items that the user is expected to select in the dialog.

默认情况下,此特性被设为 AnyFile .

This function will set the labels for the FileName and Accept DialogLabel s. It is possible to set custom text after the call to setFileMode().


QFileDialog::FileMode fileMode () const
void setFileMode (QFileDialog::FileMode mode )

另请参阅 FileMode .

options : Options

This property holds the various options that affect the look and feel of the dialog


Options (particularly the DontUseNativeDialogs option) should be set before changing dialog properties or showing the dialog.

Setting options while the dialog is visible is not guaranteed to have an immediate effect on the dialog (depending on the option and on the platform).

Setting options after changing other properties may cause these values to have no effect.


QFileDialog::Options options () const
void setOptions (QFileDialog::Options options )

另请参阅 setOption () 和 testOption ().

supportedSchemes : QStringList

This property holds the URL schemes that the file dialog should allow navigating to.

Setting this property allows to restrict the type of URLs the user will be able to select. It is a way for the application to declare the protocols it will support to fetch the file content. An empty list means that no restriction is applied (the default). Supported for local files ("file" scheme) is implicit and always enabled; it is not necessary to include it in the restriction.


QStringList supportedSchemes () const
void setSupportedSchemes (const QStringList & schemes )

viewMode : ViewMode

This property holds the way files and directories are displayed in the dialog

默认情况下, Detail mode is used to display information about files and directories.


QFileDialog::ViewMode viewMode () const
void setViewMode (QFileDialog::ViewMode mode )

另请参阅 ViewMode .


QFileDialog:: QFileDialog ( QWidget * parent , Qt::WindowFlags flags )

构造文件对话框采用给定 parent 和小部件 flags .

[explicit] QFileDialog:: QFileDialog ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & directory = QString(), const QString & filter = QString())

构造文件对话框采用给定 parent and caption that initially displays the contents of the specified directory . The contents of the directory are filtered before being shown in the dialog, using a semicolon-separated list of filters specified by filter .

[virtual noexcept] QFileDialog:: ~QFileDialog ()


[override virtual protected] void QFileDialog:: accept ()

重实现: QDialog::accept ().

[override virtual protected] void QFileDialog:: changeEvent ( QEvent * e )

重实现: QWidget::changeEvent (QEvent *event).

[signal] void QFileDialog:: currentChanged (const QString & path )

When the current file changes for local operations, this signal is emitted with the new file name as the path 参数。

另请参阅 filesSelected ().

[signal] void QFileDialog:: currentUrlChanged (const QUrl & url )

When the current file changes, this signal is emitted with the new file URL as the url 参数。

另请参阅 urlsSelected ().

QDir QFileDialog:: directory () const

Returns the directory currently being displayed in the dialog.

另请参阅 setDirectory ().

[signal] void QFileDialog:: directoryEntered (const QString & directory )

This signal is emitted for local operations when the user enters a directory .

QUrl QFileDialog:: directoryUrl () const

Returns the url of the directory currently being displayed in the dialog.

另请参阅 setDirectoryUrl ().

[signal] void QFileDialog:: directoryUrlEntered (const QUrl & directory )

此信号被发射当用户键入 directory .

[override virtual protected] void QFileDialog:: done ( int result )

重实现: QDialog::done (int r).

[signal] void QFileDialog:: fileSelected (const QString & file )

When the selection changes for local operations and the dialog is accepted, this signal is emitted with the (possibly empty) selected file .

另请参阅 currentChanged () 和 QDialog::Accepted .

[signal] void QFileDialog:: filesSelected (const QStringList & selected )

When the selection changes for local operations and the dialog is accepted, this signal is emitted with the (possibly empty) list of selected 文件。

另请参阅 currentChanged () 和 QDialog::Accepted .

QDir::Filters QFileDialog:: filter () const


另请参阅 setFilter ().

[signal] void QFileDialog:: filterSelected (const QString & filter )

此信号被发射,当用户选择 filter .

[static] QString QFileDialog:: getExistingDirectory ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & dir = QString(), QFileDialog::Options options = ShowDirsOnly)


QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Open Directory"),
                                                | QFileDialog::DontResolveSymlinks);

此函数创建模态文件对话框采用给定 parent 小部件。若 parent 不是 nullptr ,对话框将展示在父级 Widget 中心。

The dialog's working directory is set to dir , and the caption is set to caption . Either of these may be an empty string in which case the current directory and a default caption will be used respectively.

