QAbstractBarSeries 类

QAbstractBarSeries 类是用于所有条形系列类的抽象父级类。 更多...

头: #include <QAbstractBarSeries>
实例化: AbstractBarSeries
继承: QAbstractSeries

QBarSeries , QHorizontalBarSeries , QHorizontalPercentBarSeries , QHorizontalStackedBarSeries , QPercentBarSeries ,和 QStackedBarSeries


enum LabelsPosition { LabelsCenter, LabelsInsideEnd, LabelsInsideBase, LabelsOutsideEnd }



virtual ~QAbstractBarSeries ()
bool append (QBarSet * set )
bool append (const QList<QBarSet *> & sets )
QList<QBarSet *> barSets () const
qreal barWidth () const
void clear ()
int count () const
bool insert (int index , QBarSet * set )
bool isLabelsVisible () const
qreal labelsAngle () const
QString labelsFormat () const
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition labelsPosition () const
int labelsPrecision () const
bool remove (QBarSet * set )
void setBarWidth (qreal width )
void setLabelsAngle (qreal angle )
void setLabelsFormat (const QString & format )
void setLabelsPosition (QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position )
void setLabelsPrecision (int precision )
void setLabelsVisible (bool visible = true)
bool take (QBarSet * set )


void barsetsAdded (const QList<QBarSet *> & sets )
void barsetsRemoved (const QList<QBarSet *> & sets )
void clicked (int index , QBarSet * barset )
void countChanged ()
void doubleClicked (int index , QBarSet * barset )
void hovered (bool status , int index , QBarSet * barset )
void labelsAngleChanged (qreal angle )
void labelsFormatChanged (const QString & format )
void labelsPositionChanged (QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position )
void labelsPrecisionChanged (int precision )
void labelsVisibleChanged ()
void pressed (int index , QBarSet * barset )
void released (int index , QBarSet * barset )



QValueAxis 被使用而不是 QBarCategoryAxis 对于主条形轴,条形围绕类别的索引值分组。

Charts with Widgets Gallery 学习如何使用 QBarSeries 类创建简单条形图表。

另请参阅 QBarSet , QBarSeries , QStackedBarSeries , QPercentBarSeries , QHorizontalBarSeries , QHorizontalStackedBarSeries ,和 QHorizontalPercentBarSeries .


enum QAbstractBarSeries:: LabelsPosition


常量 描述
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsCenter 0 Label is located in the center of the bar.
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsInsideEnd 1 Label is located inside the bar at the top.
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsInsideBase 2 Label is located inside the bar at the bottom.
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsOutsideEnd 3 Label is located outside the bar at the top.


barWidth : qreal


宽度单位是 X 轴的单位。条形的最小宽度为 0,且负值被视为 0。将宽度设为 0 意味着屏幕中的条形宽度为 1 像素,不管 X 轴的刻度。宽于 0 的条形按 X 轴的刻度比例缩放。

注意: 当用于 QBarSeries ,此值指定一组条形的宽度,而不是单个条形的宽度。


qreal barWidth () const
void setBarWidth (qreal width )

另请参阅 QBarSeries .

[read-only] count : const int

This property holds the number of bar sets in a bar series.


int count () const


void countChanged ()

labelsAngle : qreal

This property holds the angle of the value labels in degrees.


qreal labelsAngle () const
void setLabelsAngle (qreal angle )


void labelsAngleChanged (qreal angle )

labelsFormat : QString

This property holds the format used for showing labels in a bar series.

QAbstractBarSeries 支持以下格式标签:

@value The value of the bar

For example, the following usage of the format tags would produce labels that show the value followed by the unit (u):

series->setLabelsFormat("@value u");

By default, the labels show the value of the bar. For the percent bar series, % is added after the value. The labels are shown on the plot area, if the bars are close to each other, the labels may overlap.


QString labelsFormat () const
void setLabelsFormat (const QString & format )


void labelsFormatChanged (const QString & format )

另请参阅 labelsVisible , labelsPosition ,和 labelsPrecision .

labelsPosition : LabelsPosition



QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition labelsPosition () const
void setLabelsPosition (QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position )


void labelsPositionChanged (QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position )

另请参阅 labelsVisible and labelsFormat .

labelsPrecision : int

This property holds the maximum amount of significant digits shown in value labels.

