QFileDevice 类

QFileDevice 类提供用于读取和写入打开文件的接口。 更多...

头: #include <QFileDevice>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Core)
qmake: QT += core
继承: QIODevice

QFile and QSaveFile

注意: 此类的所有函数 可重入 .


enum FileError { NoError, ReadError, WriteError, FatalError, ResourceError, …, CopyError }
enum FileHandleFlag { AutoCloseHandle, DontCloseHandle }
flags FileHandleFlags
enum FileTime { FileAccessTime, FileBirthTime, FileMetadataChangeTime, FileModificationTime }
enum MemoryMapFlag { NoOptions, MapPrivateOption }
flags MemoryMapFlags
enum Permission { ReadOwner, WriteOwner, ExeOwner, ReadUser, WriteUser, …, ExeOther }
flags Permissions


virtual ~QFileDevice ()
QFileDevice::FileError error () const
virtual QString fileName () const
QDateTime fileTime (QFileDevice::FileTime time ) const
bool flush ()
int handle () const
uchar * map (qint64 offset , qint64 size , QFileDevice::MemoryMapFlags flags = NoOptions)
virtual QFileDevice::Permissions permissions () const
virtual bool resize (qint64 sz )
bool setFileTime (const QDateTime & newDate , QFileDevice::FileTime fileTime )
virtual bool setPermissions (QFileDevice::Permissions permissions )
bool unmap (uchar * address )
void unsetError ()


virtual bool atEnd () const override
virtual void close () override
virtual bool isSequential () const override
virtual qint64 pos () const override
virtual bool seek (qint64 pos ) override
virtual qint64 size () const override


virtual qint64 readData (char * data , qint64 len ) override
virtual qint64 readLineData (char * data , qint64 maxlen ) override
virtual qint64 writeData (const char * data , qint64 len ) override


QFileDevice 是 I/O 设备的基类,能读取和写入文本、二进制文件及 resources . QFile 提供主要功能,QFileDevice 充当与其它文件设备共享功能的基类,譬如 QSaveFile ,通过提供所有文件操作,打开通过 QFile or QSaveFile .

另请参阅 QFile and QSaveFile .


enum QFileDevice:: FileError

此枚举描述可能的错误,错误返回通过 error () 函数。

常量 描述
QFileDevice::NoError 0 没有出现错误。
QFileDevice::ReadError 1 发生错误当读取文件时。
QFileDevice::WriteError 2 An error occurred when writing to the file.
QFileDevice::FatalError 3 出现致命错误。
QFileDevice::ResourceError 4 Out of resources (e.g., too many open files, out of memory, etc.)
QFileDevice::OpenError 5 The file could not be opened.
QFileDevice::AbortError 6 The operation was aborted.
QFileDevice::TimeOutError 7 出现超时。
QFileDevice::UnspecifiedError 8 An unspecified error occurred.
QFileDevice::RemoveError 9 The file could not be removed.
QFileDevice::RenameError 10 The file could not be renamed.
QFileDevice::PositionError 11 The position in the file could not be changed.
QFileDevice::ResizeError 12 The file could not be resized.
QFileDevice::PermissionsError 13 The file could not be accessed.
QFileDevice::CopyError 14 The file could not be copied.

enum QFileDevice:: FileHandleFlag
flags QFileDevice:: FileHandleFlags

This enum is used when opening a file to specify additional options which only apply to files and not to a generic QIODevice .

常量 描述
QFileDevice::AutoCloseHandle 0x0001 The file handle passed into open () should be closed by close (), the default behavior is that close just flushes the file and the application is responsible for closing the file handle. When opening a file by name, this flag is ignored as Qt always owns the file handle and must close it.
QFileDevice::DontCloseHandle 0 If not explicitly closed, the underlying file handle is left open when the QFile object is destroyed.

FileHandleFlags 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <FileHandleFlag>. It stores an OR combination of FileHandleFlag values.

enum QFileDevice:: FileTime

此枚举用于 fileTime () 和 setFileTime () 函数。

常量 描述
QFileDevice::FileAccessTime 0 When the file was most recently accessed (e.g. read or written to).
QFileDevice::FileBirthTime 1 When the file was created (may not be not supported on UNIX).
QFileDevice::FileMetadataChangeTime 2 When the file's metadata was last changed.
QFileDevice::FileModificationTime 3 When the file was most recently modified.