The options 自变量保持有关如何运行对话框的各种选项,见 QFileDialog::Option enum for more information on the flags you can pass. To ensure a native file dialog, ShowDirsOnly must be set.

On Windows and macOS, this static function will use the native file dialog and not a QFileDialog . However, the native Windows file dialog does not support displaying files in the directory chooser. You need to pass DontUseNativeDialog to display files using a QFileDialog .

Note that the macOS native file dialog does not show a title bar.

On Unix/X11, the normal behavior of the file dialog is to resolve and follow symlinks. For example, if /usr/tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp , the file dialog will change to /var/tmp after entering /usr/tmp 。若 options 包括 DontResolveSymlinks , the file dialog will treat symlinks as regular directories.

On Windows, the dialog will spin a blocking modal event loop that will not dispatch any QTimers, and if parent 不是 nullptr then it will position the dialog just below the parent's title bar.

警告: 不要删除 parent during the execution of the dialog. If you want to do this, you should create the dialog yourself using one of the QFileDialog 构造函数。

另请参阅 getOpenFileName (), getOpenFileNames (),和 getSaveFileName ().

[static] QUrl QFileDialog:: getExistingDirectoryUrl ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QUrl & dir = QUrl(), QFileDialog::Options options = ShowDirsOnly, const QStringList & supportedSchemes = QStringList())

This is a convenience static function that will return an existing directory selected by the user. If the user presses Cancel, it returns an empty url.

函数的用法类似于 QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory ()。尤其 parent , caption , dir and options 以准确相同方式被使用。

The main difference with QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory () comes from the ability offered to the user to select a remote directory. That's why the return type and the type of dir is QUrl .

The supportedSchemes argument allows to restrict the type of URLs the user will be able to select. It is a way for the application to declare the protocols it will support to fetch the file content. An empty list means that no restriction is applied (the default). Supported for local files ("file" scheme) is implicit and always enabled; it is not necessary to include it in the restriction.

When possible, this static function will use the native file dialog and not a QFileDialog . On platforms which don't support selecting remote files, Qt will allow to select only local files.

另请参阅 getExistingDirectory (), getOpenFileUrl (), getOpenFileUrls (),和 getSaveFileUrl ().

[static] void QFileDialog:: getOpenFileContent (const QString & nameFilter , const std::function < void (const QString &, const QByteArray &)> & fileOpenCompleted )

This is a convenience static function that will return the content of a file selected by the user.

This function is used to access local files on Qt for WebAssembly, where the web sandbox places restrictions on how such access may happen. Its implementation will make the browser display a native file dialog, where the user makes the file selection based on the parameter nameFilter .

It can also be used on other platforms, where it will fall back to using QFileDialog .

The function is asynchronous and returns immediately. The fileOpenCompleted callback will be called when a file has been selected and its contents have been read into memory.

auto fileContentReady = [](const QString &fileName, const QByteArray &fileContent) {
    if (fileName.isEmpty()) {
        // No file was selected
    } else {
        // Use fileName and fileContent
QFileDialog::getOpenFileContent("Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)",  fileContentReady);

[static] QString QFileDialog:: getOpenFileName ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & dir = QString(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options())

This is a convenience static function that returns an existing file selected by the user. If the user presses Cancel, it returns a null string.

QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open File"),
                                                tr("Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"));

The function creates a modal file dialog with the given parent 小部件。若 parent 不是 nullptr ,对话框将展示在父级 Widget 中心。

文件对话框的工作目录将被设为 dir 。若 dir includes a file name, the file will be selected. Only files that match the given filter 才被展示。选中过滤器被设为 selectedFilter 。参数 dir , selectedFilter ,和 filter may be empty strings. If you want multiple filters, separate them with ';;', for example:

"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)"

The options 自变量保持有关如何运行对话框的各种选项,见 QFileDialog::Option 枚举了解可以传递标志的更多有关信息。

对话框的标题被设为 caption 。若 caption is not specified then a default caption will be used.

在 Windows 和 macOS,此静态函数将使用本机文件对话框而不是 QFileDialog . Note that the macOS native file dialog does not show a title bar.

On Windows the dialog will spin a blocking modal event loop that will not dispatch any QTimers, and if parent 不是 nullptr then it will position the dialog just below the parent's title bar.

On Unix/X11, the normal behavior of the file dialog is to resolve and follow symlinks. For example, if /usr/tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp , the file dialog will change to /var/tmp after entering /usr/tmp 。若 options 包括 DontResolveSymlinks , the file dialog will treat symlinks as regular directories.

