QAudioDecoder 类

QAudioDecoder 类实现解码音频。 更多...

头: #include <QAudioDecoder>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Multimedia)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Multimedia)
qmake: QT += multimedia
继承: QObject
Status: Preliminary



enum Error { NoError, ResourceError, FormatError, AccessDeniedError, NotSupportedError }



QAudioDecoder (QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QAudioDecoder ()
QAudioFormat audioFormat () const
bool bufferAvailable () const
qint64 duration () const
QAudioDecoder::Error error () const
QString errorString () const
bool isDecoding () const
bool isSupported () const
qint64 position () const
QAudioBuffer read () const
void setAudioFormat (const QAudioFormat & format )
void setSource (const QUrl & fileName )
void setSourceDevice (QIODevice * device )
QUrl source () const
QIODevice * sourceDevice () const


void start ()
void stop ()


void bufferAvailableChanged (bool available )
void bufferReady ()
void durationChanged (qint64 duration )
void error (QAudioDecoder::Error error )
void finished ()
void formatChanged (const QAudioFormat & format )
void isDecodingChanged (bool)
void positionChanged (qint64 position )
void sourceChanged ()


The QAudioDecoder class is a high level class for decoding audio media files. It is similar to the QMediaPlayer class except that audio is provided back through this API rather than routed directly to audio hardware.

另请参阅 QAudioBuffer .


enum QAudioDecoder:: Error


常量 描述
QAudioDecoder::NoError 0 没有出现错误。
QAudioDecoder::ResourceError 1 无法解析媒体资源。
QAudioDecoder::FormatError 2 媒体资源格式不支持。
QAudioDecoder::AccessDeniedError 3 没有适当权限来播放媒体资源。
QAudioDecoder::NotSupportedError 4 QAudioDecoder 不支持在此平台


[read-only] bufferAvailable : const bool

This property holds whether there is a decoded audio buffer available


bool bufferAvailable () const


void bufferAvailableChanged (bool available )

[read-only] error : const QString

Returns a human readable description of the current error, or an empty string is there is no error.


QString errorString () const

[read-only] isDecoding : const bool

true if the decoder is currently running and decoding audio data.


bool isDecoding () const


void isDecodingChanged (bool)

source : QUrl

This property holds the active filename being decoded by the decoder object.


QUrl source () const
void setSource (const QUrl & fileName )


void sourceChanged ()


[explicit] QAudioDecoder:: QAudioDecoder ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

构造 QAudioDecoder 实例采用 parent .

[virtual noexcept] QAudioDecoder:: ~QAudioDecoder ()


QAudioFormat QAudioDecoder:: audioFormat () const

Returns the audio format the decoder is set to.

注意: This may be different than the format of the decoded samples, if the audio format was set to an invalid one.

另请参阅 setAudioFormat () 和 formatChanged ().

bool QAudioDecoder:: bufferAvailable () const

Returns true if a buffer is available to be read, and false otherwise. If there is no buffer available, calling the read () function will return an invalid buffer.

注意: Getter 函数对于特性 bufferAvailable。

[signal] void QAudioDecoder:: bufferAvailableChanged ( bool available )

Signals the availability (if available is true) of a new buffer.

available is false, there are no buffers available.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 bufferAvailable .

另请参阅 bufferAvailable () 和 bufferReady ().

[signal] void QAudioDecoder:: bufferReady ()

Signals that a new decoded audio buffer is available to be read.

另请参阅 read () 和 bufferAvailable ().

qint64 QAudioDecoder:: duration () const

Returns total duration (in milliseconds) of the audio stream or -1 if not available.

[signal] void QAudioDecoder:: durationChanged ( qint64 duration )

Signals that the estimated duration of the decoded data has changed.

另请参阅 positionChanged ().

QAudioDecoder::Error QAudioDecoder:: error () const

Returns the current error state of the QAudioDecoder .

[signal] void QAudioDecoder:: error ( QAudioDecoder::Error error )

Signals that an error 条件已发生。

注意: 信号 error 在此类中被重载。通过使用函数指针句法连接到此信号,Qt 提供用于获得如此范例展示的函数指针的方便帮助程序:

connect(audioDecoder, QOverload<QAudioDecoder::Error>::of(&QAudioDecoder::error),
    [=](QAudioDecoder::Error error){ /* ... */ });

另请参阅 errorString ().

[signal] void QAudioDecoder:: finished ()

Signals that the decoding has finished successfully. If decoding fails, error signal is emitted instead.

另请参阅 start (), stop (),和 error ().

[signal] void QAudioDecoder:: formatChanged (const QAudioFormat & format )

Signals that the current audio format of the decoder has changed to format .

另请参阅 audioFormat () 和 setAudioFormat ().

bool QAudioDecoder:: isSupported () const

Returns true is audio decoding is supported on this platform.

qint64 QAudioDecoder:: position () const

Returns position (in milliseconds) of the last buffer read from the decoder or -1 if no buffers have been read.

[signal] void QAudioDecoder:: positionChanged ( qint64 position )

Signals that the current position of the decoder has changed.

另请参阅 durationChanged ().

QAudioBuffer QAudioDecoder:: read () const

Read a buffer from the decoder, if one is available. Returns an invalid buffer if there are no decoded buffers currently available, or on failure. In both cases this function will not block.

You should either respond to the bufferReady () signal or check the bufferAvailable () function before calling read() to make sure you get useful data.

void QAudioDecoder:: setAudioFormat (const QAudioFormat & format )

Set the desired audio format for decoded samples to format .

This property can only be set while the decoder is stopped. Setting this property at other times will be ignored.

If the decoder does not support this format, error () will be set to FormatError .

If you do not specify a format, the format of the decoded audio itself will be used. Otherwise, some format conversion will be applied.

If you wish to reset the decoded format to that of the original audio file, you can specify an invalid format .

警告: Setting a desired audio format is not yet supported on the Android backend. It does work with the default FFMPEG backend.

另请参阅 audioFormat ().

void QAudioDecoder:: setSource (const QUrl & fileName )

Sets the current audio file name to fileName .

When this property is set any current decoding is stopped, and any audio buffers are discarded.

You can only specify either a source filename or a source QIODevice . Setting one will unset the other.

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 source .

另请参阅 source ().

void QAudioDecoder:: setSourceDevice ( QIODevice * device )

设置当前音频 QIODevice to device .

When this property is set any current decoding is stopped, and any audio buffers are discarded.

You can only specify either a source filename or a source QIODevice . Setting one will unset the other.

另请参阅 sourceDevice ().

QUrl QAudioDecoder:: source () const

Returns the current file name to decode. If setSourceDevice was called, this will be empty.

注意: Getter 函数对于特性 source。

另请参阅 setSource ().

[signal] void QAudioDecoder:: sourceChanged ()

Signals that the current source of the decoder has changed.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 source .

另请参阅 source () 和 sourceDevice ().

QIODevice *QAudioDecoder:: sourceDevice () const

返回当前源 QIODevice , if one was set. If setSource () was called, this will be a nullptr.

另请参阅 setSourceDevice ().

[slot] void QAudioDecoder:: start ()


As data gets decoded, the bufferReady () signal will be emitted when enough data has been decoded. Calling read () will then return an audio buffer without blocking.

若调用 read () before a buffer is ready, an invalid buffer will be returned, again without blocking.

另请参阅 read ().

[slot] void QAudioDecoder:: stop ()

停止解码音频。调用 start () again will resume decoding from the beginning.