默认值为 6。


int labelsPrecision () const
void setLabelsPrecision (int precision )


void labelsPrecisionChanged (int precision )

labelsVisible : bool

This property holds the visibility of the labels in a bar series.


bool isLabelsVisible () const
void setLabelsVisible (bool visible = true)


void labelsVisibleChanged ()


[virtual noexcept] QAbstractBarSeries:: ~QAbstractBarSeries ()

Removes the abstract bar series and the bar sets owned by it.

bool QAbstractBarSeries:: append ( QBarSet * set )

Adds a set of bars specified by set to the bar series and takes ownership of it. If the set is null or it already belongs to the series, it will not be appended. Returns true if appending succeeded.

bool QAbstractBarSeries:: append (const QList < QBarSet *> & sets )

Adds a list of bar sets specified by sets to a bar series and takes ownership of the sets. Returns true if all sets were appended successfully. If any of the sets is null or was previously appended to the series, nothing is appended and this function returns false . If any of the sets appears in the list more than once, nothing is appended and this function returns false .

QList < QBarSet *> QAbstractBarSeries:: barSets () const

Returns a list of bar sets in a bar series. Keeps the ownership of the bar sets.

qreal QAbstractBarSeries:: barWidth () const


注意: Getter 函数对于特性 barWidth。

另请参阅 setBarWidth ().

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: barsetsAdded (const QList < QBarSet *> & sets )

This signal is emitted when the bar sets specified by sets are added to the series.

另请参阅 append () 和 insert ().

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: barsetsRemoved (const QList < QBarSet *> & sets )

This signal is emitted when the bar sets specified by sets are removed from the series.

另请参阅 remove ().

void QAbstractBarSeries:: clear ()

Removes all bar sets from the series and permanently deletes them.

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: clicked ( int index , QBarSet * barset )

This signal is emitted when the user clicks the bar specified by index in the bar set specified by barset .

int QAbstractBarSeries:: count () const


注意: Getter 函数对于特性 count。

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: countChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the number of bar sets is changed, for example by append () 或 remove ().

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 count .

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: doubleClicked ( int index , QBarSet * barset )

This signal is emitted when the user double-clicks the bar specified by index in the bar set specified by barset .

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: hovered ( bool status , int index , QBarSet * barset )

This signal is emitted when a mouse is hovered over the bar specified by index in the bar set specified by barset . When the mouse moves over the bar, status turns true , and when the mouse moves away again, it turns false .

bool QAbstractBarSeries:: insert ( int index , QBarSet * set )

Inserts a bar set specified by set to a series at the position specified by index and takes ownership of the set. If the set is null or already belongs to the series, it will not be appended. Returns true if inserting succeeds.

bool QAbstractBarSeries:: isLabelsVisible () const


注意: Getter 函数对于特性 labelsVisible .

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: labelsAngleChanged ( qreal angle )

此信号被发射当 angle of the value labels changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 labelsAngle .

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: labelsFormatChanged (const QString & format )

此信号被发射当 format of data value labels changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 labelsFormat .

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: labelsPositionChanged ( QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position )

此信号被发射当 position of value labels changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 labelsPosition .

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: labelsPrecisionChanged ( int precision )

此信号被发射当 precision of the value labels changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 labelsPrecision .

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: labelsVisibleChanged ()

This signal is emitted when the labels' visibility changes.

注意: 通知程序信号对于特性 labelsVisible .

另请参阅 isLabelsVisible () 和 setLabelsVisible ().

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: pressed ( int index , QBarSet * barset )

This signal is emitted when the user clicks the bar specified by index in the bar set specified by barset and holds down the mouse button.

[signal] void QAbstractBarSeries:: released ( int index , QBarSet * barset )

This signal is emitted when the user releases the mouse press on the bar specified by index in the bar set specified by barset .

bool QAbstractBarSeries:: remove ( QBarSet * set )

Removes the bar set specified by set from the series and permanently deletes it if the removal succeeds. Returns true 若集被移除。

void QAbstractBarSeries:: setBarWidth ( qreal width )

将系列条形的宽度设为 width .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 barWidth .

另请参阅 barWidth ().

void QAbstractBarSeries:: setLabelsVisible ( bool visible = true)

将条形系列中标签的可见性设为 visible .

注意: Setter 函数对于特性 labelsVisible .

另请参阅 isLabelsVisible ().

bool QAbstractBarSeries:: take ( QBarSet * set )

拿取单个 set 从系列。不删除条形集对象。

注意: The series remains the barset's parent object. You must set the parent object to take full ownership.

返回 true 若 take 操作成功。