警告: 不要删除 parent during the execution of the dialog. If you want to do this, you should create the dialog yourself using one of the QFileDialog 构造函数。

另请参阅 getOpenFileNames (), getSaveFileName (),和 getExistingDirectory ().

[static] QStringList QFileDialog:: getOpenFileNames ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & dir = QString(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options())

This is a convenience static function that will return one or more existing files selected by the user.

QStringList files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(
                        "Select one or more files to open",
                        "Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)");

此函数创建模态文件对话框采用给定 parent 小部件。若 parent 不是 nullptr ,对话框将展示在父级 Widget 中心。

文件对话框的工作目录将被设为 dir 。若 dir includes a file name, the file will be selected. The filter is set to filter so that only those files which match the filter are shown. The filter selected is set to selectedFilter 。参数 dir , selectedFilter and filter may be empty strings. If you need multiple filters, separate them with ';;', for instance:

"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)"

对话框的标题被设为 caption 。若 caption is not specified then a default caption will be used.

在 Windows 和 macOS,此静态函数将使用本机文件对话框而不是 QFileDialog . Note that the macOS native file dialog does not show a title bar.

On Windows the dialog will spin a blocking modal event loop that will not dispatch any QTimers, and if parent 不是 nullptr then it will position the dialog just below the parent's title bar.

On Unix/X11, the normal behavior of the file dialog is to resolve and follow symlinks. For example, if /usr/tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp , the file dialog will change to /var/tmp after entering /usr/tmp options 自变量保持有关如何运行对话框的各种选项,见 QFileDialog::Option 枚举了解可以传递标志的更多有关信息。

警告: 不要删除 parent during the execution of the dialog. If you want to do this, you should create the dialog yourself using one of the QFileDialog 构造函数。

另请参阅 getOpenFileName (), getSaveFileName (),和 getExistingDirectory ().

[static] QUrl QFileDialog:: getOpenFileUrl ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QUrl & dir = QUrl(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options(), const QStringList & supportedSchemes = QStringList())

This is a convenience static function that returns an existing file selected by the user. If the user presses Cancel, it returns an empty url.

函数的用法类似于 QFileDialog::getOpenFileName ()。尤其 parent , caption , dir , filter , selectedFilter and options 以准确相同方式被使用。

The main difference with QFileDialog::getOpenFileName () comes from the ability offered to the user to select a remote file. That's why the return type and the type of dir is QUrl .

The supportedSchemes argument allows to restrict the type of URLs the user will be able to select. It is a way for the application to declare the protocols it will support to fetch the file content. An empty list means that no restriction is applied (the default). Supported for local files ("file" scheme) is implicit and always enabled; it is not necessary to include it in the restriction.

When possible, this static function will use the native file dialog and not a QFileDialog . On platforms which don't support selecting remote files, Qt will allow to select only local files.

另请参阅 getOpenFileName (), getOpenFileUrls (), getSaveFileUrl (),和 getExistingDirectoryUrl ().

[static] QList < QUrl > QFileDialog:: getOpenFileUrls ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QUrl & dir = QUrl(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options(), const QStringList & supportedSchemes = QStringList())

This is a convenience static function that will return one or more existing files selected by the user. If the user presses Cancel, it returns an empty list.

函数的用法类似于 QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames ()。尤其 parent , caption , dir , filter , selectedFilter and options 以准确相同方式被使用。

The main difference with QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames () comes from the ability offered to the user to select remote files. That's why the return type and the type of dir are respectively QList < QUrl > and QUrl .

The supportedSchemes argument allows to restrict the type of URLs the user will be able to select. It is a way for the application to declare the protocols it will support to fetch the file content. An empty list means that no restriction is applied (the default). Supported for local files ("file" scheme) is implicit and always enabled; it is not necessary to include it in the restriction.

When possible, this static function will use the native file dialog and not a QFileDialog . On platforms which don't support selecting remote files, Qt will allow to select only local files.

另请参阅 getOpenFileNames (), getOpenFileUrl (), getSaveFileUrl (),和 getExistingDirectoryUrl ().

