Q3DInputHandler 类

基于滚轮鼠标的基本输入处理程序。 更多...

头: #include <Q3DInputHandler>
CMake: find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Graphs)
target_link_libraries(mytarget PRIVATE Qt6::Graphs)
qmake: QT += graphs
实例化: InputHandler3D
继承: QAbstract3DInputHandler


Status: Technical Preview



Q3DInputHandler (QObject * parent = nullptr)
virtual ~Q3DInputHandler ()
bool isRotationEnabled () const
bool isSelectionEnabled () const
bool isZoomAtTargetEnabled () const
bool isZoomEnabled () const
void setRotationEnabled (bool enable )
void setSelectionEnabled (bool enable )
void setZoomAtTargetEnabled (bool enable )
void setZoomEnabled (bool enable )


virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent * event , const QPoint & mousePos ) override
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent * event , const QPoint & mousePos ) override
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent * event , const QPoint & mousePos ) override
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent * event ) override


void rotationEnabledChanged (bool enable )
void selectionEnabledChanged (bool enable )
void zoomAtTargetEnabledChanged (bool enable )
void zoomEnabledChanged (bool enable )


Q3DInputHandler is the basic input handler for wheel mouse type of input devices.

Default input handler has the following functionalty:

Mouse action 动作
Drag with right button pressed Rotate graph within limits set for Q3DCamera .
Left click Select item under cursor or remove selection if none. May open the secondary view depending on the 选定模式 .
Mouse wheel Zoom in/out within the allowable zoom range set for Q3DCamera .
Left click on the primary view when the secondary view is visible Closes the secondary view.

注意: Secondary view is available only for Q3DBars and Q3DSurface graphs.

Rotation, zoom, and selection can each be individually disabled using corresponding properties of this class.


rotationEnabled : bool

This property holds whether this input handler allows graph rotation.

默认为 true .


bool isRotationEnabled () const
void setRotationEnabled (bool enable )


void rotationEnabledChanged (bool enable )

selectionEnabled : bool

This property holds whether this input handler allows selection from the graph.

默认为 true .


bool isSelectionEnabled () const
void setSelectionEnabled (bool enable )


void selectionEnabledChanged (bool enable )

zoomAtTargetEnabled : bool

This property holds whether zooming should change the camera target so that the zoomed point of the graph stays at the same location after the zoom.

默认为 true .


bool isZoomAtTargetEnabled () const
void setZoomAtTargetEnabled (bool enable )


void zoomAtTargetEnabledChanged (bool enable )

zoomEnabled : bool

This property holds whether this input handler allows graph zooming.

默认为 true .


bool isZoomEnabled () const
void setZoomEnabled (bool enable )


void zoomEnabledChanged (bool enable )


[explicit] Q3DInputHandler:: Q3DInputHandler ( QObject * parent = nullptr)

Constructs the basic mouse input handler. An optional parent 参数可以给出,然后会被传递给 QObject 构造函数。

[virtual noexcept] Q3DInputHandler:: ~Q3DInputHandler ()

Destroys the input handler.

[override virtual] void Q3DInputHandler:: mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * event , const QPoint & mousePos )

重实现: QAbstract3DInputHandler::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QPoint &mousePos).

Override this to change handling of mouse move events. Mouse move event is given in the event and the mouse position in mousePos .

[override virtual] void Q3DInputHandler:: mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event , const QPoint & mousePos )

重实现: QAbstract3DInputHandler::mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QPoint &mousePos).

Override this to change handling of mouse press events. Mouse press event is given in the event and the mouse position in mousePos .

[override virtual] void Q3DInputHandler:: mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * event , const QPoint & mousePos )

重实现: QAbstract3DInputHandler::mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *event, const QPoint &mousePos).

Override this to change handling of mouse release events. Mouse release event is given in the event and the mouse position in mousePos .

[override virtual] void Q3DInputHandler:: wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent * event )

重实现: QAbstract3DInputHandler::wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *event).

Override this to change handling of wheel events. The wheel event is given in the event .