另请参阅 setFileTime (), fileTime (),和 QFileInfo::fileTime ().

enum QFileDevice:: MemoryMapFlag
flags QFileDevice:: MemoryMapFlags

This enum describes special options that may be used by the map () 函数。

常量 描述
QFileDevice::NoOptions 0 没有选项。
QFileDevice::MapPrivateOption 0x0001 The mapped memory will be private, so any modifications will not be visible to other processes and will not be written to disk. Any such modifications will be lost when the memory is unmapped. It is unspecified whether modifications made to the file made after the mapping is created will be visible through the mapped memory. This enum value was introduced in Qt 5.4.

MemoryMapFlags 类型是 typedef 对于 QFlags <MemoryMapFlag>。它存储 MemoryMapFlag 值的 OR 组合。

enum QFileDevice:: Permission
flags QFileDevice:: Permissions

This enum is used by the permission() function to report the permissions and ownership of a file. The values may be OR-ed together to test multiple permissions and ownership values.

常量 描述
QFileDevice::ReadOwner 0x4000 The file is readable by the owner of the file.
QFileDevice::WriteOwner 0x2000 The file is writable by the owner of the file.
QFileDevice::ExeOwner 0x1000 The file is executable by the owner of the file.
QFileDevice::ReadUser 0x0400 文件对于用户是可读的。
QFileDevice::WriteUser 0x0200 文件对于用户是可写的。
QFileDevice::ExeUser 0x0100 文件可由用户执行。
QFileDevice::ReadGroup 0x0040 文件可由组读取。
QFileDevice::WriteGroup 0x0020 The file is writable by the group.
QFileDevice::ExeGroup 0x0010 The file is executable by the group.
QFileDevice::ReadOther 0x0004 The file is readable by others.
QFileDevice::WriteOther 0x0002 The file is writable by others.
QFileDevice::ExeOther 0x0001 The file is executable by others.

警告: Because of differences in the platforms supported by Qt, the semantics of ReadUser, WriteUser and ExeUser are platform-dependent: On Unix, the rights of the owner of the file are returned and on Windows the rights of the current user are returned. This behavior might change in a future Qt version.

注意: On NTFS file systems, ownership and permissions checking is disabled by default for performance reasons. To enable it, include the following line:

extern Q_CORE_EXPORT int qt_ntfs_permission_lookup;

Permission checking is then turned on and off by incrementing and decrementing qt_ntfs_permission_lookup by 1.

qt_ntfs_permission_lookup++; // turn checking on
qt_ntfs_permission_lookup--; // turn it off again

注意: Since this is a non-atomic global variable, it is only safe to increment or decrement qt_ntfs_permission_lookup before any threads other than the main thread have started or after every thread other than the main thread has ended.

注意: From Qt 6.6 the variable qt_ntfs_permission_lookup is deprecated. Please use the following alternatives.

The safe and easy way to manage permission checks is to use the RAII class QNtfsPermissionCheckGuard .

void complexFunction()
    QNtfsPermissionCheckGuard permissionGuard;  // check is enabled
    // do complex things here that need permission check enabled
}   // as the guard goes out of scope the check is disabled

If you need more fine-grained control, it is possible to manage the permission with the following functions instead:

qAreNtfsPermissionChecksEnabled();   // check status
qEnableNtfsPermissionChecks();       // turn checking on
qDisableNtfsPermissionChecks();      // turn it off again

The Permissions type is a typedef for QFlags <Permission>. It stores an OR combination of Permission values.


[virtual noexcept] QFileDevice:: ~QFileDevice ()


[override virtual] bool QFileDevice:: atEnd () const

重实现: QIODevice::atEnd() const .

返回 true 若到达 EOF (文件末尾);否则返回 false。

对于 Unix 中的常规空文件 (如那些在 /proc ),此函数返回 true , since the file system reports that the size of such a file is 0. Therefore, you should not depend on atEnd() when reading data from such a file, but rather call read () until no more data can be read.

[override virtual] void QFileDevice:: close ()

重实现: QIODevice::close ().

调用 QFileDevice::flush () and closes the file. Errors from flush are ignored.

另请参阅 QIODevice::close ().

QFileDevice::FileError QFileDevice:: error () const


I/O 设备状态返回错误代码。例如,若 open () 返回 false , or a read/write operation returns -1, this function can be called to find out the reason why the operation failed.

另请参阅 unsetError ().