[static] QString QFileDialog:: getSaveFileName ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QString & dir = QString(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options())


它创建模态文件对话框采用给定 parent 小部件。若 parent 不是 nullptr ,对话框将展示在父级 Widget 中心。

QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, tr("Save File"),
                           tr("Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)"));

文件对话框的工作目录将被设为 dir 。若 dir 包括文件名,文件将被选中。文件匹配 filter 才被展示。选中过滤器被设为 selectedFilter 。参数 dir , selectedFilter ,和 filter 可以是空字符串。多个过滤器采用 ;; 分隔。例如:

"Images (*.png *.xpm *.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)"

The options 自变量保持有关如何运行对话框的各种选项,见 QFileDialog::Option 枚举了解可以传递标志的更多有关信息。

可以选取默认过滤器通过设置 selectedFilter 到期望值。

对话框的标题被设为 caption 。若 caption 未指定,将使用默认标题。

在 Windows 和 macOS,此静态函数将使用本机文件对话框而不是 QFileDialog .

On Windows the dialog will spin a blocking modal event loop that will not dispatch any QTimers, and if parent 不是 nullptr then it will position the dialog just below the parent's title bar. On macOS, with its native file dialog, the filter argument is ignored.

On Unix/X11, the normal behavior of the file dialog is to resolve and follow symlinks. For example, if /usr/tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp , the file dialog will change to /var/tmp after entering /usr/tmp 。若 options 包括 DontResolveSymlinks the file dialog will treat symlinks as regular directories.

警告: 不要删除 parent during the execution of the dialog. If you want to do this, you should create the dialog yourself using one of the QFileDialog 构造函数。

另请参阅 getOpenFileName (), getOpenFileNames (),和 getExistingDirectory ().

[static] QUrl QFileDialog:: getSaveFileUrl ( QWidget * parent = nullptr, const QString & caption = QString(), const QUrl & dir = QUrl(), const QString & filter = QString(), QString * selectedFilter = nullptr, QFileDialog::Options options = Options(), const QStringList & supportedSchemes = QStringList())

这是返回用户选择文件的方便静态函数。文件不必存在。若用户按下 Cancel,返回空 URL。

函数的用法类似于 QFileDialog::getSaveFileName ()。尤其 parent , caption , dir , filter , selectedFilter and options 以准确相同方式被使用。

The main difference with QFileDialog::getSaveFileName () comes from the ability offered to the user to select a remote file. That's why the return type and the type of dir is QUrl .

The supportedSchemes argument allows to restrict the type of URLs the user will be able to select. It is a way for the application to declare the protocols it will support to save the file content. An empty list means that no restriction is applied (the default). Supported for local files ("file" scheme) is implicit and always enabled; it is not necessary to include it in the restriction.

When possible, this static function will use the native file dialog and not a QFileDialog . On platforms which don't support selecting remote files, Qt will allow to select only local files.

另请参阅 getSaveFileName (), getOpenFileUrl (), getOpenFileUrls (),和 getExistingDirectoryUrl ().

QStringList QFileDialog:: history () const


另请参阅 setHistory ().

QAbstractFileIconProvider *QFileDialog:: iconProvider () const


另请参阅 setIconProvider ().

QAbstractItemDelegate *QFileDialog:: itemDelegate () const


另请参阅 setItemDelegate ().

QString QFileDialog:: labelText ( QFileDialog::DialogLabel label ) const

返回文件对话框展示的文本在指定 label .

另请参阅 setLabelText ().

QStringList QFileDialog:: mimeTypeFilters () const

返回在此文件对话框中运转的 MIME 类型过滤器。

另请参阅 setMimeTypeFilters ().

QStringList QFileDialog:: nameFilters () const


另请参阅 setNameFilters ().

void QFileDialog:: open ( QObject * receiver , const char * member )

This function connects one of its signals to the slot specified by receiver and member . The specific signal depends is filesSelected () if fileMode is ExistingFiles and fileSelected () if fileMode is anything else.


QAbstractProxyModel *QFileDialog:: proxyModel () const

Returns the proxy model used by the file dialog. By default no proxy is set.

另请参阅 setProxyModel ().

bool QFileDialog:: restoreState (const QByteArray & state )

Restores the dialogs's layout, history and current directory to the state 指定。

通常,这用于结合 QSettings to restore the size from a past session.

返回 false 若有错误

[static] void QFileDialog:: saveFileContent (const QByteArray & fileContent , const QString & fileNameHint = QString())

This is a convenience static function that saves fileContent to a file, using a file name and location chosen by the user. fileNameHint can be provided to suggest a file name to the user.

This function is used to save files to the local file system on Qt for WebAssembly, where the web sandbox places restrictions on how such access may happen. Its implementation will make the browser display a native file dialog, where the user makes the file selection.

It can also be used on other platforms, where it will fall back to using QFileDialog .

The function is asynchronous and returns immediately.

QByteArray imageData; // obtained from e.g. QImage::save()
QFileDialog::saveFileContent(imageData, "myimage.png"); // with filename hint
// OR
QFileDialog::saveFileContent(imageData); // no filename hint

QByteArray QFileDialog:: saveState () const

Saves the state of the dialog's layout, history and current directory.

通常,这用于结合 QSettings to remember the size for a future session. A version number is stored as part of the data.

void QFileDialog:: selectFile (const QString & filename )

选择给定 filename 在文件对话框。

另请参阅 selectedFiles ().

void QFileDialog:: selectMimeTypeFilter (const QString & filter )

设置当前 MIME 类型 filter .

void QFileDialog:: selectNameFilter (const QString & filter )

设置当前文件类型 filter . Multiple filters can be passed in filter by separating them with semicolons or spaces.

另请参阅 setNameFilter (), setNameFilters (),和 selectedNameFilter ().

void QFileDialog:: selectUrl (const QUrl & url )

选择给定 url 在文件对话框。

注意: 非本机 QFileDialog 仅支持本地文件。

另请参阅 selectedUrls ().

QStringList QFileDialog:: selectedFiles () const

Returns a list of strings containing the absolute paths of the selected files in the dialog. If no files are selected, or the mode is not ExistingFiles or ExistingFile , selectedFiles() contains the current path in the viewport.

另请参阅 selectedNameFilter () 和 selectFile ().

QString QFileDialog:: selectedMimeTypeFilter () const

Returns The mimetype of the file that the user selected in the file dialog.

QString QFileDialog:: selectedNameFilter () const

Returns the filter that the user selected in the file dialog.

另请参阅 selectedFiles ().

QList < QUrl > QFileDialog:: selectedUrls () const

Returns a list of urls containing the selected files in the dialog. If no files are selected, or the mode is not ExistingFiles or ExistingFile , selectedUrls() contains the current path in the viewport.

另请参阅 selectedNameFilter () 和 selectUrl ().

void QFileDialog:: setDirectory (const QString & directory )

设置文件对话框的当前 directory .

注意: 在 iOS,若设置 directory to QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::PicturesLocation).last (), a native image picker dialog will be used for accessing the user's photo album. The filename returned can be loaded using QFile and related APIs. For this to be enabled, the Info.plist assigned to QMAKE_INFO_PLIST in the project file must contain the key NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription . See Info.plist documentation from Apple for more information regarding this key. This feature was added in Qt 5.5.

另请参阅 directory ().

void QFileDialog:: setDirectory (const QDir & directory )


void QFileDialog:: setDirectoryUrl (const QUrl & directory )

设置文件对话框的当前 directory url.

注意: 非本机 QFileDialog 仅支持本地文件。

注意: On Windows, it is possible to pass URLs representing one of the virtual folders , such as "Computer" or "Network". This is done by passing a QUrl using the scheme clsid followed by the CLSID value with the curly braces removed. For example the URL clsid:374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B denotes the download location. For a complete list of possible values, see the MSDN documentation on KNOWNFOLDERID . This feature was added in Qt 5.5.

另请参阅 directoryUrl () 和 QUuid .

void QFileDialog:: setFilter ( QDir::Filters filters )

将用于模型的过滤器设为 filters 。过滤器用于指定应展示的文件种类。

另请参阅 filter ().

void QFileDialog:: setHistory (const QStringList & paths )

设置文件对话框浏览历史以包含给定 paths .

另请参阅 history ().

void QFileDialog:: setIconProvider ( QAbstractFileIconProvider * provider )

将用于文件对话框的图标提供程序设为指定 provider .

另请参阅 iconProvider ().

void QFileDialog:: setItemDelegate ( QAbstractItemDelegate * delegate )

Sets the item delegate used to render items in the views in the file dialog to the given delegate .

任何现有委托将被移除,但不被删除。 QFileDialog 未拥有所有权对于 delegate .

警告: You should not share the same instance of a delegate between views. Doing so can cause incorrect or unintuitive editing behavior since each view connected to a given delegate may receive the closeEditor () signal, and attempt to access, modify or close an editor that has already been closed.

Note that the model used is QFileSystemModel . It has custom item data roles, which is described by the Roles enum. You can use a QFileIconProvider if you only want custom icons.

另请参阅 itemDelegate (), setIconProvider (),和 QFileSystemModel .

void QFileDialog:: setLabelText ( QFileDialog::DialogLabel label , const QString & text )

设置 text 展示在文件对话框在指定 label .