[virtual] QString QFileDevice:: fileName () const

Returns the name of the file. The default implementation in QFileDevice 返回 null 字符串。

QDateTime QFileDevice:: fileTime ( QFileDevice::FileTime time ) const

Returns the file time specified by time . If the time cannot be determined return QDateTime() (an invalid date time).

另请参阅 setFileTime (), FileTime ,和 QDateTime::isValid ().

bool QFileDevice:: flush ()

将任何缓冲数据刷新到文件。返回 true 若成功;否则返回 false .

int QFileDevice:: handle () const


这是小正整数,适合用于 C 库函数,譬如 fdopen() and fcntl() . On systems that use file descriptors for sockets (i.e. Unix systems, but not Windows) the handle can be used with QSocketNotifier as well.

若文件未被打开,或存在错误,handle() 返回 -1。

另请参阅 QSocketNotifier .

[override virtual] bool QFileDevice:: isSequential () const

重实现: QIODevice::isSequential() const .

返回 true 若只能按顺序操纵文件;否则返回 false .


另请参阅 QIODevice::isSequential ().

uchar *QFileDevice:: map ( qint64 offset , qint64 size , QFileDevice::MemoryMapFlags flags = NoOptions)

映射 size bytes of the file into memory starting at offset . A file should be open for a map to succeed but the file does not need to stay open after the memory has been mapped. When the QFile is destroyed or a new file is opened with this object, any maps that have not been unmapped will automatically be unmapped.

The mapping will have the same open mode as the file (read and/or write), except when using MapPrivateOption , in which case it is always possible to write to the mapped memory.

Any mapping options can be passed through flags .

Returns a pointer to the memory or nullptr if there is an error.

另请参阅 unmap ().

[virtual] QFileDevice::Permissions QFileDevice:: permissions () const

Returns the complete OR-ed together combination of QFile::Permission for the file.

另请参阅 setPermissions ().

[override virtual] qint64 QFileDevice:: pos () const

重实现: QIODevice::pos() const .

[override virtual protected] qint64 QFileDevice:: readData ( char * data , qint64 len )

重实现: QIODevice::readData (char *data, qint64 maxSize).

[override virtual protected] qint64 QFileDevice:: readLineData ( char * data , qint64 maxlen )

重实现: QIODevice::readLineData (char *data, qint64 maxSize).

[virtual] bool QFileDevice:: resize ( qint64 sz )

设置文件大小 (以字节为单位) sz 。返回 true if the resize succeeds; false otherwise. If sz is larger than the file currently is, the new bytes will be set to 0; if sz is smaller, the file is simply truncated.

警告: 此函数可能失败,若文件不存在。

另请参阅 size ().

[override virtual] bool QFileDevice:: seek ( qint64 pos )

重实现: QIODevice::seek (qint64 pos).

对于随机访问设备,此函数将当前位置设为 pos , returning true on success, or false if an error occurred. For sequential devices, the default behavior is to do nothing and return false.

Seeking beyond the end of a file: If the position is beyond the end of a file, then seek() will not immediately extend the file. If a write is performed at this position, then the file will be extended. The content of the file between the previous end of file and the newly written data is UNDEFINED and varies between platforms and file systems.

bool QFileDevice:: setFileTime (const QDateTime & newDate , QFileDevice::FileTime fileTime )

Sets the file time specified by fileTime to newDate , returning true if successful; otherwise returns false.

注意: The file must be open to use this function.

另请参阅 fileTime () 和 FileTime .

[virtual] bool QFileDevice:: setPermissions ( QFileDevice::Permissions permissions )

将文件权限设为 permissions 指定。返回 true 若成功,或 false 若权限不能被修改。

警告: 此函数不操纵 ACL (访问控制列表),这可能限制其有效性。

另请参阅 permissions ().

[override virtual] qint64 QFileDevice:: size () const

重实现: QIODevice::size() const .


对于 Unix 中的常规空文件 (如那些在 /proc ), this function returns 0; the contents of such a file are generated on demand in response to you calling read ().

bool QFileDevice:: unmap ( uchar * address )

取消映射内存 address .

返回 true 若取消映射成功;否则 false。

另请参阅 map ().

void QFileDevice:: unsetError ()

把文件的错误设为 QFileDevice::NoError .

另请参阅 error ().

[override virtual protected] qint64 QFileDevice:: writeData (const char * data , qint64 len )

重实现: QIODevice::writeData (const char *data, qint64 maxSize).