另请参阅 labelText ().

void QFileDialog:: setMimeTypeFilters (const QStringList & filters )

设置 filters 以用于文件对话框,从 MIME 类型列表。

Convenience method for setNameFilters ()。使用 QMimeType to create a name filter from the glob patterns and description defined in each MIME type.

Use application/octet-stream for the "All files (*)" filter, since that is the base MIME type for all files.

Calling setMimeTypeFilters overrides any previously set name filters, and changes the return value of nameFilters ().

QStringList mimeTypeFilters({"image/jpeg", // will show "JPEG image (*.jpeg *.jpg *.jpe)
                             "image/png",  // will show "PNG image (*.png)"
                             "application/octet-stream" // will show "All files (*)"
QFileDialog dialog(this);

另请参阅 mimeTypeFilters ().

void QFileDialog:: setNameFilter (const QString & filter )

将用于文件对话框的过滤器设为给定 filter .

filter contains a pair of parentheses containing one or more filename-wildcard patterns, separated by spaces, then only the text contained in the parentheses is used as the filter. This means that these calls are all equivalent:

dialog.setNameFilter("All C++ files (*.cpp *.cc *.C *.cxx *.c++)");
dialog.setNameFilter("*.cpp *.cc *.C *.cxx *.c++");

注意: With Android's native file dialog, the mime type matching the given name filter is used because only mime types are supported.

另请参阅 setMimeTypeFilters () 和 setNameFilters ().

void QFileDialog:: setNameFilters (const QStringList & filters )

设置 filters 用于文件对话框。

Note that the filter *.* is not portable, because the historical assumption that the file extension determines the file type is not consistent on every operating system. It is possible to have a file with no dot in its name (for example, Makefile ). In a native Windows file dialog, *.* will match such files, while in other types of file dialogs it may not. So it is better to use * if you mean to select any file.

const QStringList filters({"Image files (*.png *.xpm *.jpg)",
                           "Text files (*.txt)",
                           "Any files (*)"
QFileDialog dialog(this);

setMimeTypeFilters () has the advantage of providing all possible name filters for each file type. For example, JPEG images have three possible extensions; if your application can open such files, selecting the image/jpeg mime type as a filter will allow you to open all of them.

另请参阅 nameFilters ().

void QFileDialog:: setOption ( QFileDialog::Option option , bool on = true)

设置给定 option 为被启用若 on 为 true;否则,清零给定 option .

Options (particularly the DontUseNativeDialogs option) should be set before changing dialog properties or showing the dialog.

Setting options while the dialog is visible is not guaranteed to have an immediate effect on the dialog (depending on the option and on the platform).

Setting options after changing other properties may cause these values to have no effect.

另请参阅 options and testOption ().

void QFileDialog:: setProxyModel ( QAbstractProxyModel * proxyModel )

Sets the model for the views to the given proxyModel . This is useful if you want to modify the underlying model; for example, to add columns, filter data or add drives.

Any existing proxy model will be removed, but not deleted. The file dialog will take ownership of the proxyModel .

另请参阅 proxyModel ().

void QFileDialog:: setSidebarUrls (const QList < QUrl > & urls )

设置 urls 位于侧边栏中。


    QList<QUrl> urls;
    urls << QUrl::fromLocalFile("/Users/foo/Code/qt5")
         << QUrl::fromLocalFile(QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::MusicLocation).first());
    QFileDialog dialog;
    if (dialog.exec()) {
        // ...


另请参阅 sidebarUrls ().

[override virtual] void QFileDialog:: setVisible ( bool visible )

重实现: QDialog::setVisible (bool visible).

QList < QUrl > QFileDialog:: sidebarUrls () const

返回目前在侧边栏中的 URL 列表

另请参阅 setSidebarUrls ().

bool QFileDialog:: testOption ( QFileDialog::Option option ) const

返回 true 若给定 option 被启用;否则,返回 false。

另请参阅 options and setOption ().

[signal] void QFileDialog:: urlSelected (const QUrl & url )

When the selection changes and the dialog is accepted, this signal is emitted with the (possibly empty) selected url .

另请参阅 currentUrlChanged () 和 QDialog::Accepted .

[signal] void QFileDialog:: urlsSelected (const QList < QUrl > & urls )

When the selection changes and the dialog is accepted, this signal is emitted with the (possibly empty) list of selected urls .

另请参阅 currentUrlChanged () 和 QDialog::Accepted .